[Log] Get Well Soon

Jun 18, 2006 20:50

Who: Ayana, L'sen
When: Day 1, Month 2, Turn 8
Where: Infirmary, Igen Weyr
What: L'sen goes to visit Ayana in the infirmary.

Igen Weyr Infirmary
     The scent of numbweed permeates the Weyr's infirmary, a remarkable cavern with room for both dragon and human patients. This large cavern has been split into two parts. The outer part is set up for the dragons, complete with a stone couch and tub of water. Cots have been set up near the dragon area for injured riders, with curtains drawn around each for privacy. Movable walls section this off from the human-only side of the infirmary, where the more numerous cots have thick screens to grant a little more privacy. The eastern wall is half-filled with six-foot tall shelves, containing scrolls, herbs, concoctions, and various useful equipment. Filling the other half of the wall is a lockable cabinet, beside which at least one healer sits on duty all the time, to ensure proper use of the more dangerous items.
     A long desk sits next to the southern opening which leads to the Weyr's living caverns. The breeze from the west keeps the air here fresh most of the time. People are always mopping the floor or scrubbing the equipment with astringent, working hard to keep the infirmary clean.


Obvious exits:
Bowl Living Caverns

It is midway into the day and Ayana is as bored as ever. Laying in her cot, she stares blankly up at the ceiling. She's much cleaned up now compared to before when she got punished by her Wingleader and Weyrwoman, but that doesn't help much with her droll mood. She absently ticks at her bandaged right side with her fingers while she stares away, looking rather impatient. Now that the ban is lifted, she wanted to see her friends, and she was really hoping atleast her weyrmate shows up if not them. So, with a sigh, and a glance at the healers nearby, the brownrider just stares in space with her patience running dry.

Outside, Neiveth lands with a brassy, off-key bugle to announce his presence, and with similar enthusiasm, L'sen bounces off the dragon and toward the infirmary after only a couple of wrong turns. When he enters the cavern, he glances around curiously before calling, rather loudly, "Hello? Anybody in here? You around here, Ayana?" Peace and quiet for healing? Not while L'sen's around.

Glancing over towards the entrance sharply, Ayana could make out the bluerider easily. While the healers were giving him frowns and one was about to head his way, she quickly calls out "Wait, he's for me," she says to the disgruntled healers. She waves a free hand over at L'sen, confusion evident on her face as she does so. "Long time, L'sen," she says when he get close enough for a more private conversation. "Haven't see you since Delu's flight. Has my brother keeping you busy? Wait," and she holds the same hand up as if forestall his response, "let me guess why you're here. My brother found out and you came for a visit." This was said more as a statement than a question. "I can only imagine the situation." She simply looks bored and doesn't hide that fact as she shifts her weight with a small wince.

L'sen, grinning at the healers, heads quickly over to Ayana's bedside as she hails him. "Well, sort of," he answers. "I mean, Baye mentioned it, and I volunteered to come for him, because something about he can't? I dunno, but I've been meaning to get down this way and I just... haven't, so seemed like I ought to definitely now, you know what I mean?" he notes, sprawling out on the edge of the empty cot next door. "He--Baye, I mean--he was pretty worked up about it, though. I guess I can understand that, since I'd be upset if /my/ sister got hurt, you know? What happened, anyway?"

Ayana smirks a bit at the still-disgruntled healers, but they atleast went back to their duties. Watching the bluerider a bit, "He can't?" she echoes with a frown. She takes a long pause and looks to the ceiling in thought, her eyes narrowing before she glances back at him with a nod, "Ah, I can see why," she explains. "Kam must still be here and someone has to watch the business or whatever. Baye can't leave. I imagine he was worked up about it, too." She shrugs, seeming not too concerned. "Well, in any case, I'm glad you came down. I haven't had visitors in days, and I'm getting tired of seeing healers all day." She rolls her eyes and shows a grin through her cut bottom lip. "Bayan was worked up about /me/?" and she blinks. "Hm, I guess he would be...he can be sensitive sometimes, but don't let him know I told you that." She grins at that, then lets it fade. "Happened.....Baye must not know..." and she sighs in hesitation. "Uh...someone was coming after Kam and I tried to stop him and got knifed," and it comes out in a rush, as though rehearsed. She shrugs, "I wasn't fighting or anything. Tell him I'll be fine."

"You got /knifed/?" squawks L'sen, incredulous. "How the shards?! Shards, Aya. What /were/ you doing? I mean, I figured it must've been some kind of accident--Bayan didn't say--but /knifed/? Shards!" The bluerider, shocked, shakes his head, just staring at the girl on the cot. "That's just... Man. No /wonder/ he was all freaking out. I would've been, too, for sure--forget what anybody else said, I'd've been here, you know? Because that's what you do, for family, you know what I mean? Are you /sure/ you're okay?"

Ayana smiles gently at his shocked reaction, waving a hand in reassurance. "What was I? I wasn't doing anything," technically, anyway, "I...I don't remember much of it except feeling pain. Kam cleaned the wound before I even made it here. It's fine. My pride's more injured," and she looks bitter at this. "Bayan can't be there nor here. When I get better, I'll go see him." She hesitates now, looking at L'sen closely. "He'll want revenge, so tell him not to worry on that account. The man's....Kamer...talked with him." She looks skeptical now as she looks to the ceiling, "Anyway, it's what I deserved. I made a stupid move and paid for it...even got punished by my Wingleader."

L'sen remains dubious, not exactly reassured by Ayana's words. "I'll tell him," he agrees. "But... How do you end up having something like that happen? Seriously. What kind of guy goes after a dragonrider? What kind of guy goes after /anybody/ with a knife. He coulda killed you or something, you know?" Marveling, he shakes his head, frowning. "What'd they do to you, though? I mean, you get hurt and they /still/ punish you?"

Ayana shrugs a bit, knowin what she tells him is not much, and seems....questionable in some ways. At his question, "He wasn't....he didn't kinda know I was one," she slowly admits. "I'm afraid I must be skimpy on the details right now. All I can say is we needed some information on the possibility of someone ambushing the family trade caravan leaving soon, and it went wrong. We got what we needed, though." She nods to that, "I know I could have died, and I feel stupid about it. Delu already got on me, and my Wingleader stormed in here, too. He and the Weyrwoman told me to write letters to them and the man that knifed me apologizing for making the Weyr look bad. I can do that, easy. I finished the letters yesterday, which allows me now to have visitors, and they want me to deliver it to the man in person." She shrugs, "I got extra drills when I'm able to fly, too. It's the way it is."

L'sen just eyes Ayana, still frowning--it must be the longest amount of time he's ever held that expression. "I... I guess I understand," he agrees grudgingly. "But, well. We're all just worried, you know?" the man tells her earnestly. "I mean, I sure didn't know what to think when Baye told me, and he was real upset, and everybody here was, obviously, because, man. That was not a good idea. But, well. I'm real glad you're okay, anyway. When do you get out of here?"

Ayana looks at him with a small smile. "I appreciate it, really," she says warmly to the bluerider. "I know it's hard to understand because some of it's not making sense." She gives a long pause. "Did Baye tell you our parents are joining the family trade? They are, and they plan to train this girl, Seria, to take over...only, we know she's after something. We got word that someone's gathering some renengades in the Igen area, which sounds very suspicious. Now, we know we have reason." She looks not sure to tell anything more, but she nods. "Bayan knows the rest, if he tells it. I can't do anything because of my duty to Weyr, and," she points to her side. "I've risked enough. It's up to them now." She sighs wistfully. "Don't worry about me. I'm too tough to let some knife take me down. Ky knows. Anyway, I should be out soon, but that depends on the healers," and she sends a glare their way. "I hate being cooped up in here."

L'sen's expression lightens as Ayana explains, and he finally offers a smile. "Oh, okay. I get it. I think. I'll make Baye explain, maybe," he agrees, nodding. Until another thought occurs to him. "Uh... That's not gonna be something that's gonna get him in trouble, is it? Because there's some people already that don't like him or trust him or whatever, and I don't want him going and doing something stupid and getting in /more/ trouble, you know?"

Ayana chuckles to L'sen, "Yeah, you know? It's family business," she explains easily. "I don't want some renegades coming to hurt my parents. I mean, I hate my ma still, but she's my ma. I don't want her dead, and I don't want the caravan destroyed. Seria and I have a long history before I ran away from home," and she nods sagely. "Truth is I don't trust her and I don't want her near my folks." She says it heatedly before a pause occurs. "Bayan is in trouble? Wait, oh yeah. He told me about the weyrlings. I see what you mean," and she looks thoughtful. "I wouldn't worry too much about him. Baye's lazy, and he won't risk himself unless it's absolutely necessary. Kam's more the hands-on of the two, so if anything, Baye will work in the background. But if you think it'll be serious, keep him in line will you? You know how prone he is to trouble, and speaking of," and she turns serious at she looks pointedly at L'sen. "What's this I hear about these weyrlings messing with my brother? Baye dances over details, but I know when something's bothering him and this is! How bad is it? He's not fighting, is he?"

L'sen, blinking, answers first with a shrug. Then: "Oh, well. The weyrlings, they just kind of... tease him? I think. I dunno, I don't think it's very serious, but you know how people can be, right? It's just, well, mostly it's R'hin, and he keeps saying stuff about Maja, but they're just talk, I think, so." A shrug. "Don't worry, though--I'll look out for him. He'll be okay. You just worry about getting better, 'cause if you don't, I'll come back and yell at you myself," threatens the cheerful bluerider, grinning all the while.

Ayana doesn't look too convinced or happy at the fact that there's some weyrlings teasing her brother, but she nods anyway. "Hm. Well, he better watch it with that....the weyrlings too. Not saying he'll do something bad, but, we both know the business he's involved in is shady." She shakes her head soberly. "As long as there's nothing serious going on. Either way, it warrants me to take a visit over there when I'm able and see this ....R'hin and Maja? For myself." She grins then, "Good. He doesn't really have anyone, L'sen. Kam...well, if you ever meet him, you'll see. I respect Kamer, but I don't think he's a good influence on Bayan. That's why I'm glad he has you and the others in the Weyr. Already I can see a change in him because he has friends. There's really more to him than what he shows on the surface," and she smiles fondly about her brother. "Anyway, I'll get better, or I'll fear your yelling," and she shudders for emphasis before bursting into laughter. "You're the best, L'sen," she says after her laughter dies down.

"I'm /serious/," protests L'sen, though he snickers himself, shaking his head. "But yeah, well. I understand. I've never met him before--your other brother, I mean--but me and Baye, we got this idea about setting him up with some girl and seeing if that'll loosen him up, you know? Or a guy, whoever. You know what I mean? Except, I think I have to meet him before I start playing matchmaker. But, oh. Right. I'll take care of Baye, don't worry about us," he tells her reassuringly.

Ayana rolls her eyes at him and grins, "You're so harmless," she tells him, "and it's so adorable. Just be careful if you meet Kam, hm? He'll eat you for dinner." Suddenly she blinks before bursting into laughter again, "What? Set him up with a.....oh no, you're both asking for his wrath, then," she waves at him. "Wish I could be there if you do it, though I'll sneak out before the storm of Kam starts." She sighs with a smile and looks closely at the bluerider. "Anyway. What's new with you? What have you been up to, and how have you been? Delu will be sad to have missed you. You should come by more often!"

L'sen just beams at Ayana. "Hey, I suggested it, but Baye was all over that idea, so," he says, nodding sagely. "He wouldn't /really/ get mad at us, would he? Because we're only trying to be nice and helpful and stuff." He shrugs, then grins again. "Ooh, I bet you haven't heard! I'm going to have a baby! ... No, wait. /I'm/ not having a baby. Harley's having a baby for me! ... By me? By me, there we go!" he gushes.

Ayana chuckles goodnaturedly, "Was he? Baye likes pranks as much as I do," she says amiably. "I don't think Kam knows how to relax enough with a girl." At his question, she shrugs a bit, "Well? I honestly don't know how he'll react. I've missed about three turns of him, so maybe he's different? Baye would know. You do know he hates dragonriders, right?" Suddenly, she beams at the news, her eyes going wide. "What? You're going to be a da? That's grand, L'sen!" She's certainly shocked by the news, then tilts her head in confusion. "I don't think I know Harley," she says slowly. "Is she nice? Are you two together? Tell her congratulations from me. Looks like I really should plan a visit out there...I'm missing so much!"

L'sen waves off the talk of Kamer breezily, prefering instead to discuss his impending offspring. "Harley? She's real nice--she's great, in fact. It'll only be, like, another month, too, until it's born. Man, she looks like she's gonna pop already, it's really funny. I can't wait, though--kids are the best, you know what I mean? We're... not exactly together, but we kind of are? Sometimes. Eh, you know how I am," he says, waving a hand around again. "But oh, yeah. You and Delu got to come see us all sometime, okay? Soon as you can?"

Ayana grins and shakes her head, "She must be nice," she muses, "I hope I meet her one day. I do know how you are." She stretches her shoulders a bit with a wince, "And Te'an? How's he doing? I haven't seen him since Delu and me graduated. I never got a chance to say goodbye." She frowns a bit at this, then adds "It's been a while since we've gone to the Reaches, so I'll suggest it to Delu when I see her. I mean, well, what with the extra drills I got to do now and all," and she looks sheepish. "I'll be sure to visit you more often now, L'sen...maybe even get some bubblies from the caverns there!" She brightens at this, beaming at him.

L'sen grins. "She is nice," he agrees, though his expression falters at mention of Te'an. "I haven't seen him much lately, either. He's seemed kinda scarce. I kind of miss how weyrlinghood was--I saw him all the time back then, you know? Being out in the real world changes things." But, eternally the optimist, he shrugs and cheers up, noting, "I'll be watching for you, okay? Make it soon. But--aw, man. I got to run now--my wingleader's looking for me back at the Reaches. But remember, come see me soon, okay? Both of you," he tells the girl solemnly. "And get well soon, too."

Ayana nods, "Ah, you haven't? Hm. Well, if you do see Te'an..well, you know." She grins then and waves as she looks to the entrance. "I'm glad to see you, L'sen. I'll be sure to see you soon, and I'll let Delu know you stopped by. Tell Baye hi for me!" She waves to him and winks. "Thanks for visiting."

L'sen gets to his feet, grinning still. "I know, I know. I'll see you again soon, right? Get well, okay? Bye," he tells her as he leaves, waving. The healers look marginally relieved to be rid of the gregarious bluerider at last.

ayana, l'sen

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