[Log] Dragons Have Boyfriends?

Jul 03, 2006 21:30

Who: Acadia, Bayan, Kailai, Reighley
When: Day 6, Month 4, Turn 8
Where: Lakeshore, Fort Weyr
What: Reighley meets Bayan, and discusses boyfriends--the dragons', that is.

Fort Weyr Bowl, by the lake
     This long stretch of the bowl lies to the southeast of the feeding grounds. At its western end, near the wall, the ground dips down slightly to where a lake has formed. Dragons are often washed there by their riders, and both riders and their dragons often swim in the cool waters.
     The fenced off portion of the bowl for the Weyr's herds is to the northwest. To the north, a small structure built against the feeding ground pens serves as the Weyr's stables. Waves gently lap the shore to the west, and the rest of the bowl lies to the northeast.


Obvious exits:
Herb Garden STable Feeding Ground LAke Center of Bowl
With part of the fence gone and broken, Bayan is busy putting the new fencewood into place. he has his tools scattered about him along with the fencewood planks to replace the rotting ones. He's sweating profusely, but he seems to be hitting the tacks in place with the ease of one who has done this type of thing before. His back is to the lake, missing anyone who arrives.

For anyone heading along the lakeshore, the sound of nailing is unmistakeable, and Reighley, curious as ever, heads that way to investigate. Coming up behind Bayan, she stops there, peeking over his shoulder rather nosily. "What are you doing?"

Bayan jumps suddenly, missing the arrival of the girl behind him. He nearly drops the tack he was holding in place, not to mention the tack-hitter suddenly slipping to hit his thumb instead of that side-stepping tack. "Shards!!!" he cries out, dropping everything as he bends to craddle the painful thumb. Looking for the sneaky culprit, the rogue turns to find Reighley. Blinking, "Uh..." and he looks at the gaping fence before adding "I'm repairing the fences here. I didn't see you coming." He puts on a lazy grin despite the sharp pain in his thumb.

Kailai walks out along the lake shore.
Kailai has arrived.

Reighley blushes, stepping quickly back from Bayan, who's cradling a hurt thumb by the broken fence. "I'm sorry," she apologizes quickly. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm really sorry. I was hoping you were maybe Nico or somebody else I knew, but you weren't and I was curious and I really am sorry," she tells the man earnestly, looking at her feet.

Kailai is busy working on a painting of the nearby scenery a few dozen feet away from Reighley and Bayan, only instead of the lake being bare of dragons, there's a lovely golden, well, gold in the water, her neck and body are arched in appreciation of the bath and while you can't see her rider's face, its obvious that she's tall, strong, her shoulders and legs firmed by turns of training. Her hair is graying, so the rider in the picture must be elderly. Almost as though in a trance, Kailai's hand moves to the rythmn of her thoughts.

Kailai has disconnected.

Bayan suddenly notices Kailai painting for a moment before turning back to Reighley with a smirk, "I'm fine," he says, waving it off. "I should have been paying more attention to my surroundings." He pauses to gingerly pick up the tack and tool he dropped. "Jenna has me fixing the fence is all."

Reighley is entirely ignorant of the painting, otherwise she'd have probably been over there already, peering over /more/ shoulders. Instead, focusing on Bayan, she regards the man dubiously. "I really am sorry," she insists one more time. Then: "Oh, right. Jenna. Me and Nico fixed the latch out on the gate the other day, and then I heard about the rest of the fence, too. It looks really bad, doesn't it?" She scans up and down the length of it a moment, critically.

Above the southwest area, Inneth spirals down and comes to a landing on the lake shore.
Inneth has arrived.

Acadia climbs down from Inneth's neck.
Acadia has arrived.

Bayan nods, grinning, "Yep, she grabbed me onto this....I wasn't even planning on working during this trip, either," he adds dejectedly, hitting the tack into place. "No apologies, little one. I take the blame onto myself." He looks at the gap of the fence, with the right side mended anew and the left side still rotted through. "Depending on how long I stay here, I should be able to replace this whole fence," he muses as he stand up and steps back. "Just not sure how long this visit will be."

"Trip?" Reighley catches that one word. "What are you doing here?" Pause. Defensively: "I have a name, though. It's Reighley. Not 'little one.'"

Acadia and Inneth glide down for a soft landing. The rider slips off and waves hello, while Inneth goes to get a snack in the feeding grounds. "Hello there!"

Bayan blinks and turns to regard Reighley in mild shock before a smirk appears across his face, "Well well, Reighley. My apologies," and he winks with a chuckle. Going back to the fencework, "Yeah, I'm on a trip. Brother and I have some business in these parts, but it won't be long....and the name's Bayan." He notes the green pair now, tipping his head in a greeting, "Hey," he says amiably enough to her.

Kailai has connected.

Reighley grins at Bayan, her smirk smug. "What sort of--oh! Acadia! Hi," she says, breaking off her words to Bayan to turn quickly and wave at the greenrider. For good measure, she offers, "Hi, Inneth. What are you doing out here. Did you eat all that candy yet? I'm glad you found it--I helped F'niah find his sheets, by the way." She's sufficiently distracted from prying into the visitor's business.

Acadia blushes faintly, just a hint of red along her cheekbones. "Yes, I did finish off the candy. And the next day Inneth decided to go find herself a boyfriend. I should have known what was coming, but for some reason she slipped it by me that time." She gestures to the green devouring a wherry in the feeding grounds. "You can see how loyal she is--she's already forgotten him."

Kailai is working on the painting, faithfully, off in her own world. The queen in the water, her rider bathing her, true, the queen in the painting has been made up, but its still a lovely painting, showing both members of the pair as elderly, but still fighting fit, still living the good life and fighting the good fight. A small smile crosses Kailai's face as her brush makes rythmic strokes across the hide that she uses as a canvas.

Bayan looks highly amused by the girl, her familiat question is now halted by the greenrider. He takes that time to go back to his work, hitting in more tacks to secure a new part of the fence into place. Once that's to his satisfaction, he shakes the fence to check for tightness. With a sigh, "This may take longer than I expected," he muses, looking at the part of the fence that he hasn't taken down yet.

"Dragons have boyfriends?" asks Reighley, blinking and peering past Acadia to Inneth. When she sees, however, just what the green is doing, she turns a little green herself and hastily looks away. "You mean like--" She doesn't finish, only lifts her thin shoulders slightly and murmurs something about 'F'niah said.' Quickly, she refocuses on Bayan instead. "So you'll just be able to stay here longer. What kind of business?" she questions him again.

Acadia hmms and nods, refusing to give more details. They're not needed. "Yes, what is your business Bayan? You're not good at making cookies, are you?"

Kailai looks up at the words dragons have boyfriends. "Now that would be funny. Dragons having boyfriends." She rolls her eyes. "Might make a good drawing, but Reighley, they do." She shrugs.

Seeing that the girl's distraction lasted for only a moment, Bayan gives her a quick smirk. "What was that?" he asks of them as though he didn't really hear the nature of the girl's question. Seeing Acadia suddenly inquiring too, he chuckles smoothly, "Oh yes, I do repairwork...that's my business," he took literally, flashing a smile to them before adding "As for cooking, that's not my thing. I'd probably burn the cookies, knowing me. Do you both cook?" A smooth diversion delivered, and he absently goes back to his work with a casual glance Kailai's way.

Reighley sighs wistfully, remarking, "I love cookies. I tried to make some the other day, but they did get burned and we couldn't eat them." Considering her last foray into baked goods, this is probably saying something. SHe, however, continues cheerfully, glancing over her shoulder to Kailai for the first time, "Really? I think so, too. But what do you /do/ with a dragon boyfriend? Is it like a human one? My cousin, one of them, all she talks about is /her/ boyfriend." Pause. "He's human, though," she hastily clarifies. And, finally, to Bayan: "You came all the way to Fort to fix stuff?" She eyes him not quite believingly.

Acadia laughs at Banyan's question. "I like to cook, but the cooks don't like me in the kitchens. In sixteen tries I have yet to turn out a decent and edible batch of cookies. Only the dragons like them. I'm not a bad teacher, though. I keep getting posted to Harper Hall so I guess they like what I can do there." She coughs at Reighley's question and finally comes up with an answer of sorts. "Well, Inneth doesn't kiss her boyfriends. But she does like to lay out in the sun with them, and she likes it when they bring her gifts. So in a way it's like human boyfriends and girlfriends."

Kailai cackles. "That's one way of putting it." And she continues painting. "Hmm... I think I need to adjust the glow light." She mutters, bending to place the glow beam where it will shine out on the lake, making a pool of just the right sort of light. If you look at the picture, you can see that the glowlight has fallen right where the queen in the painting is standing.

Bayan is highly amused by the conversation about dragons having boyfriends, but he isn't about to put in any comments. What would a rogue know about such things anyway? Instead, he flashes Reighley another smile before answering "No, I didn't come to fix things," he says smoothly. "I came to....well, to explore. I needed to be away from the place I came from for a bit, and my brother my need my help, just in case. Never been to the Weyr here, so I figured it would be interesting." A shrug is given as though it's of little interest. He grins at Acadia then, "I was like that too," he muses easily. "I use to try everything, espescially stuff I wasn't good at, like cooking. My ma tossed a pan at me to rid me from the kitchen. Haven't been back in one since." He looks at his progress for a moment before turning back and quickly adding to Acadia and Kailai, "I'm Bayan. Well met."

Acadia follows Banyan's lead. "I'm Acadia, Skysentry wingleader. And I also came to Fort to try something new, and wound up staying because I liked it. Maybe you'll do the same thing Banyan." She tries to sneak a peek at Kailai's picture but can't quite pull it off.

"You came all the way to Fort to explore," Reighley repeats, frown still not quite convinced. She eyes Bayan a moment longer before glancing back to Kailai and then Acadia. "I guess so. What sort of gifts do dragons give, anyway? I've never heard of that, but then, well. I guess I don't know /that/ much about them yet--I only know, uh... three? Four?" She eyes her fingers, perhaps ticking the dragons she's familiar with on them. Then: "Wait. She threw a /pan/ at you?" This, to Bayan, as she belatedly catches his latter comment.

Kailai steps aside so that Acadia can see the picture. "Like it? I made up a rider and her queen, and I used the beam to mark where they are in the lake water." She points to the light ray lancing out across the lake. "And its nice to meet you Acadia. I'm Kailai, a scribe, but in the off hours? An artist. I learned how to paint clothing leather with designs and scenes, then I contribute it to whatever Hold or Weyr I'm in's storehouse for them to use. This would make a lovely jacket for some queenrider somewhere I think." She explains. "But its mostly just fantasy." She shrugs and smiles, indicating for the others to have a look.

Bayan nods and grins to Acadia before he chuckles, "I dunno about staying," he muses slowly, "got too many commitments. Besides, my real home is the lands...can't trade a home like that for anything." A wink is given before he regards Reighley. "Well, /I/ did, but my brother is another matter. Can't stay too long...got to finish up those repairs in the Weyr at the Reaches." There's not much given to the girl, but he grins anyway before sitting back and wiping his face of sweat. At Reighley's comment, he chuckles and nods, "Yep, my ma. The pan was the least of my worries. Have you ever seen a woman lift a table?"

Bayan is saying nothing to inspire Reighley's confidence in him, and her look expresses that sentiment. "Well, no," she admits, lifting her shoulders. "But--" She breaks off to turn when her name is called from over closer to the bowl. A boy a couple of turns older than her is yelling something about an aunt, which causes Reighley to grimace. "I got to go. I'll see you later," She says with a frown, before turning to trudge back to the bowl and her brother.

Kailai stands back. "Well, the painting is finished. You can look if you want, just don't touch it and it will be fine in the morning." She says with a nod. "I've got to go check up on one of the other scribes, he said he'd have finished finding that record hide copy and would be passing it on to me so I could read it."

Acadia has been examining Kailai's picture, and didn't hear Reighley's question at first. Then she's saved because Reighley has to go, so she doesn't have to describe dragon gifts. "Good night, Reighley! WE'll see you later!"

acadia, bayan, kailai, reighley

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