[Log] Treasure

Jul 11, 2006 22:09

Who: Acadia, Draila, Reighley, T'yr
When: Day 11, Month 5, Turn 8
Where: Bowl, Fort Weyr
What: Reighley's looking for treasure, but T'yr's demands and a talk with Draila and Acadia interrupts.

Fort Weyr Bowl, northeastern area
     The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out before you. It is vaguely oval in shape, long from southwest to northeast; you're standing near the wall at its northern end.
     Off to the northwest is the long path leading up to the Junior Queens' Weyrs, while steps to the north lead to the Weyrleader Complex. From here you can see in to the Hatching Grounds to the east, and the steps leading up to the gallery stands in the Grounds to the southeast. Stretching off to the southwest is the center of the bowl, where the Lower Caverns, Weyrling Barracks, lake and Feeding Grounds can be seen.


Obvious exits:
Queens Ramp Center of the Bowl Weyrling Barracks Weyrleader Complex Gallery SAnds

     Standing at 6 ft. 2, with a powerful build and lightly tanned skin, T'yr carries himself in a confident and brash manner. Dark brown hair falls in a wayward cut, reaching just below the lobes of his ears. Beneath dark brows are blue-green eyes, a box shaped nose and lips that are most always drawn into a perpetual half frown. A cleft in the base of his chin accents the line of his jaw and the overall ruggedness of his features. Clean shaven and presentable for the most part, T'yr's looks pass for average when that extra effort isn't made.
     Favoring color over all else, T'yr's chosen outfits are remarkably similar. Sleeveleess, fleece lined vests have clasps fashioned from just below his neck to his navel. In warmer weather, fleece vests are exchanged for loosely worn home spun cottons. Thicker, more durable pants are worn, these most always shades of black or blue. A neat cuff rests alongside the top of his boots. When in flight or practice, traditional flight leathers are worn.
     T'yr wears the knot of a bronzerider; the knot and thread of which slightly paler and older then the relatively vibrant strands in Fort Weyr's colors.

     Bulk and brawn highlight the length of this mature bronze. From a broad head to a narrow spade tipped tail, Zueqoth's hide is the purest of copper. Bright striations wind their way around his muscular front half and trail along his wings in a fireblaze pattern while darker tones alight the underside of his stomach and haunches. Keen, deep-set eyes are masked within a handsome face that still retains a semblance of youth and an ever watchful alertness.
     Zueqoth is roughly 18 Turns, 0 months, and 21 days old.

Reighley is walking along the side of the bowl, sticking close to the wall. She has a piece of hide in her hands, and her eyes are on it as she paces about, counting off her strides. "Eighteen, nineteen, twenty!" And here she stops, glancing around the bowl and knitting her brows.

T'yr is already here, just beside the large bundle of bones that is Zueqoth. Burdened by any number of lumpy packages, the bronze looks mighty disagreeable about -something-. Spotting Reighley tops whatever that is off. He issues a warning grumble in her direction, one that's followed by T'yr aiming a frown in the girl's direction.

When she sees the bronze landing, Reighley perks up, breaking into a grin and taking a step toward him. However, at his rumbling, she hastily takes two back, eyeing him warily from that spot. She doesn't move again, though, unless he has a complaint about that, though she does start folding up her hide.

Zueqoth offers nothing further, but he does watch Reighley like a hawk. T'yr, on the other hand, continues the work he was doing before Reighley's arrival. As he moves around the bronze's front to the side closest to Reighley, he speaks over his shoulder. In a snap-to tone, he says, "Girl, come here."

Uncertainly, Reighley regards T'yr, or rather Zueqoth, returning the dragon's stare. At T'yr's words, though, she casts another quick glance to him and then back to the dragon, backing up another step. "He'll bite me," she says, with a small shake of her head.

"Don't be dim," T'yr chides roughly, "Dragons don't eat humans. You live in a Weyr, you oughta know that." As though distracted, he turns away from the bronze's side, eyes Reighley further before adding on, "You oughta know a rider shouldn't have to repeat himself either. Come here, girl."

Reighley obeys meekly, glancing at her feet at T'yr's chastisement. "Yes, sir," she answers. "They just don't usually growl at me, either," is her defense as she edges closer. She stops still a few feet from the man, glancing up at him and then the dragon and his cargo. "What do you need? Sir."

"Mind your manners," T'yr says, despite the rather polite response he's recieved thus far. He slaps a bulk of bronze shoulder, drawing a chuff from Zueqoth who's still watching Reighley, "This is Zueqoth. He growls at everyone. When he doesn't, then you start worryin', you hear me?" Sliding his hand down the bronze's shoulder, T'yr reaches toward Reighley's, "I want you to start counting the packages I've got on him. Start on the other side and work your way around here. You can do that, right?"

"Yes, sir," answers Reighley, biting her lower lip. She shoots another glance at Zueqoth and offers him her most charming smile and even an awkward little curtsey before she glances up at T'yr again, his hand on her shoulder. "How many should there be? Can I ask what's in them, sir?" she can't resist asking.

"Open them and he'll drop you between," T'yr notes possessively as he guides her toward the other side of Zueqoth. It means Reighley has to travel under that head that's been turned in her direction since arriving, "I just need you to count them and tell me how many are there. Don't bother trying to open them, either or I'll know." He withdraws his hand before asking, "You got a name, girl?"

"Reighley, sir," the girl answers, sticking rather close to T'yr as they pass around Zueqoth. Her gaze travels upward as they duck under him, eyes widening slightly, and she quickens her pace. "I won't, don't worry. I won't touch a thing. Except to count them." Nodnod.

"Good. Do that. I'm going in there and having a drink." T'yr gestures toward the general direction of the living caverns, though lingers long enough to keep his warning clear. "Zueqoth is going to watch you. Remember I'll know if you open any of the packages. When you're done counting them, come find me."

T'yr's break was shorter then even he expected. Returning from the living cavern, he approaches his still burdened Zueqoth. "Girl? Girl, are you here?" Shouting title rather then name, T'yr takes his time with crossing the bowl.

Reighley peeks around Zueqoth, breaking off her under-her-breath counting to offer the rider a hesitant smile. "I'm still here, sir," she tells him, stepping back with a hesitant smile. "I finished counting, too. Even did it twice to make sure!" she says proudly.

Acadia walks up from the center of the bowl.
Acadia has arrived.

     Acadia is a young woman with straight dark hair that brushes her shoulders and pale skin unmarked by any visible scars. Violet eyes peek out from under long, lush eyelashes and arching eyebrows. A cute little nose is paired with a gamine smile, at least most of the time. She stands five and a half feet tall and much of that is taken up by long, muscular legs, giving the illusion she's taller than she really is. Her slender form bears the gentle curves common to her gender.
     Acadia is wearing her flying leathers. A rich russet brown jacket trimmed in black and lined with fur is paired with matching trousers and knee-high boots. The lines in the leathers are highlighted with black stitching, and the cuffs of the boots are trimmed in fur. The left shoulder of the jacket shows a brand-new Skysentry patch and a wingleader's knot peeks out from underneath it. A belt shot through with a woven line of brown leather, buckled with a dragon-embossed round cinches her waist.
     Acadia is 23 Turns, 8 months, and 3 days of age.

T'yr stops short, looking and sounding mildly uncomfortable for all of a second. "Should've done it three times. If I'm missing any packages, I'll be coming for you." Three steps later and he's at his bronze's side, eyeing the packages with more interest then the girl. "What was the total?"

"I was going to, sir, but you drank too fast," Reighley points out primly. "But there's twelve, sir, a nice round dozen. Six here and six there." She's nothing if not thorough, and even kept herself from peeking at any of the contents, though her longingly curious glances even now reveal the sore temptation.

"It's the only way to drink," T'yr assures Reighley with a firm frown, "Twelve sounds about right. I'm sure I packed matching numbers. Well done, then, girl. You might be useful afterall." In his backwards way, it's almost a compliment. T'yr approaches Zueqoth, tugs on the packages to further ensure they're well and whole, "Do you do anything interesting around here?"

Acadia trots over from the other side of the bowl. Her face is flushed and sweaty, but her pacing is smooth. When she spies the other people she slows down and steps in place to cool off more gradually. "Hi, Reighley! How are you doing tonight?" She offers the bronzerider a wave as well.

Reighley beams smugly at T'yr, rocking back onto her heels and clasping her hands behind her back. "Sometimes," she notes. "I help in the kitchens or with stores and stuff. But not today. Today I'm trying to find some treasure--my brother made a map for me, but I think I turned wrong back at the lake, because there's nothing here. Can I see what's inside them now? I counted them good," she adds, with a gesture to the packages that's cut off at Acadia's call. She waves enthusiastically at the greenrider, beaming. "Hi, Acadia! I've been counting stuff for--for--him?" she finishes blankly, blinking up at the unnamed bronzerider.

Draila comes down from the queens ramp.
Draila has arrived.

     Before you is a deeply tanned female in her early 20's standing around five feet five inches in height. Her sun-bleached curls have been shortened and wisp every which way, framing her face, forehead and neck. The overall care free style gives this young lady the appearance of some harper imagined character that just stepped out of the hides of a littles bedtime story.
     She wears a plain tunic opened at the neck creating a 'V' line, that layers over the waist and thighs of a pair of faded brown pants. A pair of scuffed brown boots don her feet. Everything looks a few sizes too big for the woman by the way they hang off her. The only thing that seems secure on this female is the Jr Weyrwoman knot of black and brown with its thread of gold weaving through it that sits on her shoulder proudly.
     Around her neck is a braided choker of black runnerhair, with a tiny pebble incorporated into the braid, the pebble has something engraved on it but it's unreadable from here.

Draila makes her way down the queens ramp, humming off key to herself as she strolls along.

"There is no treasure. Your brother just wanted you out of the way so he could do whatever it is little boys do now a days," T'yr cooly informs Reighley, "You should go back to the kitchens and prepare the meal. It's good practice for when you get married." At Acadia's arrival, T'yr gives the female rider a quick once over that takes in the knot she wears. He's toeing the line of stiff without overstepping into the realm of disrespectful when he salutes, "Wingleader."

Acadia stops stepping in place to study the bronzerider. Hmmm. She returns his salute, with a brief "Bronzerider. Acadia, of Skysentry." To Reighley her voice is warmer as she says, "Your brother may have been playing a trick on you, but maybe not. What kind of treasure was the map supposed to lead you to?"

Reighley's mouth opens and closes like a fish several times at T'yr's words, brows knitting. "He--he--but he /always/--" she protests. "We've done it before, back home." Pause. "And I'm never getting married and I'm sure not cooking anything. So there!" Nyah. To Acadia, in a rather nicer tone, she adds, "I don't know. That's why it's hidden. There's no point in finding it if you already know what it is."

Draila's head lifts as she catches the voices of others and makes her way towards them with a smile. "Evening." her soft greeting calls out as she slows to a stop and glances from face to face before she murmurs. "Sorry to interrupt but has anyone seen my brother about? I was hoping to have a word with him."

"Well met, Wingleader. My name is T'yr. That's Zueqoth." T'yr is now on his best behavior. Ranking females aside, it's not a good idea to argue with a child in the middle of the bowl. He harumphs gruffily to Reighley's retort, before dropping a shoulder against Zueqoth's haunches. The bronze gives an irritated huff and rumble that quickly has T'yr supporting his own weight. Zueqoth's reprimand is in time to have T'yr offer a presentable and more respectful half-bow to Draila whom he greets with a friendlier, "I'm afraid even if I have, I wouldn't know it, goldrider."

Acadia shakes her head and says, "No, ma'am, I haven't seen Dreaen today. I spent most of it being lazy at Southern Boll, and then ran some laps here to work off the drinks." She lowers her voice to mutter to Reighley "There's more than one kind of treasure. I'll show you some good stuff later."

"I didn't know you had a brother," says Reighley, blinking at Draila and offering the woman a smile. How quickly her irritation fades; she even has a small smile for T'yr. It brightens further in response to Acadia. "Really?" she asks happily.

Draila ahs lightly and nods as she turns her gaze onto T'yr. "Please.." She softly beseeches. "Call me Drai." then continues in her soft spoken manner. "I'm sure I'll find D're somewhere inside." Quickly her smile turns to Acadia as she uses her brother's full name and thoughts begin to form. "I never you you were sweet on him Acadia. Oh the teasing I'll be able to give him now.." A pause is taken before she ohs with a light giggle after Reighley. "Yes, my twin brother. He looks just like me only more.. man like." Her voice trails off as she nods to each then turns to continue her search.

T'yr is doing his best to remain attentative. But Zueqoth has other things in mind. Huffing in that same indignant manner he'd greeted Reighley with, the bronze pushes away from the small group before launching himself into the air. Distracted, T'yr regards the group as a whole, "If you'll excuse me, there's something I need to take care of." Another half bow to Draila elicits a, "Ma'm," while Reighley and Acadia are presented with a small dip of his head before heads after his errant dragon.

T'yr has disconnected.

Acadia blushes brightly enough to rival the Red Star itself. "Oh no! No ma'am, I'm not sweet on him! Inneth likes his Nicoith, but really....." Her voice trails off as she realizes she's only digging the hole deeper. "Um, treasure, right! More than one kind, yes. There's candy, new clothes, toys, and favors. Not to mention some pretty stuff the glassblowers can create." She keeps babbling on a bit longer, unable to control herself.

Reighley eyes T'yr with a frown again, stepping quickly away from him and Zueqoth as they disappear. She wrinkles her nose, then glances back sideways at Draila. "A twin, really? I've never met a twin before," she admits. "Do you really hear each other's thoughts, like dragons do? That's what my cousin said." She only blinks curiously at Acadia, and breaks into a slow broad grin. "Acadia's got a /booooy/friend," she singsongs.

Draila finds herself stopping again and turning back around only to see the departing back of the bronzerider then giggling softly over Acadia quick denial. "I'm just teasing Acadia. No need to worry yourself over it." Her soft words reassure. Then she nods to Reighley. "Something like that but not exactly. You see, growing up.. no one but D're ever fully understood me. He would translate my words.. and even when we were both brought here to Fort he continued to do so until Wynith found. She gave me the voice I have now. Weak though it be at least when I speak people can hear me."

Acadia manages to get control of herself. "No, I don't have a boyfriend. He's been on my mind a bit lately thanks to Inneth, that's all." The blush finally fades, leaving her cheeks their normal color. "You were saying something about a treasure map? Did your brother make it, or find it somewhere?"

Reighley rocks on her heels, still beaming at Acadia smugly. "Uh-huh, suuure," she says disbelievingly. "You should introduce us sometime. I've never met him. Got to make sure he's suitable, you know? I do the same thing for my brother." Pause. "Or I would, anyway," she corrects, "if he could actually get a girl." She glances between the two riders, grinning. "He made it. I think it's somewhere along the bowl wall here, but then, I don't know. Maybe I counted my steps wrong," she explains uncertainly, shrugging.

Draila ohs quickly, her brow lifting with curiosity. "Made a treasure map?" She asks in a half whisper as she crosses her arms and stays put listening for a bit now.

Acadia asks, "Can we see the map, Reighley? Or would you rather keep it secret until you find the treasure?"

Reighley delves into a pocket, producing the hide. It's a rough-drawn thing, the Weyr's major features marked off. There's a path from the living caverns to the lake and around the edge of the bowl, a somewhat circuitous pattern with numbers indicating the number of paces along each stretch. "I got to here," Reighley says, gesturing to a spot by the lake. "But then I went right, and I think I should have gone left. Then I'd be on /that/ side of the bowl," she says, gesturing southward.

Draila holds back another giggle as she lightly warns, "Be sure not to show it to that rogue handyman. He'll steal your treasure as quick as a wink Reighley." A playful wink is given to Acadia before her arms drop and she lifts a hand to wave. "I really should continue my search for D're. Will you both excuse me?"

Acadia says, "Of course. Good night, Draila!"

"Bye," says Reighley distractedly, offering Draila a vague sort of wave, most of her attention on her map. "If I... Hmm. Maybe I miscounted. I--huh," she muses idly.

Draila goes home.
Draila has left.

Acadia looks at the map after Draila leaves. "I think you're right, Reighley. You zigged when you should have zagged. You'd probably have better luck over to the left. Maybe P'draig could help if you need it, or Bayan. He's a rogue, but even he wouldn't cheat you out of a find."

Reighley eyes Acadia uncertainly, but she shrugs. "Yeah, maybe I'll ask P'draig if I see him," she agrees. "I'll head that way. Thanks, Acadia. Sorry about teasing you," adds the girls as she steps back, heading toward the lake again.

Acadia calls out, "Good luck finding your treasure!" before trotting back toward her lifemate for a ride to her quarters.

acadia, draila, t'yr, reighley

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