[Log] Maps

Jun 20, 2006 22:52

Who: Casille, Reighley
When: Day 11, Month 2, Turn 8
Where: Bowl, Fort Weyr
What: Reighley meets Casille.
Notes: Partial log.

Center of the Fort Weyr Bowl
     The Bowl of Fort Weyr, a large, featureless plain surrounded by steep mountain cliffs, stretches out around you. It is approximately oval in shape, about 2700 meters along the long axis running southwest to northeast, and about half that distance across the short axis. You stand in its approximate center. The soil of the bowl is somewhat sandy.
     To the northwest is the large cavern used for the Weyrling barracks. To the west is the fenced off area where the Weyr's herds are kept, and the lake shore is to the southwest. To the northeast can be seen the ledges for the junior queens and the weyrleaders. The large entrance to the Hatching Grounds can also be seen to the northeast and to the east are the Lower Caverns.


Obvious exits:
Tunnel Infirmary Living Cavern Weyrling Barracks Northeastern Area Lake Shore Feeding Grounds

     Casille is all delicate angles and flat planes, tall and thin at a handbreadth beneath six feet with little muscle and littler fat on her frame. She hasn't much to speak of in the way of curves, but there is a slight softening at breast and hip to mark her a girl, and one past adolescence with no hope for any more to come. Despite being a bit lanky she moves with a subtle grace borne of practice, shoulders back and posture just so while her long-fingered hands are gently precise. Almond eyes are a cold slate blue, disappointingly dull and flecked with grey instead of sapphire or amythest - lacking in vibrance but rimmed by long brown lashes. Brows of a similar golden-brown hue arch high and expressive above them, a few shades darker than her sandy hair. The dark blonde tresses are plaited in intricate braids and then wound into a complex knot on top of her head, a few strategic pieces left free to frame her face and brush the nape of her neck. Too little time outdoors has left her skin a creamy shade prone to a flush of pink, brightened by a mouth naturally rosy in color and softly full but prone to a petulant pout. Her nose is a sharp line too long for true beauty while cheekbones and chin too are angled and narrow, lending her face an air of fine contours stretched just a hair too far. The faint scent of vanilla seems to be as much a part of her as her normally softly melodic voice.

Late afternoon on a winter Fortian day means the sun is already nearing the western horizon and the temperature has taken a turn for the colder. Casille is therefore bundled up in a heavy wool jacket, a long multicolored scarf wound around her neck with ends trailing down the back of her black coat. It's anyone's guess why she's out in the cold instead of in front of a fire anyhow, but she's perched on a boulder with her legs folded under her, a slab of wood acting as a makeshift desk balanced on her knees. Luckily her gloves are crafted of thin black wherhide or she'd be having a hard time with the stylus in her hand as she makes notes on a slate. A sigh escapes her lips, rising in a puff of white from her mouth as she uses a cloth to rub out that last notation.

Running through the bowl after a group of older children, Reighley is at the back of the pack, and her calls for them to slow up and wait for her go unheeded. Gradually, she slows further, frowning after the others, until she's at a walk as she passes by Casille. Poutily, she gives up the pursuit and flops gracelessly onto the ground by that boulder, her eyes on the lake and arms wrapped around her knees. "They always do this," she notes in resignation.

Casille's eyes flick up at the shouting, but only for the briefest moment before her attention is back on her work. When her utter focus on the slate in front of her goes totally unheeded by the young girl she lets out a sigh and sets her stylus down with pursed lips. Leaning forward a bit she gives the girl a quick once over then taps a finger on her knee. "Who always does what, now? I wasn't paying attention... I was busy." Stress on /was/, though she doesn't really look overly peeved, and she set her stylus aside readily enough.

Reighley glances around at Casille, blinking. Her cheeks redden at the woman's words, though she offers a hesitant smile. "The Bad Cousins," she says, gesturing after the children, who are now vanishing into the lower caverns. "Sorry," she says. "I didn't mean to interrupt. They just... and I just... Sorry," she repeats.

Casille softens at the girl's blush and sticks packs her work into a nearby wherhide satchel. It takes a minute as everything has to go into it's exact place, just so. After all of that though she does manage to summon a smile, and she gives her head a little shake. "No reason to be sorry, I just haven't had much luck finding quiet. The records room is being used for some sort of posted Crafter gathering or meeting or something and it's just... well, busy everywhere. I might as well just finish later though. Are the Bad Cousins your cousins?"

Reighley wrinkles her nose. "Ew, that's not good. It's quiet out here, except, well. That's mostly because nobody wants to stay out here," she agrees, nodding. At the question, though, she glances toward the living cavern again and nods. "Yeah. They live here, so they know everywhere you can go and hide and stuff, and they don't wait on me. And my brother--he just goes along with them!" she explains, shaking her head, her voice rising at that slight.

Casille clucks her tongue, darting a look after the departed offenders. "That's not very fair, you're right. I could show you a few pretty hidden nooks and crannies but you would probably rather follow them. What you need is some kind of toy..." she trails off, peering at the girl with those weighing eyes again and re-judging her age by ammending, "game or something, that they want a part in."

Reighley hesitates, biting her lower lip as she looks up at Casille. "A game," she agrees, nodding slowly. "I get it. My brother /says/ I should just keep up on my own and it's my own fault, but... Do you really think it would work? They don't seem really interested in our games, but it's a lot more fun than tag or hide-and-seek over and over again," continues the girl, explaining slowly as she debates that idea.

Casille takes on a faint frown, just a vague crinkle between her brows as she mulls over this, apparently taking the problem as seriously as she takes everything else. "Well let's see. I'm not sure how to help you keep up better, other than giving you lots of good food to help you grow and a map, which we could arrange. It seems like keeping them with you would work better though..." she trails off, then brightens a bit. "Do you play cards? I just found a decent deck in one of the storerooms and I have no use for it. It's a bit worn and you really shouldn't play poker with it, but another sort of game maybe?"

Reighley taps her chin thoughtfully with a finger. "Hmm. You really have maps? Like, official ones? I tried drawing one a couple of weeks ago, and it didn't look right. Me and my brother were going to hunt treasure, but nobody else wanted to so it just kind of... didn't happen," she admits, frown deepening. She shakes her head, then queries, "What else can you play with cards? I don't know any games with them."

Casille flips a hand in a dismissive gesture and pairs it with a nod. "Absolutely. Well, I have access to the official ones and I copy them for directionally challenged newcomers all the time. Especially folks who have to navigate the stores - it can be a bit twisty in there you know." A thoughtful expression flickers, furrowning her brows, and she turns to rummage in her satchel. "Sometimes I have one or two of the basic ones with me but..." she pauses, pulling out a spool of thread with a needle, a pair of pressed and spotless handkerchiefs, a spare stylus and a comb. "Looks like I'm out of them at the moment." Everything goes back in and she flashes a grin. "I could get you one though. And there are all /sorts/ of good games to play with cards, silly. Haven't you ever played cards? Catch a Wherry is one, Proddy Eights, Old Auntie... you've never done any of those?"

Reighley's eyes widen slightly. "Really?" she asks curiously. "Would you really do that? I'd like one, I think--it'd be really helpful in finding new places and stuff. And I /still/ get turned around sometimes. P'draig, my friend P'draig, helped me remember it because he said it's kind of like a pie, but still. That just covers the big areas," she explains with a shrug. Then, thoughtfully: "Oh, I think I've played Old Auntie, but it was a really long time ago, I think. I'd probably remember how if I played it again."

casille, reighley

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