[Log] Look Out Below!

Oct 30, 2005 13:00

Who: Adele, Claret, R'dur, T'bay, Terrina, V'lano, Vylana
When: Unknown
Where: Central Bowl, Telgar Weyr
What: Telgar's festival continues with a firestone-sack-tossing contest.

Central Bowl
     A stony field is the center of this great caldera, the size of which is unmatched at any other Weyr--for the whole complement of all the wings at Telgar could rest comfortably within its towering cliffs. Shaped in a perfect oval, the rock walls seem ideal for keeping the usual chill winds stirring about. The ground is mostly made of pebbles and rocks, some hued the milky shades of old quartz, though there are patches where softer dirt and even trees sprout up from the ground. To the south, the bowl opens onto the living caverns and the Weyrleaders' quarters; the immense entrance to the Hatching Grounds lies to the northwest. Heading southwest will lead one back out into the rocky mountain ranges around Telgar's protective walls. Dragons may be seen, relaxing or fresh from feeding, to the north, as well as the soft lapping sounds of Telgar's lake touching the sandy shore. The Weyrling Barracks, always aflutter with activity, are to the direct west. If you're looking for the 'dutypair' to take you to an outweyr destination, they can be found here. The meadow near the lake is strewn with wild flowers, like little stars of pink, yellow, and white. The ground by the the barracks is quite muddy.

DRAGONS: Sarevith
PLAYERS: Adele R'dur T'bay Vylana V'lano Claret Terrina
OTHER: Firestone Sack Tossing Contest Info, Tree-Bark Trough, Telgar Party Tables, Beer and Ale Stand, Rock Climbing Wall, Harper Hall Pavilion

Obvious Exits:
Weyrling Barracks Southern Bowl Lake Shore Hatching Cavern Feeding Grounds Runner Pasture Weyr Entrance

Terrina makes a little victory grin at the first throw, Grabbing her spade and the final bag she begins to fill, she knots the bag and lifts it a little testing the wait "Ok here we go" she says to herself she lifts the bag and with all her migh heaves it towards the rider "Ooops" she has over swung a little, the bag rockets towards V'lano and she rockets towards the ground "Ouch".

Claret seems to think the time is due for a bit of cheering, so as Vylana fills again, she calls a, "Hurrah Vylana! Fill that--wuh-oh." The greenrider regards the sack in its transit, shuffling sideways to make sure the bag hits her--or perhaps not, because it lands at her feet, prompting a wince, a scoot backwards, and a little hop before she remembers that there's a task at hand. So hurriedly she bends to pick up the sack, not quite noticing that even as she heaves it upward to hurl into the circle, the seam starts to rip apart, and pieces begin to fall...

The tall candidate seems to have gotten into it better, and his third bag sails quickly and easily to the bluerider. They're fast enough to get a bag to the target before any of the others, though their score doesn't seem to be any better for the speed and the bluerider huffs off in annoyance at both himself and his sack tossing partner.

T'bay makes exaggerated faces of worry, panic, and at one point just covers his eyes as bags of firestone are hurled madly through the air, though he peeks through his fingers to be sure none of them are directed at his head. When the next lull arrives (and before a bag seam parts and showers hard rock hail his way), T'bay clears the landed round two bags from the target--then darts clear as the bluerider's bag is rapidly incoming.

At least V'lano has learned enough to turn around rather than waiting to see where his last missile went - as soon as he's sure it's not going to slam T'bay in the head he whirls about to put out hands for the receipt of the third bag from Terrina. "Whoa," he observes as the bag rockets toward him; "Candidate down!" as the black-haired girl hits the ground. But he manages to pluck the firestone sack out of the air and whirl it toward the target - again, his aim suffers, as much from concern for Terrina as from ale and spinning. He doesn't even really look where he's throwing that thing before turning back to see if the candidate's going to be getting up, and whether there might be bowl rash involved.

Claret does pause to watch the trajectory of this bag, since she's not going to be victimized by another, and she covers her mouth with a hand, watching the stones fall as the bag makes its way into the circle. "Oops," she enunciates eloquently, glancing over at T'bay to make sure he hasn't fallen victim to any of the loose rocks. "So which one of those counts? I think it ought to be the one in the center." This she cheerfully addresses to the scorekeeper before addressing her attention, belatedly, to the fallen candidate. "Oh, dear. How did that happen? You fine too?" This for Vylana.

No matter that the weyrsecond's aim may be off, the bag he throws still lands in the second circle and wins 3 points for the team of V'lano and Terrina. As the seam splits on Claret's bag, the bag and some of the firestone land in the circle but some scatters about. Adele stoops near Terrina to make sure the candidate's okay, before she's making her way to the target--now that the bags have stopped flying through the air--to study the results of Claret's last toss. "It looks like most of them are in the outer circle for 1 point." She looks over her shoulder toward Claret and Vylana, "But we'll give you an extra point for speed and effort."

Vylana stands with her hands clasped to her mouth and big, big eyes full of concern "Ooooooooo!" She comes forwards and looks most distraught "I should have checked that one more. I am so sorry, ma'am! It won't happen again! I..ow.." She rubs her hand and scowls "Sharding thing." She examines the results and sighs. "Thank you, headwoman. Did we win then?"

T'bay's leaf-green eyes widen, widen some more, and then the brownrider turns around and runs from the circle, his arms moving above his head to cross, cover, and try to protect his head and neck from the missiles. "Ahhh!" he manages, only half kidding, and when he is clear and the damage has landed, he ceases and turns, panting, toward the competitors. He dons a false show of utter calm, his face red. "That was a good one. Everybody else okay? Who won, anyway?"

Terrina stands up brushing firestone dust from her trousers "I'm fine, Honestly thank you" she grins at everyone then looks to V'lano "So how did we do? I missed that last one" she is grinning happily, though breathing a little heavily from the bag throwing.

Claret wiggles her foot, nose wrinkling briefly. "Well, that's all right, if you had, maybe we wouldn't have gotten a point for speed. You can throw sacks that are falling apart at me anytime you like. Although if you do, I'd prefer warning, so I can run away." Her grin is reassuring, before she echoes T'bay and Vylana's question. "Yes, where does that leave us?"

Adele notes the last scores on the hide she's been writing on, spending a moment adding up the totals before she clears her throat. Awaiting a moment of quiet, she speaks out, voice carrying from where she stands near the target across to those still near the firestone pile that is much smaller now. "In first place, with 10 points, V'lano and Terrina. Congratulations! In second place, with 9 points, Claret and Vylana. Might've done better if the bag hadn't split." She rattles off several more pairs, with the bluerider & tall candidate tying with the greenrider & quiet candidate for third, with 8 points. The headwoman walks back toward the firestone pile where there's a basket of prizes to be distributed, picking through it to decide what should be given out.

Vylana beams at Claret "I shall take that under advisement, ma'am. I promise I'll yell a warning if I ever tryo to brain you in the future." She then listens to scores and snaps her fingers "Shards, second again! Thats a habit of mine." She beams all the same and watches the prize choosing "I hope it's soft centres"

"Hey, good job," V'lano congratulates Terrina, nearing her to check for injuries with suspicious eyes, as if concerned she might have lost a nose or something while fallen on the ground. Finding her mostly in good condition he ups the ante of the cheering a bit: "Sounds like we won by a hair. All your doing! You're a better throw than I'd have guessed." And he tips his head to gesture the candidate more or less in Adele's direction - "Looks like you win something?" But the Weyrsecond, see, he's playing at being immune from prizes.

T'bay waits for scores to be announced, and from his position where he's run from the target, cheers racously for the winning teams. "Waiiit," he laughs, noting the familiar-looking candidates, "One of you's not water-soaked today, but otherwise, I'd think you're rigging the judging." He winks, then clears the target, still a bit wary, the larger sized sacks still easily moved.

Terrina beams and holds out a hand of congratulations to V'lano "See, I said I may surprise you" she looks across to Vylana and Claret "You may have got that one if it hadn't split" she nods.

Adele retrieves several things from the basket: two bags of candy, a wherhide belt pouch, and a beaded wooden necklace. "For the winning team," she proffers the pouch and necklace, "A belt pouch for the rider and a necklace for the lady." The headwoman winks at Terrina, then holds out the bags of candy toward Claret and Vylana. "And for second place, some tasty carob treats whipped up by the kitchen staff." Once the prizes have been distributed, Adele's beckoning over a few helpers, riders and caverns staff both, to clean up the contest area.

"Excellent," Claret pronounces cheerfully. "We're in agreement. Second's better than third. Like T..Terrina said," she nods towards the candidate, "If it weren't for the bag... What, do we win something too? Hmm." She takes the bag from Adele, inspecting the candy. "Good job stuffing and all that. Speedy."

Vylana accepts the gifted prize with a positive glow of delight "Thank you, ma'am! They're amongst my favourites!" She immediately unwraps one and pops it into her mouth with a shiver. Mm. And then something sinks in and she turns her gaze on T'bay "Oh...I don't always wander about soaking. only on very special occasions." Another sweet is consumed and she adds "Well done everyone. That was more fun than I expected, though my hand aches a bit."

V'lano crosses palms with Terrina by way of further self-congratulation among the little team, then turns to watch her accept her prize. His prize, he also manages to accept with some muttered graciousness, a hand going to the back of his neck to smooth away some rash of embarrassment there. All the better to fixate on Vylana's injury instead of prize-winning: "We're not too far from the infirmary and what with the beer tent and darts and all I'm sure someone's on duty - do you need to be checked out?"

T'bay stretches after adding the last of the non-ripped bags to his little collection, though he gladly relinquishes cleanup duty to those the Headwoman has summoned. His approach to Claret is cheerful, almost coy, and he hails the runner-up team, "I'll have to remember that, and carry some water just in case a special occasion pops up. Hey, for almost having been caught in a rockfall, do I get a piece of that candy?"

The clean-up attended to, Adele murmurs a good-bye to those collected before making her way back toward the living caverns and, probably, a nice bit of klah and a sit-down for her tired feet.

Adele walks south.
Adele has left.

Terrina looks over the necklace with a grin "Wow this is great thank you" she puts it straight around her neck "Well i'd better get back and tidy my cot, I'm still sorting my stuff that arrived from home" she waves and bows to all "Thanks for a great time" she beams and heads off towards the caverns.

Terrina walks south.
Terrina has left.

The Harperesque Candidate considers all this, then holds her bag out graciously "Oh...all very well. Everyone help yourselves." She then considers "My hand is fine, sir. A little bruised but nothing broken. I've had worse doing chores, really. Thank you for asking." Vylana beams more.

Claret pokes open the bag, smelling it before she extends it in T'bay's direction. "You can have two. And if you you can prove I hit you with some, you can have even more. By way of apology." She offers a smile to accompany those words, and then her brows lift, and Vylana is regarded with an expression of interest. "Any particular sort of special occassions? It seems a rather peculiar habit."

"She means being soaked, not injuring your hand," V'lano cheerfully helps out, in case Vylana should find Claret's words in need of clarification, not that anyone ever would, certainly not. Especially not a Weyrsecond who's begun the sampling of the ales of the Telgar region this early in the day. "Never did get to the darts," he muses, "I might go have a look at them."

T'bay wriggles his fingers, then reaches first toward Vylana's bag, offering the candidate an appreciative thanks, then toward Claret's, taking precisely the two he's been allotted: he's well-trained. Though he does check his shirt for stone-marks, just in case, but he seems to have avoided being pegged. "Mmm, thanks. And glad you're not hurt badly; firestone's sharp. And heavy."

Vylana says "I noticed, sir" She then chuckles "And the occasiosn are so special they occur very infrequently. And I avoid them whenever possible"

Claret takes a candy herself, popping into her mouth and talking around chews. "Did you get hurt, Vylana? Oh, well. At least there's candy to make up for it." And although she tilts the candidate a rueful smile, she doesn't seem to repentant over not noticing. "That's really too bad. That the occasions are so special. It'd be quite entertaining to see you walking about your chores, utterly soaked. Although perhaps not very nice for you." Picking another piece of candy out, she extends the bag again towards the brownrider. "You can have more if you like." Not that she seems to doubt that he will.

Alidaeth soars over the bowl with a disappointed rumble, noting the apparent breaking-up of some game. He lands out of the way and lets his rider dismount, the latter looking not nearly so upset. "Hmm. Wonder what they've been doing today," R'dur wonders, still curious. Alidaeth gives him a nudge forward, and R'dur forces a smile and ambles forward. "No, I'm sure we didn't miss anything /too/ fun. There'll be more things, though," R'dur adds to the brown, shaking his head as he heads away from him.

"Glad you're not too badly injured, then," V'lano nods to Terrina, then sneaks past T'bay on his way to the darts. Maybe today he will actually get there.

V'lano walks south.
V'lano has left.

Vylana wrinkles her nose "Well, ma'am, it wasn't that i got that wet by choice. The children gave me a soaking and I think I'd prefer not to do my duities in the wet clothes I had on yesterday. I am healthy enough but a cold all the time would be a real nuisance." She eats another candy. She is getting through them at speed, and seems to have a voracious appetite for them

T'bay raises a now-sticky hand to offer the Weyrsecond a wave, fingers waggling. "Beware the darts, my friend, as yesterday a few found their way from drunken fingers clean outside the tent." He slips a candy into his mouth, content, especially when his good behavior results in the offer of more candy, and he adds a third pick from Claret's bag to his collection (such restraint!). "Whew, that was tiring. Great job, you two, at not crushing each other. Can I get anyone a beer?" A glance, perhaps pointed, toward the arriving R'dur. "Anyone, except you, Dry Candidate Candy Cruncher."

"My," observes Claret, shaking her head. "You do seem to have trouble with the littles, don't you? That's ever so unfortunate." She breaks her words, now, with a vague wave, possibly to the departing Weyrsecond, possibly to the arriving Wingsecond. Or maybe both. "Oh, and yes," Claret agrees, bestowing a cheery grin on Vylana. "Thanks for not killing me. I very much appreciate it. You could," she tacks on, for T'bay's benefit.

Vylana sighs deeply "Yes, sir. I'll have a pale, heavily unfermented drink of water, or juice, or whatever." She ches more sweets absently "Remind me, when I am no longer restricted, to drink a huge draught of beer. I never thought I'd miss a hangover."

R'dur stops as T'bay looks over at him, his expression blank and confused. "Sir?" he wonders, blinking in surprise. "Er. Oh. I'm sorry, sir. I--don't--well. Um." He shrugs, blushing and glancing downward. After a moment, he chances another glance upward, offering Claret a brief smile. "Ah. Hello, Claret. How are you? And you, sir? And..." He glances between the two wingleaders and then trails off when his eyes fall on Vylana.

T'bay curtsies like a serving girl, moving off toward the table providing most excellent beverages. "Please pardon, ladies, firepants," He scootches past, lounging for a few moments against the beer stand, sampling a few brews before selecting what he might bring back, a tray laden with foaming beverages and two distinctly non-foaming cups of a cloudy juice. "Fresh squeezed, for the soft palated," and the juice is offered to Vylana, and mockingly, to R'dur, the beer to his weyrmate.

Vylana accepts the drink and nods politely "Thank you sir, I appreciate it." She then bestows R'dur with a very bright smile "Oh, hello sir. candidate, Vylana, if you please. Very pleased to meet you. I'd shake hands but I am a bit full at the moment" And after the sweets, a bit sticky too!

Claret sends a smile over to R'dur, answering in a short rush of words. "Oh, I'm just lovely. I think I might be developing a purple stomach, and toes to match, though, if you were really wondering. You miss a hangover? Really?" Claret's attention abruptly shifts to Vylana. "I could imagine missing a drink or two, but not the morning after too many. But then, you do eat pickles for breakfast." As though that explains everything. Swallowing down another candy, she takes the offered ale from T'bay, along with a grateful smile. "Thanks awfully."

R'dur frowns at T'bay, and his "sir" is rather stiff as the other brownrider moves away. In the meantime, he glances over at Claret, tilting his head slightly. "Oh. That's... nice," he falters at her words, brows knitting slightly. He shrugs, however, and offers Vylana an introduction: "I'm R'dur. Just... Well. Really, you don't have call me that. 'Sir', I mean. I'm--I'm R'dur." He blushes, and when T'bay returns, he accepts the juice with only a murmured 'thank you'.

T'bay, beer in hand, wavers the tray around a little as he attempts to see Claret's feet, just to find out if they are indeed purple. "You don't say," he laughs, swallowing what just might be most of his first beer of the day, and nodding at R'dur's taking of the juice, perhaps according the man a measure of respect of his drink preferences even though he's demoted in nickname. "I don't miss the hangover, either. Specially not now that we're up to lead the sharding drills." He gazes off into the distance toward the rock wall, where a lithe greenrider's climbing one of the more difficult courses, and he calls a cheer her way.

Vylana fidgets a little, somewhat embarrased "Well, everyone is sir to em sir, even when i am not a candidate. That's only respectful." She sips her drink then flushes slightly "I meant that I missed them now I have no chance to have them. not that i ever really got bad ones. But I never drank to excess, that wouldn't be proper"

Claret laces her fingers around the beer, peering at R'dur over the top of the glass. "Really? I don't think it's very nice, but I'm not terribly unhappy about it, so I suppose it's a matter of perspective. And my perspective's different because they're my toes. Can you see them through the boots?" There's a grin for her weyrmate at that, and she wiggles her toes. "That's all right, Vylana, he was even worse than you. Still is, did you hear him? It's a lost cause, trying to get people not to ma'am and sir you, I've decided."

R'dur pauses a moment, studying Vylana. "Er. I'm sorry," he apologizes after a moment, blushing. "I, uh, well, I guess I sound like... everyone else. It always bothered me when people wouldn't let /me/ call them 'sir' or 'ma'am'. I'm sorry." And to Claret, at her words, he adds, "I'm sorry. I, uh... Well. I'm sure it's... If you're not unhappy about it, it must be... Hmm." He stops, shaking his head. He takes a sip of his juice and seems determined to avoid T'bay's gaze still.

T'bay shakes his head, trying to remain lighthearted. "Well, I can look hard, but I can't make out any toes in there. They do smell better than mine, though, I assure you of that." He straightens, gaze shifting toward the wall again, fascinated by what's off in the distance. "Oh, I dunno. It's good practice, a good habit to get into if you go visiting Halls and Holds. Helps you remember to keep it up. Helped me, anyhow." As the greenrider reaches the top, there's a set of cheers, and T'bay joins them. "Pardon, I think she's my wingmate. Ought to take her a beer for her success." He gives Claret, then the others, a smile, and starts off.

Vylana smiles at R'dur some more. "Don't worry at it sir, I am sure that when I am no longer restricted I can call you as many things as you like. I'm happy to be obliging on that score for a friend, after all." More juice is consumed "Ow...I think i need numbweed on this hand. And sorry I bruised you, ma'am," She wrinkles her brow at Claret. "I was a bit over enthusiastic I suppose"

Claret tilts her head, remarking jovially, "Well, you never know! Getting crushed could make feet a bit more putrid. And that's quite all right," she assures Vylana. "I'm sure I'd have done worse to you if you'd been catching the sacks. So we can consider ourselves even? It's hmm," she tacks on for R'dur. "Somewhat unfortunate, but I'm sure I shan't perish. And I think I'll go see if I can get scured by a dart, now." With that, and a wave, she's off.

Claret has disconnected.

T'bay heads in the direction of the shimmering lake, leaving the central bowl area of the Weyr.
T'bay has left.

R'dur glances over to the rock-climbing greenrider at T'bay's words, frowning slightly. "Offer her my congratulations as well, sir. That looks quite difficult," he tells T'bay politely. Warily, then, he eyes Vylana. "Ah. 'R'dur' will do just fine," he tells her delicately, his smile uncertain. Hastily, he wishes Claret a good-bye, then fidgets, fingers tapping against his glass before he turns back to Vylana. "So... how have you been enjoying the Weyr?" he inquires after a moment.

Vylana offers quick farewells to the leavers before considering the question for a short while. "Hmm. Hard to say sir? I like the people, mostly, and the duties are more or less the same as at home - except for the firestone, and the way the children treat me like a moving target for tantrums. Mostly I like it, although the cultural differences are a bit peculiar. And the lack of privacy." She smiles warily "I am not used to sleeping in a barracks."

R'dur nods slowly, taking a sip of juice. "I see. It's... well. It is a big change, if you're not used to a Weyr. Where are you from?" he asks curiously, tilting his head just slightly. "I assume you, well. Had your own room? I shared mine with my three brothers, so really... I felt like I had more privacy in the barracks. Fewer people searching my belongings, anyway."

"I am from Harper Hall." Vylana explains "My mother was headwoman there, and my father one of the Masters." She doesn't say which one, and a little cloud passes over her otherwise sunny expression "So we had our own rooms, and it was always very quiet and private. And most people were respectful to me as well. I just did the assistant headwoman work, though i wasn't officially anyone other than a general helper. It was a bit of a shock to come here and be thrown into a rather different way of life"

R'dur ahs at that, nodding. "I see. Well, that is a big change, then. I... Well. My family are holders, down on the Southern Continent, so I certainly found it a big shock, how things are at a Weyr," he remarks with a shrug. "I guess I'm still a little shocked sometimes. But, ah. Well. Candidacy isn't too long, really, though if you impress you'll have another turn and a half before you get your own weyr. You might find it lonely by yourself after all that time--I certainly did." He offers a rueful smile.

Vylana rubs her chin "But they say you're never alone...with a dragon. Right?" She smiles slightly at the idea "Oh, I wonder sir if it is wrong of me to ask but...do you happen to pay attention to the gambling on the hatching? Only, I was wondering what the odds were on people at the moment? Not that I gamble myself, I don't really approve - but it would be interesting to know who is being tipped to get what!"

R'dur hesitates, then shrugs. "Well, yes. But still, there's something to be said for human company," he replies. There's a pause, and R'dur's eyes widen and his cheeks flush. "I mean, you know, just knowing that they're there. Er, I mean, having them next to--just listening--oh, shards." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "You know what I mean," he notes weakly. "But--gambling? I--I don't, I'm sorry. I haven't... well, I mean, I don't... I don't gamble, either, I'm sorry."

Vylana blinks, then catches the skewed meaning, and flushes as well. She plays with her bag of candy a little more "Well..thank you. Thank you anyway sir. I think i'd best be..well going to..." she latches onto an idea "Getting my hand some numbweed, after that rock smacked into it. But I hope we'll talk again soon. Please, excuse me sir?"

"Oh, of course. Please, I should... Ah. Good day, Vylana," R'dur fumbles, still quite embarrassed. He offers her a quick strained smile nevertheless, before edging away himself, into the crowd.

Vylana smiles weakly and darts away towards the infirmary, somewhat flustered by the turn of the conversation.

t'bay, vylana, r'dur, claret, v'lano, adele, terrina

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