[Log] At Last!

Jul 15, 2006 01:00

Who: Amilin, Ayana, Delu, Harley, Jenna, Leysen, L'sen, Maja, M'wen, Rachiel, R'hin, Rilsa, Rodric, S'din, Shalyn, S'rist, Th'res
When: Unknown
Where: Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr; Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
What: High Reaches Weyr's weyrlings finally graduate.

Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
     The impressive living cavern is seemingly as large as the bowl that cradles the hatching sands. Rivers of polished wood tables and benches arrow towards a raised platform crowned with a compact version of their sturdy design. Neatly crafted pegs, some fancifully carved, are tapped into holes in the wall and support clothing dangling like lazy sleepers. Woven baskets, both useful and decorative, hang along another wall. Tiny bouquets of the first hardy flowers are crammed into jars and mugs, dotting the tables with their pastel colors and light fragrance. The faint, musty aroma of wet wool mingles with that of spice. Banners worked with the designs of Holds and Halls beholden to the weyr cascade down the walls high above, interspersed with several brilliantly colored tapestries. Drudges move briskly about the room, unlidding plentiful glow baskets to help banish the thickening dusk. The clatter of pots and pans signal the approaching evening meal.

Obvious exits:
Kitchen Bowl Lower Caverns

S'rist looks about the caverns, the growing crowd, the laden tables. "Looks like we're ready, S'din, are your charges on the way over here?"

S'din looks around with a surprised expression, "They're not here already? Well, I'm sure they'll be here soon! More wine?"

Amilin has, as usual for these affairs, found herself a glass of white wine of some vintage or the other and settled in alongside her weyrmate. The two talking quietly together as they await everyone's arrivals and Ami shamelessly uses him as a wall to try and hide behind rather than getting called up to the front.

R'hin enters the caverns, in full dress leathers, escorting Ayana. "I'm shocked. You're assuming I have some motivation behind it?" The weyrling asks, with a hand over his heat, amused. "Here we are," he gestures, as if personally introducing her to the caverns at large with a sweep of his hand. Eyes flicker towards the table at the head of the caverns, with a twitch of lips, and a wry, "I'd best go. I'll see you a bit later?" He steps away from the Igenite, moving towards his fellow weyrlings, giving a salute that seems to be an at-large-address, given the number of riders around.

S'rist nods towards S'din as he watches another crowd come into the caverns, including a knot of weyrlings. "Looks like we're good to get started." He moves over and steps up onto a chair as he raises his voice up in volume to carry across the cavern and over the idle conversations. "Good evening everyone, and a High Reaches welcome to everyone that has come to join us on this festive occasion. If you would all please find a spot we'll get on with tonight's order of business."

S'din simply raises his cup to R'hin's salute and shuffles away from S'rist to the side, knowing full well he'll be called up soon and seeming to enjoy every one of it.

L'sen ambles into the living cavern in usual good mood, one of his wingmates with him and being subjected to some sort of story involving many expansive gestures on the part of the bluerider. L'sen does, at least, shut up when the Weyrleader stands to speak, and scoot into a seat himself.

Jenna enters with Rodric, the pair nodding politely and passing along quiet duties. As S'rist calls for order, they settle unobtrusively at a table. The Harper starts quietly unpacking instruments.

Ayana walks in on R'hin's arm, a wry and amused grin on her face. "Motivation is a good thing," she comments to him upon entering looking about the cavern quickly. She nods to him, "Thanks for the escort. I'll see you." she gives him arm a squeeze before letting him go. Looking around now for a seat, she brightens when she finds L'sen and moves over to sit by him. "Hey," she nearly whispers before she would have to quiet.

Harley slips into the cavern quietly and moves quickly to a table near the kitchens and sits down.

Rilsa takes her place nearby, watching the weyrlings line up. Some weyrlings get a nod of approval while others just get passive looks before she turns to look and listen to the Weyrleader.

M'wen walks into the caverns, following a small contingent of weyrlings. Walking over to where the others are standing, he gives a nod to his fellow weyrlings as well as a small salute towards the S'din, even though its doubtful to be seen.

S'din, as watchful as ever, somehow catches M'wen's salute and gives him a smile and a raised winecup (in salute...not to drink)

"Hey!" L'sen tells Ayana happily, in a voice a little too loud for the sudden silence falling across the room. He wrinkles his nose good-naturedly at a shush from another nearby person, glancing at the brownrider. This time, at least, he lowers his own voice to a near-whisper. "What're you doing up this way? Come to see me? It's been a while. You bring Delu? Bayan ran off and left me--I haven't seen him in, like, months."

S'rist waits for a bit to watch the crowd settle down before he continues. "Tonight we're here to celebrate the completion of weyrling training by a number of riders from Jenryth and Corineth's clutch of last turn. The duties of a rider in these days is not quite as dangerous as it once was, but the responsibilities paced upon us for future generations are not lessened by it. In truth, they are increased, for we have an obligation to future generations. I can say that I believe the riders that have completed their training are ready to take up that task, one that will last them a lifetime of learning, refining, and finally teaching the next generation to follow us."

Jenna's head turns towards L'sen, eyebrows arching at the 'Hey!'. Realizing he wasn't speaking to her, she glances to Ayana. As she overhears 'Bayan', though, she looks back at the bluerider with another spark of interest. This before S'rist's words captre her attention. Her eyes tighten faintly at his words, though the rest of her expression is politely neutral and interested in the goings on.

R'hin's gaze drifts around the caverns for a while, noting familiar faces, but pale eyes focus on the Weyrleader as the bronze weyrling catches the speech, shoulders straightening imperceptibly. His expression, if anything, is a little guarded, glancing briefly towards M'wen, lips twitching briefly as he nods towards his Wingleader.

Rodric continues the quiet business of setting up instruments, nodding to an apprentice who brings over a bound scroll. The Harper peruses said scroll briefly, before stowing it away out of sight and lends his attention to the proceedings, with all appearance of congenial interest.

S'rist continues a bit more, winding down though as he doesn't seem to be up for a really big speech. Either that or the tables laden down with the first hints of what will be quite a celebratory feast are encouraging him not to be long winded. "And so I would like to thank them for their efforts in preparing for what will be a life of service to Pern. Now I would like to call upon our weyrlingmaster, S'din to say a few words about this latest class to complete under his charge."

When L'sen is shushed, Ayana bites back laughter. She shakes her head at him and leans over to lower her voice at him, "I was invtited," she answers with a wink. "And seeing you is a bonus, ofcourse." She pauses, "No, Delu isn't here...she might come, but I'm not so sure..." She straightens for S'rist's speech, only giving L'sen a pointed look on the mention of her rogue brother's whereabouts.

L'sen, ignorant of Jenna's gaze, continues cheerfully to Ayana, "Really? By who? What's up with Delu?" But then, even he falls silent at the woman's glance toward speech-makers, and he glances curiously that way to listen for however long he can keep his mouth shut.

Amilin, having claimed her own seat at the start, has settled in to quietly listen. A few sips from her glass, the occasional soft word whispered to her weyrmate and then a slight smirk given at the reply. She's quick, how ever to erade that expression and with an interested expression and a smile for those who look her way she politely listening once more.

S'din strolls eaily up to the front of the assemblage, depositing his now-empty winecup on a passing drudge's tray without she being one whit the wiser. He turns to face the Wyerlings and says, "Over two turns ago, I first saw you all. A more sorry lot I've rarely seen as you all were hauled into the Weyr by the search dragons. And when you Impressed, I didn't see much hope for the future of High Reaches Weyr." He pauses, mostly for effect, then adds, "But I have to say you've surprised me most pleasantly."

Harley sits on the bench near the kitchen, rocking a little with a quick glance at the sleeping baby, making sure he's still sleeping. She returns her attention to S'rist after looking about the cavern to see who is sitting or standing where.

R'hin's expression remains unchanged throughout the Weyrlingmaster's speech, guarded and polite to a fault. Unlike some of his fellow weyrlings, there's no visible sense of restless excitement at the prospect of graduation, or S'din's words.

With a casual glance over at R'hin, Ayana grins at L'sen and leans over to whisper, "I'll tell you later." She stays quiet for a moment as she pays attention to S'din.

Jenna leans to murmur something quietly to Rodric, keeping her eyes politely on S'din.

S'din slowly smiles and says, "You all had a lot of promise when you first stepped off the hatching sands almost two turns ago. And now, at last, you are fulfilling that promise." He extends a hand toward S'rist, "And now you are about to step across that final threshhold. Just one more step and you will be truly Dragonriders of Pern! And so, to all of you, I make a toast!" An unfortunate drudge passing by is once again divested of a goblet of red wine which S'din lifts into the air in a grand gesture, "Here's to the newest Dragonriders of Pern!"

S'rist reaches back for his goblet as well, joining in the toast, "To the new dragonriders!" and then taking a healthy swallow of wine to seal it.

S'din tips his head back and takes a long, long drink, seemingly nearly finishing the goblet off. he then winks at his audience and deadpans, "After this lot, I need it!" before stepping away from the front and nodding to S'rist, surrendering the floor to him once more.

Jenna erps softly, casting around hurriedly for a cup even as she echoes the toast without one. Embarassed and flushing faintly, she finally flags a drudge down to get one.

Amilin's glass is soon uplifted along with many others as she responds with, "To our newest dragonriders!" And with a chuckle for S'din's words she smiles his way and takes a long drink herself.

Rodric leans forward a little to catch Jenna's words and then nods, casting the weyrwoman a grin. "It's always good to see a new set of riders earning their knots." He sits up a bit straighter as the Weyrlingmaster and Weyrleader make their toasts and helps himself from the tray that arrives in response to Jenna's flagging and lifts it high. "To the new riders!" he echoes in a bright, booming voice.

Harley blinks as she realizes she hadn't grabbed anything to drink, never mind a glass of wine. A quick glance around shows wine glasses quickly being passed around and she reaches a long arm out to snag one off the tray as the nearest drudge comes out of the kitchens, lifting it first, then taking a hasty sip.

L'sen just beams at Ayana, nodding quickly before he returns attention to the front of the room. He skims the weyrlings quickly, grinning at them as well--even daring a little wave when a couple of them glance over him. The toast completely catchs him off guard; he blinks in befuddlement and only belatedly his his hand, completely without glass.

Rachiel hurriedly steps into the room, and stops abruptly when she realizes that S'din's just finished his speech. She cheerfully echoes everybody, and blushes before she realizes that she's not the only one in the room who doesn't have a cup.

Ayana looks about for a glass a wine, looking to L'sen as though he may have one hiding. Seeing as he's without, she tries to wave over a drudge before the toast ends.

Jenna cheerfully sends the drudge towards Ayana and L'sen, giving them a faintly sympathetic grin. After all, she was just in their shoes.

S'rist moves back up onto his chair as he takes a second swallow of his wine. "Thank you S'din, and now I would ask Weyrsecond Rilsa to come up and assist me in exchanging knots for those weyrlings that are recognized as riders going forward from this day. If you would come forward when you are named."

There's a slight murmuring amongst the weyrlings at the toast, R'hin glancing sidelong at some of his clutchmates. For his part, the bronze weyrling settles for peering out over the crowd, as if seeking out someone in particular.

Rilsa smiles and sets her drink aside. She picks up a nicely-carved box sitting on a nearby table and quietly joins S'rist at the front of the cavern.

When the drudge approaches, L'sen happily accepts a glass for himself, taking a deep swig of it before offering his benefactor Jenna a broad smile. Then, back to the weyrlings. Noting R'hin's gaze wandering, he waves again, at least somewhat discreetly.

Ayana takes a glass of wine from the drudge and elbows L'sen in the process. She takes a swig before her eyes roam over the weyrlings slowly and with interest.

A few weyrlings stand up straighter at the toast. A young bluerider is smiling broadly, his eyes suspiciously red.

After a few moments, R'hin catches sight of L'sen's wave and, with a dramatic exhale, puts a hand over his heart in a posture of utter, deliberate absurdity. A nudge from the sharp elbow of Priya next to him brings the bronze weyrling's attention back to the front, eyes following Rilsa with interest.

"Oof." L'sen can't help the muffled exclamation when Ayana's elbow connects with his ribs. He casts a forgiving smile at her, then, before grinning up at R'hin's gesture as well, good mood as irrepressible as ever.

S'rist lets his eyes look over the crowd again before he calls out, "M'wen, rider of brown Maxeoth, front and center!" He glances over towards his second, to make sure, belatedly, that she's ready to start swapping out knots when the new riders approach.

Rilsa stands next to her Weyrleader, box in hand, opened to make the switch. As the Flurry Wingleader is called, she reaches in to take out the knot of a full 'Reachian rider to hand to S'rist when he is ready for it.

Harley can just see R'hin from where she is and she can't help shaking her head with a wry smile. L'sen is easily spotted. She goes back to splitting her attention between the baby and the ceremony.

Ayana grins at R'hin's gesture to L'sen and returns the bluerider's smile briefly. Once S'rist starts announcing the weyrlings, her eyes stray back to the front with rapt interest.

M'wen stands up, a grin easily visible on his face. Striding confidantly up to the weyrleader, he excuses himself briefly upon accidentally bumping one of the other weyrlings. Arriving at his destination, he throws a sharp salute and waits for the knot.

Jenna murmurs quietly back and forth with Rodric, even as she watches the ceremony taking place.

S'din stands off to the side, his job done with this group. He gives M'wen a nod of approval as he approaches with confidence and shows a polished front.

S'rist returns the salute crisply, then takes the knot from Rilsa and offers it in his left hand, while reaching for a clasp with his right. "Congratulations M'wen and Maxeoth."

Rilsa smiles, offering her own congratulations. The salute, however, is returned the moment the knot is taken from her hand.

R'hin, of course, really can't help himself; lips twitch briefly and, as M'wen is given his new knot, says pointedly to those nearby, "Let's hear it for our Wingleader!" He starts clapping loudly, his enthusiasm enough to encourage the other weyrlings to break out in applause.

Maja claps for M'wen, and although isn't working herself into a sweat over it, does look genuinely happy for the brownrider.

It doesn't really take any encouragement at all for L'sen to start clapping, even cheering aloud for the new-made rider. "Go M'wen!" he yells enthusiastically.

Rodric applauds as the weyrlings receive their new knots and continues to carry on the quiet exchange of comments with his companion, though he also makes some strange, likely incomprehensible signals to the other harpers who have accompanied him that evening.

Amilin's glass long since finished and set aside to free her hands, she too joins in on the applause for M'wen's accomplishment.

The back group of weyrlings start to stop their feet, chanting, "M'wen! M'wen! M'wen!" From there, the wave of stomping starts to move to the front of the weyrling group. Even the guests nearby start to join in.

Ayana starts clapping right along with everyone, rolling her eyes over at L'sen's enthusiasm.

Maja widens her eyes at the sudden excitement, and is only pushed to smile even broader and clap ever so much faster.

Rachiel starts to smile and joins in on the clapping, her smile growing bigger by the second. She opens her mouth to say something, and instead lets out a laugh.

Once the knot is in place, M'wen nods to the Weyrleader, the gratitude evident in his expression. Turning around to face the crowd, he gives an almost imperceptible nod to the gathered, then drops his head, in what almost looks like slight embarrassment. Turning back to the weyrleader he gestures lightly with his head, wondering whether to return to his seat.

Rilsa flicks her fingers to move her hair from her eyes before reaching into the box to obtain the next knot for the next graduate that will be called up soon.

Harley manages to clap lightly against the hand holding the baby. He stirs at all the noise going on about him and she watches, waiting for him to wake up and fuss. But he goes right back to sleep with a soft baby sound.

S'rist gives a bit of a nod towards M'wen and then waits for him to get mostly back to his seat before he calls out, "Maja, rider of brown Vesereth, front and center!" This time reaching over to get the knot from Rilsa before the new rider can reach the front.

Maja stands up, maneuvering around various weyrlings. Her face is serious--no excitement is evident, except perhaps that twitch of a lip she lets escape in R'hin's diretion. She salutes S'rist once she reaches him, her other hand folded behind her back.

S'rist returns the salute sharply, then with a grin offers the knot and his hand for a clasp, "Congratulations Maja and Vesereth."

L'sen's cheers for M'wen rapidly segue into equally effusive ones for Maja, grinning at the diminishing group of weyrlings at the front.

"Go Wingsecond!" R'hin isn't about to let the momentum that's built up fade out, raising his voice a little over the noise in the cavern as he continues to clap, pale eyes tracking Maja's progress towards the front. He seems pleased with the reaction the brownrider gives him, however small.

Ayana claps for Maja, though her eyes take on an interested glint as she leans forward a bit. "So, that's Maja..." she mumbles over to L'sen with a knowing look. R'hin gets a chuckle, the brownrider shaking her head at his behavior.

With the encouraging background noise, it becomes ever harder for Maja to contain herself, and as she reaches for the knot and the clasp she lets a full-fledged smile out for the Weyrleader to see. "Thank you." She takes what's offered, turning around to head back towards her seat.

Amilin's applause picks up again, having pauses between one former weyrling and the next. A glance sent R'hin's way earns him an amused chuckle but her attention remains predominately facing front.

Rilsa applauds as well before reaching into the box for the next rider knot. She holds it out to S'rist as she waits for the announcement.

S'rist waits for Maja to get back to her spot before he calls out, "R'hin, rider of bronze Leiventh, front and center!" With a bit of an extra bark in his tone on this one.

On hearing his name, R'hin stands promptly, turning back to his fellow weyrlings and clapping for himself deliberately to encourage them to continue - as if he expects otherwise - grin touching his lips as he finally turns and makes his way up towards the front. Stopping in front of S'rist, he offers the Weyrleader a salute, seeming to try for a solemn expression and largely failing.

L'sen glances sideways at Ayana at her quiet words, brows knitting in a 'huh' sort of look. But he shrugs it off when the next name is called, resuming his effusive cheering for R'hin.

Ayana grins widely once R'hin is called, clapping louder than usual as she glances briefly at L'sen. "Later," she just quips to the bluerider again.

S'rist returns the salute, putting on an expression solemn enough for two. Then he takes the knot from Rilsa and offers it to R'hin as well as his right arm for a clasp. "Congratulations R'hin and Leiventh."

M'wen claps loudly, more forcefuly then nessecary for R'hin upon noticing the other weyrlings lag a bit in their applause. "Go R'hin!" He shouts, Not to overdue it, but loud enough to be heard.

Rilsa offers her own soft congratulations before reaching into the box for the next knot.

Harley claps though she can't make half the noise most of the others make. The baby she's holding sleeps through it all, the noise not even getting a twitch out of him.

Maja claps, that large smile still plastered on her face. "Congratulations," says she, although most likely too soft for anyone but those around to hear. "Congratulations, R'hin."

"Sir," R'hin returns, with a nod of head as he accepts the knot from S'rist, handshake firm. With another nod towards Rilsa, he returns to join his fellow clutchmates.

Amilin's applause is once again extended, just the same as before as she watches yet another of her charges gain the recognition of their accomplishment.

Shalyn is sitting in the back of the crowed room wearing a loose robe and holding a small bundle in her arms, when she spies a certain face in the crowd she carefully lifts one arm and waves towards him.

S'rist waits till R'hin gets back to his spot. Then he looks over towards S'din, "If I'm not mistaken, the new riders have prepared a demonstration of their hard earned skills and abilities. If everyone will please proceed out into the bowl, we will move forward with this and let our hard working kitchen staff get the celebratory feast ready for us when we return."

Jenna hangs back, apparently in a hushed, though animated conversation with Rodric, using the cover of the movement towards the bowl to hide it.

S'din smiles and waves an arm, hefting as well his newly-refilled goblet and says, "Come on! Let's see what they have to show us!"

Th'res sneaks into the back of the room, clapping when appluase is due, but mostly searching. After a bit of leaning on a back wall, he sees Shalyn and worms his way to sit down next to her.

L'sen hops up at once, finishing his drink and leaving the glass on the table while he hurries out, gesturing for Ayana to come with him.

Maja follows the rest of the weyrlings out, nearly last in the line.

Ayana gets up, leaving her glass behind as she leaves with L'sen.

Shalyn saddles up to her weyrmate and smoochies him on the cheek, "Came back to face the music?" she teases.

R'hin stands, although he, like Maja, waits until most of the other weyrlings have preceded him.

Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the western side of the bowl, the high crownlike spires of the Seven Spindles on the north wall tower magestically above the roughly ovoid bowl floor. Near you, a large boulder stands, placed almost exactly in the center of the bowl. This side of the bowl is busy with the constant flow of residents and visitors around the entrance to the living cavern to the southwest and the lower caverns to the west. To the north, the large opening on the upper wall leading into the hatching grounds catches your eye. Directly below it, the ground entrance to the same area seems almost tiny. Northwest, the weyrs belonging to the junior queens of High Reaches are accessible from a short set of stairs and a path of carefully laid black marble leads from them to the entrance to the living cavern. To the south, a few ground weyrs remain unoccupied, in case any visiting or injured dragons need them.
     The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior is shining brightly as a full moon while Timor winks as a waxing crescent. There seems to be a light breeze and the spring air is pleasantly warm.

Obvious exits:
LIving Cavern Lower Caverns Hatching Grounds Ground Level Guest Weyrs Eastern Bowl Floor

Force of habit ensures that R'hin checks over Leiventh's straps as he joins the bronze. That done, he glances towards M'wen, clearly taking his clue from the Flurry Wingleader with aplomb.

Maja checks Vesereth's straps as well, glancing towards M'wen with her hand perched on a D-ring and at the ready to pull herself up.

M'wen nods to his fellow weyrlings, giving his straps a last one over. Signalling to the other weyrlings to mount up, he jumps up on the back of Maxeoth.

M'wen jumps up onto Maxeoth's back, using his foreleg as a step.
M'wen has left.

R'hin clambers up onto Leiventh's back, as the dragon rumbles softly.
R'hin has left.

S'rist moves out a bit into the open so he can get a good look at the young riders as they mount up, an appraising eye moving down the row of dragons.

Maja clambers up onto Vesereth's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.
Maja has left.

Leiventh, far to the right of Maxeoth and Vesereth, barely moves as R'hin settles on his neckridges, not even a flicker of tail or sweep of wings to evoke any kind of nerves at the impending show. Once buckled securely in, the bronzerider gives the ready signal to M'wen and Maja, then watches the former for the anticipated signal.

Shalyn slowly makes her way out into the bowl and sits in a chair conviently left along the bowl wall by the entrance to the LiC.

Rilsa finds herself standing near a small group that includes Ami, S'rist and S'din. She tilts her head, watching the weyrlings mount. "Hopefully they are in control and have the show down pat."

On Maxeoth, M'wen straps in, glancing about to all the other weyrlings, making sure they are all ready. Seeing that they are, he gives the signal to launch skyward, dust spreading around the feet of the mass dragons.

Maxeoth has left.
In the sky directly above, Maxeoth launches into the sky from the ground below.

Ayana stands by L'sen, watching the weyrlings with anticipation. "We never got to do this," she seems to mumble his way.

Th'res sits down next to Shalyn, glancing at her every so often.

Leiventh has left.
In the sky directly above, Leiventh leaps into the sky from the ground below.

Vesereth jumps skyward, Maja glancing backward briefly to recheck the formation of dragons and how well they keep it.

Vesereth has left.
In the sky directly above, Vesereth rises up into the sky from the ground below.

"Hopefully they don't improvise." Ami answers in a murmur and an amused glance to the others she stands with. A new glass of wine in her hand that she sips from, from time to time.

"Oh, we did," L'sen says cheerfully to Ayana as they watch the weyrlings go up. "It was fun. You just wait, it gets good."

In the sky directly above, The dragons of Flurry Wing rise up into the cool 'Reaches sky, the larger dragons holding back slightly in order to hold a perfect line with their smaller clutchmates as they go higher. They've obviously been practicing, the sharp beats of the dragon's wings echoing in the bowl below.

S'din chuckles and says to Amilin's comment, "This group? You really think they'll be able to help themselves?"

In the sky directly above, Maxeoth beats the air hard, the rhythmic beating of the dragons vibrates throughout the bowl, all rising steadily. Checking all the dragons around him, M'wen makes a slight signal for a blue to stop veering slightly to the right. Returning his eye's upward M'wen holds on as Maxeoth's powerful wingstrokes carry then higher into the air.

In the sky directly above, Now, Leiventh seems to show some delight as crimson-draped wings spread wide to catch and hold the High Reaches air. Just little things - a slight shift of head and tilt of wings enough to expression delight in the usually physically stoic dragon as he rises in place with his fellow clutchmates.

Ayana raises an eyebrow at L'sen briefly before grinning. "I bet," she answers him with a chuckles before looking up into the sky, as though in search for someone.

In the sky directly above, Vesereth breathes in the fresh air as he rises, eyes closing for moments at a time to enjoy the performance and the flight-- he knows where he should be without much thought, and Maja will give him guidance if he slips. The brownrider glances around her as well, nodding in agreement as M'wen corrects the blue.

In the sky directly above, Positioned directly above the bowl, the ramrod-straight line formation is broken as the dragons begin moving in response to some silent signal. The Flurry Wingleader's brown dragon, at the very center of the line, hovers in place as the members of his wing sweep by on either side, altering the formation to a V shape. Oddly, the dragons that end up positioned just behind Maxeoth - traditionally the bailiwick of bronzes - are his fellow browns, including Vesereth, followed by the two bronzes of the wing, then the blues and greens.

In the sky directly above, At M'wen's hand signal, the more nimble dragons break away from the main formation, forming two smaller wings of one blue and two greens each, bracketing that of the browns and bronzes. The two smaller wings rise and fall in relative position to their stable clutchmates, agile movements conducted with visible ease, almost making it look like two giant wings flapping up and down in an expertly synchronized movement.

In the sky directly above, On Maxeoth, M'wen keeps his eyes on both sides at once, making small gestures to his riders to keep them in line. Maxeoth, leading the Browns and Bronzes keeps up the steady pace, his head swinging slightly from left to right, pointing his rider to any faults in the maneovre.

In the sky directly above, On Leiventh, R'hin leans close against the bronze's side, as much for warmth as to cut down on the wind resistance - not that Leiventh appears to be having trouble holding his position. Large wings take the sharp changes of wind created by the greens and blues with almost effortless familiarity after so much practice. The bronzerider's head turns from watching the nearby dragons to glancing to M'wen and Maja, ready to catch any further signals they give.

In the sky directly above, Vesereth tilts his head in Maxeoth's direction and then towards an errant green dragon in the left wing. The error is small and most likely unnoticable to those on the ground, but nevertheless Vesereth points it out.

In the sky directly above, The rising and falling of the two 'wings' ceases as the blues and greens fall back into line with the main formation, and the group as a whole gains altitude, looking more like tiny dots in the sky. Abruptly, all the dragons seem to scatter in opposite dragons, like an explosion, a rippled circle of dragons flowing outwards. As they reach equidistant points of the bowl, the dragons dive in concert, wings folded, rocketing directly towards the ground!

In the sky directly above, Quicker than any alarm can be given credence over the manoeuvre, the dragons' wingsails snap out, one after the other, like a blossoming of color in every direction. Angling towards a center point of the bowl, the low passing of the Flurry Wing causes ripples of wind to buffet the watching audience and the dragons both - the latter of whom use their now intimate knowledge of the vagaries of High Reaches' winds to compensate. Converging in the center, almost where they started, the dragons sweep past each other, in some cases avoiding collision by only a dragonlength - or less.

In the sky directly above, On Vesereth, Maja is very alert throughout the maneouver--her head can be seen twisting around as soon as Vesereth has cleared the swoop, checking for any accidental collisions. While she is confident, she is also wary--always wary. Vesereth simply enjoys himself.

In the sky directly above, Leiventh's side heaves with the strain of his effort as he fights the very air itself, navigating the winds close to the bowl. The cinnamon bronze's head cants as he narrowly sweeps past Priya's green with a rumble of acknowledgement, timed so that from below it appears seems they will collide. Both dragons sweep safely out the other side, however, their respective riders straightening from their hunched positions.

In the sky directly above, Maxeoth pulls out of the dive, his rider down low, to combat the wind speeds. M'wen keeps his watch on just the dragons around him, avoiding almost collisions and assuming the rest of the wing drilled enough to take the initiative in this tricky manoeuvre. Aiming towards the centre of the bowl, Maxeoth lets out a soft warble of glee, but it is drowned out by the gusts of wind created by the dragons wings.

In the sky directly above, Gaining altitude again, the dragons quickly resume their original formation, with the Flurry Wingleader at the head of the V. On some silent cue, the dragons let out a simultaneous roar, a loudly echoing sound that runs the gamut from the deepest of bassy sounds from bronze Leiventh, through to the ringing soprano tones of green Esrieth. It is, at the same time, disturbing and oddly melodic. The noise dies as one, and in the silence following, the entire wing vanishes into between, signaling the end of the show.

In the sky directly above, Maxeoth disappears into Between.

In the sky directly above, Leiventh disappears into Between.

In the sky directly above, Vesereth disappears into Between.

High in the bowl, Boskyth flies lower in the bowl, towards the western wall.

In the sky directly above, Boskyth banks and lands neatly on the ground.
Boskyth has arrived.

High in the bowl, Leiventh emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

High in the bowl, Maxeoth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Kyreth warbles a greeting to Boskyth, seeming to almost flap his wings at her.

Rilsa applauds, looking at the show with an approving eye. "That was well executed. It seems that even the worst of the group have come up to par." She glances at Ami and S'din. "Congratulations to you both." then turns to S'rist. "There will be fighting with the wings."

High in the bowl, Vesereth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

High in the bowl, Leiventh dives in the bowl, towards the western wall.

High in the bowl, Maxeoth spirals downward in the bowl, towards the western wall.

Delu slides down Boskyth's side to the ground.
Delu has arrived.

High in the bowl, Vesereth wings down in the bowl, towards the western wall.

In the sky directly above, Leiventh backwings to a neat landing on the ground.
Leiventh has arrived.

In the sky directly above, Maxeoth wings down and lands lightly on the ground.
Maxeoth has arrived.

In the sky directly above, Vesereth backwings to a neat landing on the ground.
Vesereth has arrived.

R'hin climbs down Leiventh's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.
R'hin has arrived.

M'wen climbs down Maxeoth's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a greeting.
M'wen has arrived.

Delu unhooks from Boskyth and scampers down, grinning. "Well,t hat was a sight to come out of *beweteen* to, I have to admit."

Ayana claps along with Rilsa, her approval of the show upon her face. "Well executed," she comments with a nod, close enough to be heard by L'sen. Suddenly blinking, she looks towards a green, "Glad you could make it, Delu," she says with a bright smile.

Maja hops down Vesereth's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a greeting.
Maja has arrived.

Rilsa applauds again as the weyrlings return from their aerial show. "Well done!" She calls out praise. "Quite a stunning performance. Well executed. You should be proud of yourselves." Once again, she gives a nod to S'din and Ami. "And you both deserve a round of applause for your hard work and dedication to bringing these children to adulthood with such grace."

Shalyn gives a happy cheer for the performance of the now ex-weyrlings, "Well done!"

The exhilaration of the show they've just completed is visible in R'hin's demeanor as Leiventh lands with the rest of the wing, the bronzerider dropping to the ground moments later. "Good job, Wingleader, Wingsecond," he murmurs, offering a sharp salute to M'wen and Maja, grin twitching his lips.

Th'res claps, noding saying "they were very good"

"Delu, hey!" L'sen hails the greenrider as she arrives, pausing long enough in his cheering for the weyrlings to wave at her. Then, glancing back to Ayana, he wonders, still clapping, "So what was all that about, in there?" He makes a vague gesture toward the living cavern behind them.

Delu grins and moves over to her weyrmate, giving Ayana a tight hug in greeting. "Sorry I am as late as I am, but Her Highness said she wouldn't be seen dead outside Igen with such a dull hide. So, we oiled." A voice catches her ear, and she offers L'sen a beaming smile. "L'sen, darling! How're you?"

S'din walks over to M'wen and claps him on the shoulder, "Nice display there, rider. How does it feel to be all graduated?"

S'rist applauds as the new riders return to ground, nodding towards Rilsa, "Very good display, they pulled it together well. You're right that the wingleaders will be eager to snatch up this group."

M'wen walks amoungst the once weyrlings, congratulating them all soundly for a job well done. Returning R'hins salute he says to the assembled members of the flurry wing. "You all did me proud today, every one of you deserved to graduate today, and I'm proud to say I shared a wing with all of you!", Turning around to face the weyrlingmaster, He throws him a grin, "Not to much different then before..." Then he adds, slightly quieter, "I couldn't have done it without you, Thank you for everything you've done."

Amilin's drink essentially forgotten as she holds it loosely in her fingers, but not so much so she can't lift it in a silent salute to the returning riders. For Rilsa she shares a grin, "They've had to work hard for it, to get here, but it's certainly paid off."

Rilsa grins at Ami. "And you don't have any extra grey hairs from it either." She teases her friend.

Ayana simply rolls her eyes at L'sen as she gets caught up into a hug. "Yeah, don't I know it," she answers Delu wryly, sending Boskyth a look. "Well, you're here, so.." she flashes her a wink and looks L'sen's way. "What do you mean...what was /what/ about in there?" she asks him with an innocent stare.

S'din smiles and nods and adds just as quietly to M'wen, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you don't." He winks at the rider and says, "Now why don't you grab yourself a lovely lady and head into the living cavern for a well-earned feast?"

"At least none I'm willing to admit to," Amilin quips in reply, sharing a wink before she glances back at the group and simply smiles at her former charges.

S'rist raises his voice to that weyrleader bellow, "I've been informed that the celebratory feast is in readiness. If everyone will head back into the caverns now!"

Rilsa laughs at that, murmuring excuses herself as she hears S'rist's announcement. "I've been hearing that feast table screaming my name all evening so I am getting in line now."

L'sen just grins at Delu. "Oh, me? I'm great, just great. How about you? I haven't seen you in forever, either. You people do not come visiting enough. Though, guess I could swing by Igen myself, but." He shrugs, then sights the once-weyrlings milling about. "Ooh, hey. We should go congratulate them," he says excitedly, though for the moment he's still more preoccupied with Ayana. "That stuff about Maja and the looks and all that sort of stuff. Whatever it was," he says breezily.

Shalyn tugs at Th'res's elbow, "Let's go get some seats dear, please?" she looks up... why the poor thing is hungry. At least that's what she's trying to say with a pair of puppydog eyes.

Delu rolls her eyes at the innocent look on Ayana's face, "See, I think he might have belieed you if you didn't make that face. But you make that face, and even /I/ get curious, and I wasn't even here to see whatever it was!" She looks to L'sen, "What's my lonely weyrmate been up to? And was it fun?" She makes a face. "I will visit more, I promise. It's been a weird turn for me, that's all.

Th'res smiles fondly at Shalyn saying "of course dear." he stands up and help Shalyn up.

"I think I'll join you." Ami replies, adding with a chuckle, "G'non's probably beaten us to it. Though he promised he's send that bottemless pit from his wing on sweeps during the ceremony so we'd not have to worry about him eating it all before we get to it."

S'din makes his way over to R'hin and says, "Congratulations, R'hin." He slaps the young man on the shoulder.

Ayana looks from L'sen to Delu and back, "We're visiting now," she says to L'sen with a grin, "but I'll come by more often..promise." She seems to be looking for someone then, "Yeah, we should go congratulate them..and eat, too," she says absently before looking back at them both, "I was behaving," she seems to pout then. "Delu, I want you to meet someone..." she adds, grabbing the greenrider by the arm and flashing L'sen a wink, "...the one that invited me," she throws for his benefit alone.

R'hin puts a hand to Leiventh's hide for a moment as the bronze settles down, before he begins divesting himself of his riding gear. He watches the exchange between M'wen and S'din - what he can hear of it, anyway - before the Weyrlingmaster approaches him. He seems to expect the slap and braces himself for it, offering an easy nod to S'din in return. "Thank you. I'm sure you're relieved," his lips quirk into a brief smile.

"What's weird about it?" wonders L'sen blankly, peering at Delu a moment. Then, to Ayana, his mouth forming an 'oh' of realization. "Oh, really? Who was it?" he wonders as he turns to trail after the pair of women.

Delu grins and is pulled away by Ayana. "Ohh, who is it? Your mystery bronzerider, I hope, I'm starting to wonder if he really exists, or if you just made him up so I'd stop telling yuo to find yourself a man." She shoots a look over her shoulder to L'sen, "What's weird is that I won't talk about it!"

S'din smiles crookedly and says, "I suppose you might put it that way. Now go find that little thing you had on your arm earlier and go in and enjoy your feast!" He turns and continues through the ranks of weyrlings, congratulating each in turn, offering personal congratulations in some cases.

"I was looking at Maja that way because I now have a face to the name," Ayana answers L'sen's other question belatedly. "Baye throws names at me and doesn't add what they look like.." and she smirks at Delu briefly, "Oh, he exists," she adds smugly. She ignores L'sen's question for the moment, walking over to R'hin with a big grin on her face. "Hey handsome," she adds warmly, glancing at S'din briefly. "Congrats on being a rider."

"Mystery bronzerider?" L'sen perks at the words, glancing from Delu to Ayana and back again. He's easily distracted by the /next/ bit of information, though, as he queries, "Why won't you?" Pause. "R'hin? R'hin invited you? Congrats, by the way--" this to the bronzerider in question "--I didn't even know you two knew each other. That's cool. Are we going to eat now? I am starving--I haven't even since lunch." Like most people. L'sen adds after a moment, "Oh, Baye, right. He ran off to Fort, did you know? I haven't seen him in /forever/."

With a low chuckle of appreciation for the Weyrlingmaster's words, R'hin begins to make his way towards the living cavern, slowing as he notes Ayana's approach with Delu and L'sen. He looks pleased, greeting the Igen brownrider again with a light touch to her arm. "Thank you. It was nice to have you watching, too," he adds, eyes lingering on Ayana for a moment, before he grins at L'sen, "Oh, sure. We met at the Igen goldflight a while back." His brow furrows at the mention of Bayan, a hint of curiousity in the look. "He is an itinerant. Perhaps he decided it was time to move on." Delu, too, is given a curious look, and the bronzerider takes it on himself to offer a hand to the other Igenite, "R'hin. Duties to Igen."

Delu says "A shame, that, I wouldn't mind seeing him again. I haven't since the /last/ time Boskyth was getting all twitchy." She smiles politely to S'din as Ayana greets him. "Igen's duties to you." As R'hin introduces himself, the greenrider smiles wide. "Ahh. Yeah, I guess he is pretty handsome, for a guy. Good to finally meet you, R'hin. Delu, Boskyth's rider of Igen. I've heard a /lot/ about you!""

Ayana smirks at them all, her gaze lingering on R'hin as he touches her arm. "Glad to be watching," she returns to him warmly before adding to L'sen, "Bayan is late, I'll admit. I atleast know why...there's been talk of him and a goldrider. Who would have thought." She shrugs and grins at Delu, "See, he's real, and handsome," she supplies with a wink. "So, shall we all go inside? I think L'sen will die if he doesn't eat now."

"He left me this note," explains L'sen cheerfully, "that said he was gonna be back from Fort in, like, a week or something, but it's been way longer than that, you know what I mean? Ah, well. He'll show up eventually. I've been thinking about going to visit him there, too, but I'm just--wait. He's run off with a goldrider?" L'sen pulls up short at that, blinks, and then shrugs. "Anyway. Yes, yes, I am. C'mon," he says, turning and waving the other after him on his urgent quest for food.

"I'm sure a good deal of it is negative, if it has any truth to it." R'hin says, laughingly, of Delu's comment. "It's a pleasure to meet you, though, Delu." He, too, is surprised of talk of the rogue with a goldrider. "Indeed. I can't imagine -that- particular news would be welcome for Kamer," he murmurs in an undertone to Ayana, looking somewhat amused. His eyes drift towards the crowd heading for the living caverns, and he agrees, "Yes, yes. We ought to go in before poor L'sen faints." He winks at the 'Reaches bluerider, making shooing sort of motions with his hands, as if herding a flock of wherries.

Delu grins a bit. "Well, maybe she can win where L'sen failed, and actually sette him down some. I still worry about that one." She turns and mvoes with the others towards the caverns. "So you were the weyrlingmaster, R'hin? Figures, Aya's got a real weakness for them."

Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
     The impressive living cavern is seemingly as large as the bowl that cradles the hatching sands. Rivers of polished wood tables and benches arrow towards a raised platform crowned with a compact version of their sturdy design. Neatly crafted pegs, some fancifully carved, are tapped into holes in the wall and support clothing dangling like lazy sleepers. Woven baskets, both useful and decorative, hang along another wall. Tiny bouquets of the first hardy flowers are crammed into jars and mugs, dotting the tables with their pastel colors and light fragrance. The faint, musty aroma of wet wool mingles with that of spice. Banners worked with the designs of Holds and Halls beholden to the weyr cascade down the walls high above, interspersed with several brilliantly colored tapestries. The clink of cutlery harmonizes with the flowing river of talk and gossip as the weyrfolk gather for a hearty evening meal.

Obvious exits:
Kitchen Bowl Lower Caverns

L'sen, leading the procession into the living cavern, heads straightaway for the serving tables and proceeds to pile high a plate with everything the kitchens have to offer. Meanwhile, he keeps up a steady flow of conversation with those trailing after him. "Hey, I never tried to settle him, not really, you know what I mean?" he defends himself to Delu absently. "I mean, not really. S'not like it was a real steady thing or anything, 'cause we're just friends, you know?"

Ayana walks in and makes a beeline to the meal tables, "Bubblies..." she calls out in a low voice. "No, Kam will flip," she offers R'hin lightly, looking like she could care less. "Baye better watch his step with that one. His lifestyle isn't the type to allow that kind of relationship. Anyway..." she grabs some bubblies and nods to L'sen, "I'm sure he'll be back to torment all." She doesn't pile her plate, and she heads off to sit at a table. "Saw the show up there, Delu? We never did anything like that." There's an envious note in her voice before she watches R'hin closely. "Know what wing you'll be in, R'hin? I know I haven't a clue when the Weyrwoman came up to me one day. Thought I was in trouble for some prank pulled or other..."

R'hin walks in with the two Igenites and L'sen, looking a tad bemused at Delu's comment. "You say that like it has all sorts of bad connotations," he observes with a sidelong look. He trails after L'sen, more out of any lack of protest then any great hunger; he takes a plate and starts filing it, though with far less than the bluerider. "Took a lot of practice," the bronzerider observes easily in response to Ayana, "Lots of drilling. M'wen and Maja did well to get us all working together," he says, "Trust me, it wasn't easy with our group." There's a twitch of a smile that suggests he's probably one of the culprits. "Mm? No, not yet. I imagine we'll find out soon enough," he adds, sliding into a seat next to Ayana.

Delu chuckles softly, "Don't think we had quite the same kind of training they have here." It's hard to tell if that's good ot bad. She follows Ayana and sits down on the other side of her from R'hin. "Ours was much more... Relaxed. Z'nal's the only thing that got us through it, I think." She smiles to R'hin, "No connotations, I promise. From what I've heard, I approve heartily."

Maja is acting the loner tonight, talking to few and filling her plate in silence. She seems to be preoccupied with thought-- but then, she's always preoccupied with something. Every once in a while she glances up-- perhaps in response to hearing her name from somewhere in the echo-y caverns.

L'sen starts for a seat, but on the way there, he's waylaid by another chatty rider. Waving at the Igenites and R'hin, he tells them, "I'll be back in a little while. Don't go without saying bye." And he hurries to a seat to wolf his meal and carry on this very animated conversation presently.

s'din, maja, rodric, jenna, rachiel, m'wen, leysen, amilin, harley, l'sen, shalyn, s'rist, delu, rilsa, ayana, r'hin, th'res

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