I'm Ba-aaaack!

Sep 29, 2004 16:08

... Sort of. Dunno for how long, exactly, but hey. At this point, I'll take what I can get.

I know some of you have been worried about me due to my recent lack of activity, and I've certainly missed all of you, more than you know. Things have been... not good around here lately. Not conducive to MUSHing.

My laptop had to go visit the computer doctor a couple of weeks ago because it refused to so much as turn on. In the meantime, the desktop sufficed -- until it decided to stop maintaining a proper connection. The only time I could get it to work reliably was at 6:45 AM, over breakfast. And then, finally, it decided to stop turning on properly. Jacy and I spent four and a half hours one afternoon reinstalling Windows on it just so it would start up.

Then, Friday and Saturday I was gone to a race in Atlanta for Jacy's birthday/my uncle's whim. Finally, Sunday I thought I'd finally be back, if with a still bad connection, but no. The big family went out to eat for a belated birthday celebration for Jacy, and things went downhill from there. She got into a terrible mood, got my uncle mad at her, and by then I was in a bad mood, and when I screwed up, he really laid into me. Indefinite computer ban, and all that.

Anyway, the laptop returned from the manufacturer today, minus all my files. Including my logs. I want to cry. If any of you have logs of Sh'drian, pleasepleasePLEASE email them to me at tourniquet@poetic.com. You don't even have to worry about editing them or whatever; I don't bother with that. I just want the logs themselves: it's his history, and, in a way, mine, too.

But (after two days of not speaking to him), I talked to my uncle, sorted some things out, and got to start fixing the laptop again. I took the opportunity to connect, after redownloading SimpleMU. Telnet is evil. Hopefully, when my uncle gets home tonight, he'll rescind his ban and let me start back to MUSHing. If not... Well, I don't know what I'll do.
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