[Log] Seafood Bounty

Jul 05, 2006 20:32

Who: Draila, Kailai, Reighley, T'aren
When: Day 16, Month 4, Turn 8
Where: Lakeshore, Fort Weyr
What: Fortians meet at the lake for a spiderclaw boil.

Fort Weyr Bowl, by the lake
     This long stretch of the bowl lies to the southeast of the feeding grounds. At its western end, near the wall, the ground dips down slightly to where a lake has formed. Dragons are often washed there by their riders, and both riders and their dragons often swim in the cool waters.
     The fenced off portion of the bowl for the Weyr's herds is to the northwest. To the north, a small structure built against the feeding ground pens serves as the Weyr's stables. Waves gently lap the shore to the west, and the rest of the bowl lies to the northeast.


Obvious exits:
Herb Garden STable Feeding Ground LAke Center of Bowl

Draila takes a seat on one of the logs a safe distance from the fire and smiles across to Kailai. "Done already? And the butter? My mouth is watering just thinking about sampling one."

Picking her way down to the lakeshore alongside a boy a couple of turns older than her, Reighley pauses when she sees the blazing fire on the shore, eyes widening slightly. She's slower than her brother, who runs on ahead of her to meet a few friends, leaving the younger girl to pick her way carefully across the rest of the bowl in the dark; fortunately, her care keeps her from stumbling more than once or twice, her feet nicking rocks buried in the dirt.

Kailai offers Draila the butter and digs through them. "I tested one and it tasted alright. I still didn't get to try this one dish that the Neratians make with spiderclaws. They take rivergrains and seaweed and put the cooked, but cold spiderclaw in the middle and it makes a little roll. I heard they're tasty. I think they called it... Sashimi? I heard Cielon, my cousin, talking about it when he first came to Igen, not so long ago."

"No, no, no. You've got it all wrong - though there is some merit to that swing idea--" T'aren is speaking to his large lifemate as the pair move down towards the lakeshore. As ever, the lad's explanations to his dragon are much more physical than verbal, hands making wild gestures in the air - perhaps indicating how something might be worked - mind ever on his little toys. Its only when Teusath's attention is grabbed by flickering flames that the young man looks up and over to the group not far off. "Wonder what's--" He begins quietly as he hesitates, but then he's moving towards the handful of people with a loping sort of stroll. "Hello there!"

"No read meat thought right?" Draila asks before looking closely at the new food. She sniffs it then carefully lifts a piece with her fingers to sample. "Mmmm, this is really nice. Kailai you've out done yourself." Her head lifts as other voices are heard and each member of the arriving group is given a smile in greeting. "Do try this. Its delightful."

Reighley's first stop is the big bonfire, as she holds her hands out to enjoy its warmth; then, sniffing curiously, she turns to eye the smaller cooking fire. Tromping that way, the girl stops further away to peer at the fire and the cook. "Are we having a party? Why? Turn's End was months ago," she points out, glancing around.

Kailai grins to REighley. "Hey, come have some spiderclaws." She says with a wave. "It's a party to see whether or not I can burn spiderclaws." She adds, holding out one over the water and dropping it in. "See? Sticking them right in the water because they're going like drinks." She adds.

"Try what now, ma'am?" The young man asks as he moves alongside the log the Weyrwoman is settled on. T'aren's hands are tucked gingerly into the pockets of his riding leathers, eyes casting towards the bonfire and those around it, nodding a bit to perhaps himself or maybe in response to something Teusath has contributed. The dragon inches closer, making to loom over the assembled, curiosity drawing him. Then a look to Kailai as he catches the word, "Spiderclaws, eh? Watch it or you might loose what you've not cooked." And a wary sort of glance is given towards his lifemate.

"This." Draila offers picking another piece of the raw sea meat and offering it to T'aren to taste. "Kailai got the recipe from Ista, or did she say Igen? Either way I'm surprised something raw can taste so good. What do you think?" She softly asks the Bronzerider.

"Spiderclaws? Reighley repeats uncertainly, eyeing the creature in Kailai's hands. She edges away from the girl and the would-be meal, but, finding heself closer to that looming Teuseth, she ventures in a different direction instead, away from both of them. "Oh. Uh... Spiderclaws. Is there anything else to eat?" she asks hopefully.

Kailai blinks. "You don't like fish? Tell you what, if you don't want claw, I've got some jalepeno bread from E'zil. He said I had to try it, but I don't fancy spicy things. It's got cheese and jalapeno peppers inside. Care to try?" She pulls the package out of a second sack. THen she catches a claw just about to leap out of the bag and dumps it into the sack.

"Huh." T'aren murmurs as his hazel gaze shifts down to the proffered spiderclaw, "I--ah, I think ought to pass this time, ma'am. If I don't take the Captain off and away from here, he'll steal his fill and there won't be any left. But do enjoy yourself." And another glance is turned about the group before he turnes and departs - the bronze following only after a soft, "'Sath." Louder, "/'Sath/." And a sharply shouted, "/Teusath/!" Full names always mean one's in trouble. Or at least it does for the dragon. And off the pair go - the dragon casting mournful, longing glances back until they're out of sight.

t'aren, kailai, draila, reighley

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