[Log] Babies for Everyone!

Jun 22, 2006 00:44

Who: L'sen, Sarisia, Satiet, Suraiya
When: Day 16, Month 2, Turn 8
Where: Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
What: When the subject of babies comes up, L'sen and Suraiya team up against Satiet and Sarisia; the baby-haters try in vain to shatter L'sen's innocent worldview.

Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the western side of the bowl, the high crownlike spires of the Seven Spindles on the north wall tower magestically above the roughly ovoid bowl floor. Near you, a large boulder stands, placed almost exactly in the center of the bowl. This side of the bowl is busy with the constant flow of residents and visitors around the entrance to the living cavern to the southwest and the lower caverns to the west. To the north, the large opening on the upper wall leading into the hatching grounds catches your eye. Directly below it, the ground entrance to the same area seems almost tiny. Northwest, the weyrs belonging to the junior queens of High Reaches are accessible from a short set of stairs and a path of carefully laid black marble leads from them to the entrance to the living cavern. To the south, a few ground weyrs remain unoccupied, in case any visiting or injured dragons need them.
     The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior is a nearly full waning gibbous while Timor sleeps in darkness. It is completely still, no winds blow and the winter air is freezing against you.


Obvious exits:
LIving Cavern Lower Caverns Hatching Grounds Ground Level Guest Weyrs Eastern Bowl Floor

     Sarisia stands at a slightly higher height then average for a girl, but she is no where near lanky, voluptuous is more like it. Her reddish-blonde straight hair barely reaches below her ears in the back, sloping downwards and resting on level with her chin in the front. Two long strands have been braided, each framing the side of her face and falling down to her shoulders. She is well proportioned, but obviously blessed in the upper region. Frosty blue almond shaped eyes are surrounded by dark brown lashes on her lovely oval shaped face. A small and rather childish nose fits squarely on her face, seeming to be out of place on the rather adult looking body. And to envelope it all is fair white skin covers her well built body with no visible scars or freckles.
     A murky brown leather jacket snuggly protects her from the cold, white fur lining the collar, but it is left open whenever possible to reveal the deep midnight blue shirt beneath. A pair of slightly lighter brown pants fit her legs nicely, outlining her waist and thighs until they loosen up past her knees, down towards a new pair of thick leather boots in almost the same shade.
     She appears to be about 19 Turns, 2 months, and 0 days old.

     Fair skinned, reddish-blonde, and tall are the first things seen on this young woman. Another quick feature to spot is the fact that a woman she is. Her tall frame is slender, not too overly slim, and well endowed; her curves matching almost proportionally even at a young age. Her oval face is smooth-skinned and unblemished, with not one freckle marking it. A small round childish nose contrasts with the girl's icy almond-shaped eyes and full lips. Strawberry blonde locks have just passed her shoulders, cut into layers with the shortest strands cupping around her chin.
     Suraiya's long legs are covered with rough hide trousers, lined with a bit of burdenbeast fur for the colder days of High Reaches Weyr, and left to its natural tawny coloring. Her leathers look worn in, several stains finding their way onto them. Her upper half is decorated with a brighter blue skin-tight shirt under a trouser-matching jacket of tan leather. Her ensemble is finished off with mid-calf black boots and a shoulder knot of black and blue with an added green thread signifying herself as a High Reaches Rider to a green lifemate.
     She looks around the age of 19 Turns, 2 months, and 0 days.

Sarisia is leaning against her large lifemate, a roll of hides grapsed firmly in one hand. She gives the area a quick glance but her eyes soon close and her head gives a bob. She snaps back awake, shaking her head before giving off a yawn.

Suraiya is cloaked in her faithful Winter Furs, most likely pulled directly from her own bed, as she bounces out from the caverns with a mug of ale in hand. Ozriadasoth gives a warm rumble greeting to her lifemate, though her attention is more on the slow evening traffic outside in the bowl, large eyes glancing from one dragon to the other. Suri, peeking out from her hooded blanket, waves cheerfully with one hand to her twin.

Executing sharp turns overhead, Neiveth gradually comes lower and flops gracelessly to a landing at the western end of the bowl, crooning his usual energetic greeting to the other dragons, and in particular Tiqueth and Ozriadasoth, his clutchsiblings. L'sen, as always, half-falls off the blue, stomping heavily into the snow and sending a small cloud up around his knees. Like his dragon, he's got an enthusiastic wave ready for the two girls. "Sari! Suri! Hi!" he hails the pair.

Sarisia doesn't catch her sisters wave at first, she is much too busy trying to keep herself awake. Tiqueth's annoyed rumble alerts her though and she gives a slight hand motion towards the bundled Suri. "Heya sis," Before she can continue her drowsy statement though she catches L'sens' greeting. Squinting slightly from all that energy she nods her head. "L'sen, long time no see." Tiqueth provides a brassy bugle towards the blue before lowering his head closer to Sari, seemingly to settle down.

Suraiya isn't one to ignore a greeting, even though the brown's rumble wasn't directed at her. Either way, she beams up to her sister's dragon and gives another mighty wave. "And 'lo to you too, Tiqqy." Any next words are lost from Ozriadasoth's loud bugle towards Neiveth, the green shifting slightly in her position to watch the blue. Suri approaches the brownrider, head bobbing as she echoes the greeting towards their clutchmate. "'Evening as well, L'sen. Having a good day?" Her mug is finally given attention, sipping at the drink before it freezes in this weather.

"Oh, yeah, definitely," L'sen tells Suraiya easily, beaming at her. "Always. How're you two? It really has been, like, forever. Shards, I don't see none of y'all, our class, these days," complains the bluerider, good-naturedly scuffing a boot in the snow. Neiveth seconds that with another croon to the pair, stretching out languidly.

Tiqueth cocks his head slightly to one side, his swirling eyes taking in the mirror reflection of his rider. "Do you think you're wearin' enough, Sur?" Sarisia asks from her spot, cracking her neck before nodding towards L'sen. "Well, that's how it goes I suppose." She states with a shrug. "So, is there anything interesting goin' on with you two?" She asks the blue pair as the hides are tucked into jacket.

Suraiya huddles into her fur and grins out at her sister. "Could use more," she says with a giggle. Then to respond to L'sen, she sips her ale and then bobs her head quickly. "Oh it has. The problem with going to seperate wings and always being busy. But I've been cold... mostly cold." Ozriadasoth seems to not agree on this fact as she snout-dives into the layer of snow that had covered the bowl, lifting her head up and sending it into the air. Ignoring her lifemate, especially as she steps closer towards Tiqueth and his rider to avoid falling snow, she answers her sister, "Nothing interesting. Yknow Jascela had her babe? I want a babe... That's 'bout it. And this cold, but that's not interesting."

L'sen shrugs his shoulders, stepping back to lean up against his blue. "With me? Nah, not that much," he admits. "Just hanging around, doing sweeps and watchrider stuff and that sort of thing. It's... Aw, man. You /still/ think it's cold here?" he says, rolling his eyes teasingly at Suraiya. "You're crazy. It's great out here. I mean, okay, it's a little chilly, but still. It's nice! Seriously. And--ooh. I'm having a baby," he answers the greenrider's latter comments with a grin. And then, he pauses. "Okay, not exactly. Harley's having one for me! You should have one, too, though. I mean, kids are great, you know? Lots of fun." And he nods knowingly.

At Oz's playful motions Tiqueth sends out a wing to cover his lifemate and the huddling Suri lest any of that terrible powdery stuff make its way towards them. "The cold ain't that bad." Sarisia says as she smiles up at the brown's large head above her. "Babies?" She says as she whips her head back to her sister. "Please spare us." She says with a slightly aggitated look. "Not you too? Babies are terrible!" Shaking her head she gives the snow a slight kick before continuing. "They smell, cry, and they're ugly. And why would you ever want to have something come out of ya? You know how much pain that must be?"

Satiet heads down the steps from Teonath's ledge.
Satiet has arrived.

     Satiet is slight and compact in build, overall figure slender and toned with muscles, especially along her arms. Her face is thin, almost sharply so, and its saving graces are the high cheekbones that taper into a gentle point at the chin. There's no doubt many may find her attractive, if only for the excess amount of confidence that exudes in the pride of her general posture, and the aloof hold of her chin. She appears to be in her late teens, though hints of maturity are here and there in the ice cold depths of her blue eyes. Raven hair has been pulled out of her face, a few curls let loose to frame and soften her features, the tiny slips of braids running up from the nape of her neck to be caught in an loose twist that drapes braidlets over a silver pin. A set of lengthy bangs sweeps across one side of her face, dark against the cream of her complexion.
     Some thought has gone into her attire for the day, a set of well-pressed flying leathers, soft and worn by age, in a beautiful fawn shade with crimson trimming. The pants are fawn colored, stitching visible at the pant hems, showing some retailoring had to go into making it fit correctly, and are decorated along the sides with dark red stripes, two on each side. A white shirt's collar is visible just underneath the lapels of the desert-colored jacket, the trim also in crimson. A pair of riding gloves, sleek and new are either worn or tucked visibly in loop of her belt.

"It'll always be cold." Suraiya sniffs for emphasis. "Don' care how long I live in Reaches, I doubt I'll ever get used to this weather. Thank Faranth for Ozzy and her ability to take me to Ista on off days," she grins over at her lifemate, with a patch of snow still on her snout. Ozri puffs up a moment, rumbling proudly. Yes, she can travel just like any other dragon. Back to the other two she grins widely. "L'sen having a baby... well, that'd be a funny sight. I mean, congrats to Harley an' yourself, but it'd be funny to see a man pregnant." Giggle at the thought, but seriously-- "They're not ugly! They're cute, and small, and ya get to name 'em." And she waggles her brows at L'sen. "I want five, so I must start early."

L'sen blinks at Sarisia, rubbing the back of his neck thoughtfully. "Never thought about that part," he admits. "Guess that wouldn't feel so great. Not that I really have to worry about it. But man, they /are/ fun. Really. I mean, you can play with them and stuff and it's just great. Back when we were candidates, you know, I loved getting nanny duty so I could do stuff with them. Best chore ever." He grins, glancing between the pair curiously. "Five? Oh, man. That'd be fun. And thanks, by the way. You better hurry up, though, I mean. I mean, you're like... I'm twenty--shards, /twenty/ already--and aren't we the same age? Or something like that. Anyway, I'm with her," he says, pointing a finger at Suraiya as he smirks at Sarisia. Then: "Names. Oh, shards. That's the hard part," he admits.

It's on the heel of Sarisia's words that a bemused laughter rings from a middling ground ledge and soon after, Satiet's poised figure finds her way down the stairs. "A girl after my own heart," is all the dark-haired woman remarks, her cool alto light-hearted, at least for her. A slender finger lifts to indicate first Suraiya before a more narrowed study shifts the pointer to the correct twin. "My least favorite chore of candidacy, minding the nurseries." With approval in the pale ice chips of her eyes for Sarisia, a toss of her raven hair brings the weyrwoman's gaze on L'sen, brow lifting incrementally at the conversation at hand. "You're with -her-," a quick flick to the greenrider, "And having a baby together?"

Sarisia continues to shake her head, clearly not aggreeing on any point. "They're ugly I tell ya, an' annoying." She takes a moment to lean against the brown, but she doesn't stay relaxed for very long. "Five? Shardin' /five/ brats!" She stares from one rider to the other. "You're both mad. I don't want to see even one spawn from her." She points a finger towards Suraiya, frowning all the while. When Satiet joins the conversation she gives the gold rider a wave, glad to see someone with sense. "Possibly the two of them will spawn somethin'. I doubt Sur cares who she has 'em with as long as they're born." Giving a sigh she leans back against Tiqueth, needing a break from all of this stressful conversation.

Ozriadasoth, finally shaking the bit of snow from her snout, makes her way closer to the group after feeling left out. Suraiya joins her lifemate chuckling as she takes the offered forearm to sit down on when the little green settles down. "I loved working with the nannies too. Nothing like a kid to brighten up your day an' all." Her blue eyes focus on L'sen. "Nineteen, actually. Right Sari? But that's close enough." Her attention turns to Sari to say "/Five/ is a good number. I'll have nice brats, though!" before she turns to greet the arriving weyrwoman with a large wave of her arm. "G'evening Satiet, ma'am!" She drops her arm back to her mug, her smile disappearing as she looks from the goldrider to the bluerider. "We are? I didn't know."

"Satiet!" L'sen says, waving exuberantly to the goldrider as she approaches. "Hey, what're you doing? We were just--ooh. Not /her/," he says, pointing again at Suraiya. "Or her," he adds Sarisia to the gesture for good measure. "Me 'n' Harley, actually. Not that we're... Ah, you know. Not exactly together, mostly, but. Anyway." Somewhat befuddled, he peers at Sarisia for her outburst. "Hey, wouldn't, like, y'all's kids look alike? Would they match, too, if you had them with the same guy? Or guys like y'all?" he muses thoughtfully--apparently, entirely serious as well. These are the deep thoughts haunting L'sen.

Tucking her hands into the warmth of a little fur-trimmed muff, a dry, "Good evening," is spared the trio. "The word brat sort of negates the word nice I always thought," Satiet notes further, easing herself into the conversation further both with words and with an easy stance near the other riders. Her usually smooth brow mars with the furrow of incredulous thought, and in the kindred spirit-ship of mutual dislike of children, she slants Sarisia a knowing and mildly disgusted look before the turns of practiced politics returns that sharp featured face to the semblance of pleasantry in the light of L'sen and Suraiya's good cheer. "Ah, I- see. I suppose you'd prefer congratulations to commiserations. Have you two, -luckylucky- parents, decided whether or not to care for the child together, or relegate the unfortunate to the whims of our capable nannies?"

Sarisia simply grumbles into the icy air, kicking at the snow occasionaly. "No such thing as nice brats. An' why five? Can't ya jus' have one?" She gives her neck a good crack, seeming to ease up a little more after it. "Match? What are we a pair of gloves?" Sari dryly states at L'sen's comment, but her eyes hold a slightly amused look to them. "Well, I guess we won't find out cause I'm not havin' any brats. Ever." She answers the blueriders query, the brown behind her giving an approving grumble. "Why would anyone want something to be squeezed out of 'em?" She asks herself, glancing back at her sister she catches sight of Satiet's face. "Sur, care for kids? She'd probably dump 'em as soon as she's had her fill of 'em." Giving Satiet a smirk she shifts in her spot.

Suraiya seems to ponder the goldrider's words, staring into what little remains of her drink until she finds her answer. To which she replies, "Well, they'll likely be considered brats growing up in a Weyr environment.. 'Long with all the other children with the nannies an' all. But they'd be /nice/, too. At times... Hopefully sometimes." Suraiya's brow actually wrinkles a moment before smoothing out into a smile. "Why not one to test out that thought, Sari? I think you'd like to have one at least. And five is... good for a lifetime. Span 'em out a bit." She downs the rest of her ale, setting the mug down on the ground before crossing her arms under the furs. "I'll still visit 'em from time to time," she tells Sari. "They're /my/ kids, after all. That's whenever I have 'em."

L'sen eyes Satiet dubiously. "Now you sound like R'hin," he tells her. "We were talking the other day about it, and he was all, 'Hey, I know people in, um, I forget where, but somewhere way far away, that you could give 'im too.' Something about it not being good to raise kids in a Weyr without asking them, or something? I dunno. It kind of went over my head why, I thought, so. Harley likes kids, too--I think she'll want to keep it. And I wanna, too, because, well. I like kids, too," he gushes again, before Sarisia wipes that grin off his face. "Oh, um. Sorry?" he tells her. "But, you know, these things, they just sort of happen. Never say never." And he's grinning again, just like that.

The urge to slap a hand against her forehead weighs strong and very visibly in the twitches along Satiet's features and the tremble of one of her arms tucked into that muff. With growing horror as L'sen's previous line of thought finally sinks in, pale eyes turn shadowed as the goldrider slants the sole male a scrunched-nose look. "If Sarisia doesn't want to spawn, more kudos to her." A hand wrestles free of the fur to even spare the brownrider a thumbs up. High approval indeed from the frosty young woman. "And Faranth help us if you," L'sen, "Find someone to 'just sort of happen' that sort of thing to her just to satisfy your curiosity." Shaking her head just as dubiously as the bluerider looks at her, she tilts her head towards Ozriadasoth, "What does she think of children?"

Sarisia quickly shots the idea of spawning down. "No." She growls out to her sister, shaking her head yet again, someone's gonna get a headache at this rate. "Ain't havin' any, ever. So I guess we'll never know." She hugs her arms closer to her body, giving her arms a good rub down. She chooses to ignore the rest of her sisters words, her eyes wandering over to L'sen. She leaves them on the man, an incredulus look in them. "That's what a trip between is good for." She states, giving her lifemate a good swat on the flank. She sends her own thumb up to Satiet, giving a toothy grin as she listens to the goldriders words. "Hmm, Harley, sounds familiar..." She trails off, brows furrowed as she tries to place the face with the name. "Well anyways when are you two planning on havin' one?"

Suraiya is surprised by Satiet's question. Her eyes travel towards the little green of hers, looking up at the large eyes that stare right back down on her. She pats the green's forearm, which is her perch, and asks, "What about the idea, Ozzy?" And having that far-off look for a moment with a satisfied rumble from the green, Suri turns her wide-grinning face back to the others. "'Obviously more entertainment possibilities,'" she seems to quote. "An' I think she likes the idea of them being with me. We'll both have fun that way." She shrugs her shoulders, glancing momentarily towards Sari. "Well, I'll have five. It'll be almost like you having kids too. But if ya don't want 'em, then there's probably no hope to convince ya otherwise in the future."

"Why would I have to go find someone else?" L'sen asks blankly, peering between Satiet and Sarisia. At the latter, the stare is definitely more aghast. "You'd /do/ that? I mean, /people/ really /do/ that?" he asks, shocked. "Why would you ever--you wouldn't really do that," decides the man after a moment, nodding firmly. "You're just joking. Um. Not long? A month? Less than that? I have no idea." The latter in response to her question. He just beams triumphantly at Suraiya. "Exactly. More fun for everybody," he agrees.

Satiet's eyes close, the signs of impending headache lined at the corner of her eyes and the 'Faranth help me' look on her face. The free hand touches her temple briefly, pressing there hard before her eyes open. "Babies are not fun." From over the edge of a ledge, a gold snout appears, sniffing cautiously before the rainbow-faceted eyes of Teonath are visible, head tilted curiously as she considers the ground. "And you-," Sat murmurs without turning around, though a backward gesture indicates her dragon, "Are no help at all. I wish you luck in your endeavors with children then. Better you than me or your sister it seems. There are also herbs, I believe, that will help prevent pregnancy."

Sarisia gives a huff at Ozzy's reply. "Course she'd think it'd be fun, she thinks anythings fun." She waves a hand towards the green, dismising her thoughts but quickly pulling it back under her jacket. She raises a brow towards L'sen at his statement. "If people didn't do that wouldn't you think we'd have a lot more pregnant riders?" She asks, slightly shocked at his way of thinking. "I wouldn't think twice 'bout it, just one quick jump and it's all back to normal." Tiqueth looks up to where the gold snout is located, lifting his head slightly he observes the queen. "Ya, that too." Sarisia replies to Satiets herb suggestion. "But if ever it fails," And she just leaves it at that, nestling against the dragon and wrapping herself with the jacket as snuggly as possible.

"Not everything," Suraiya says with a stiff nod towards Tiqueth. Ozriadasoth, though, shifts her legs and rumbles. "Well, alright, guess even annoying Tiqqy is fun, ain't it, love?" The green seems satisfied with that. Suri frowns again, this time at L'sen's response towards the :between:ing bit. "Well, it all happens... They do that when there's little choice." She nods again towards Suri. "But I wouldn't. Cause I want 'em. Now it's all 'bout planning it right." And finding the victims, but that's not first on her list. "Thanks," she says towards the goldrider. "I hope it all goes well, someday."

Dragon> Neiveth, Ozriadasoth, and Tiqueth sense that Teonath, unlike her rider, has warmth in her tone that goes beyond the typical desert heat of her thoughts. Faint fondness, though remembrance is absent, lingers in the shades of brilliant blues and roses that intertwine in a golden sunshine. << She disagrees, >> her rider, clearly, << That hatchlings are wondrous things. >>

L'sen offers Satiet once of those high-wattage grins. "Thanks," he tells the woman. "Hey, you should have kids, too. Then ours can play together, you know? You and B'whatsit, that guy from Igen. Ista. Wherever. The I ones are so confusing. But--" His grin flickers again, faltering briefly at Sarisia's words. "Uh-huh, sure," he says, in that even-/I'm/-not-that-gullible tone. Stubborn boy, he's not going to believe anything of that sort about them.

"No thanks. I'll let the both of you have my children quotient forever." The mention of B'rakis, however mangled his name, does still Satiet's features a beat, though her hesitation is shrugged off quickly and the topic is dismissed from her mind. "If you'd like," to Sarisia, a more genial smile curving her lips, "I'd be happy to drop off a small pouch of the herbs I commission from Healer Hall later." But a discontent shift from the ledge captures her attention, and with a fleeting glance for the trio, she waves in mock exasperation, "The demands of our life- good night."

Tiqueth lingers on the gold dragon, his head tilted slightly to one side. "Poor Queth," Sari states as she gives her lifemate an affectionate slap. "That green is always annoying you." Tiqueth finally looks back down at the gathered, a slight rumble given before he gets up from his spot. "Well, L'sen, if you ever need playmates for your brats you know Suri will have a flock of 'em waiting for some fun." At Satiets offer she smiles broadly. "Sounds good, I'd be glad to have 'em." She gives the gold rider a wave at her announcement of departure. "Night."

Suraiya giggles at her sister's reaction. "He gets so easily annoyed, though." She's not really trying to defend her little green, she's just stating the obvious. Ozriadasoth is just a happy dragon, there's nothing wrong with that. And she croons to those present as well as up towards the golden one on her ledge. Nothing can keep her down. "G'night!" She calls after Satiet with another wave. "An' I don't know 'bout that. Might be a bit 'fore I can get pregnant. Need some volunteers an' all... Unless I luck out with one of Ozzy's flight." And here she pokes the lounging green. "When are ya gonna fly 'gain?"

"You really /do/ that?!" L'sen is shocked, scandalized as he stares after Satiet. He just shakes his head, mumbling a less enthusiastic good night to her than usual. Turning back to the sisters before him, he shrugs. "Um. Yeah, right," he agrees with a quick nod. "I want lots of kids, too, so that'll be great. I mean, okay, you may be right about /babies/, but give 'em a couple of turns to grow up and they're wonderful. And--" to Suraiya "--I'm sure there's plenty of people, guys, that would. I mean, you're pretty and nice and you got lots of friends and stuff, right?" he tells her easily.

Satiet goes up the stairs to Teonath's ledge.
Satiet has left.

Sarisia gives a sigh at the mention of flights. "Whenever that one decides to rise you'd better let me know in advance." She states, pointing a finger at the culprit green. "You sure do like kids a lot." Scratching at her forehead she gives a nod to L'sen before turning to her lifemate. "They're never good, even when they're older." She quickly jumps onto the brown, settling in before she turns back to those left on the ground. "Actually, it's worse cause they can talk." Tiqueth gives a pleased rumble as he stretches out slightly, ready for the quick flight up to the awaiting ledge. "I've got a message to deliver," Scanning the bowl she frowns. "Early tomorrow it seems, I'd best be on my way."

"Don't I always, Sari?" Suraiya answers with a roll of her eyes. "Ozzy gives 'nough warning for you to jus' roll out of bed and disappear." She waves to her sister either way as she leaves the bowl. "Take care!" She calls after the pair, though it was after they had already taken off. Ah well. To L'sen she bobs her head. "The advantages of a greenrider. Not sure if many think of me as more /friend/ than jus' friendly... I spend lots of time with Ozzy, or with Sari.. or with the Wing during drills." Cold nights seem to be the only time she has to herself. "But unlike those two," she jerks a chin towards those that departed. "I think they're great when little an' bigger. 'Cept bigger they tell ya what they want 'stead of playing the guessing game."

"Aw, night, Sari," L'sen tells the brownrider. "See you around." He waves as she and Tiqueth depart before glancing back to Suraiya. "Yeah, I guess so. I know what you mean, I think. Well, I have lots of friends, but still. That's kind of how me 'n' Harley ended up, you know what I mean? Just one of those things that happened, but I think it's great," he tells her. "I can't wait until it's born, and then I can see it and stuff."

With now a quieter surrounding, Suri digs herself further to avoid the cold chill. It's not like she has to keep swinging around listening to people at the moment. Her blue eyes focus on L'sen's words, smile hidden by the furs. But it's exposed long enough for her to speak. "Oh, have ya named it? It sounds really exciting, waiting for the birth.. an' naming is tough but the best part. Have a good one for a girl an' one for a boy.. or maybe two for each, in case it looks like one name more than the other."

L'sen rubs his head thoughtfully. "Not exactly," he admits. "I've been thinking about it, and I got nothing. I'm not real good at this naming thing, you know? I mean, Neiveth, he says he's lucky he was born knowing his own name, 'cause there's no telling what I would've come up with, you know? It's, well. I've been trying to, you know, come up with some kind of way to squish our names together, me 'n' Harley, but it's hard. Some names are easy, but ours? Not really. Or maybe it really is just me." He wrinkles his nose.

Suraiya furrows her brows and bites her lower lip as she descends into a miraculous moment of silence. Her eyes seem to travel from the sky to the ground, to some passer-bys. "You're right," she says after a long moment. "It does seem kind of difficult. Harley an' L'sen. That's gonna be a real challenge to mix together. But ya still have plenty of time, right?" She grins for encouragement. Ozriadasoth gives her trademark rumble, though her attention was drifting and she just thought the comfort was needed. "Or, you can look at something right after its born.. and try to pull a name out of that. But I don't think anyone would ever try something like that. Might not make pleasant names..."

"Maybe a month," agrees L'sen sagely, nodding. "But if you have any idea, let me know, because I'm not having any luck at all with it. I need to just go around and ask everybody, I think, for name ideas. Somebody out there oughta give me a good one, you know? Not so sure how I'd do on the spot like that," confesses the rider. "I don't think well under pressure."

Suraiya giggles at the bluerider's idea. "If you do that, someone is bound to have a good suggestion or two. Hopefully within less than a month so that you can then ask Harley if it's alright. But I'll try to come up with one or two, if I can. I'll try to catch ya 'fore the lucky day an' see if you're still looking." Turning serious, she nods. "Oh yes, I spose that would be a problem. All ready with 'nough time to spare. You an' Harley will find good names, I'm sure."

L'sen beams. "Thanks, Suri," he tells the girl happily. "That'd be a lot of help, you know? Just in case we can't come up with something on our own. But, I'm, er. I'm actually starting to get a little chilly," he admits, rubbing at his arms. "And I know you--you're freezing. Think I'll go get some dinner or a snack or something, and warm up. Night, Suri." He offers her a wave before heading inside.

suraiya, sarisia, satiet, teonath, l'sen

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