[Log] Some Cheese with Her Whine, Pt. 3

Apr 30, 2005 01:30

Who: D'mer, Grayden, Ilyan, Jaeni, Kadriya, Kelara, Lowell (NPC), L'yan, Merianya, Shava, Sh'drian, Vin, Winter
When: Day 28, Month 2, Turn 3, 11th Pass
Where: Great Hall, Seminole Hold
What: The Iernites upstage Lady Kadriya of Seminole and Lord Grayden's wedding.
Notes: Find Pt. 1 here and Pt. 2 here.

At the sound of Kadriya behind him, Lowell all but shoos along the greedy guest, turning around and greeting her with a soft, polite, "Lady Kadriya." It's followed by a nod. Her question draws a bit of a puzzlement on Lowell's face, and he glances down the tables for a moment, considering. "If you still have enough room, the cake is fantastic, but if you are full, you may not finish it; fruit may be a better choice, if that is the case. If you ask for the very best offering, however... the bubbly." And it is followed by a gentle though conclusive nod.

Vin nods respectfully to both Weyrwoman and Holder and left alone with her ale, she sucks down a good portion of the cup before getting up to try that mingling thing again. Ooh, and food. To the table she goes, perusing the offerings.

Sh'drian nods slowly at that, then eyes Jaeni. He shrugs. "I don't know. Why not? Am I compelled to share every detail of my personal life with anyone who asks?" He sounds more than a trifle defensive now.

D'mer grins a bit at Kelara's wink, licking his lips again to rid them of the lingering sweetness of the red still residing in his glass. "I have numerous talents." he proclaims, returning the wink. "I wasn't born a dragonrider you see." After stating the obvious, the greenrider reaches out and brushes just the tips of his fingers over one of the girl's shoulders, admiring the texture of her garment. "I was raised a group of aunties at High Reaches Weyr, and you pick up a few things. Including how to handle mending, and sewing. I eventually taught myself to make clothing." His hand drops away again, taking a sip of his wine. "I also used to sing."

Grayden nods his head politely at Vine, in thanks for allowing him to abscond with the Weyrwoman before following the Weyrwoman's lead to a less crowded part of the hall. There, he takes in a low voice, his words lost in the rising noise level.

Kadriya's face breaks out into the broadest smile of the night, and she 'ahhhhs' softly. "Bubbly is exactly waht I had in mind." She admits, granting that bright smile to L'yan as the Weyrlingmaster precedes her down the table. She gathers up a good selection of the delectable pies before turning to move back to her table and teh Healer she left behind.

Jaeni takes a longer sip from the glass, tilting it towards her and peering in at the contents. "No, you're probably not. But at least in the past you've done a better job at hedging." It's a playful teasing really, and it shows when she looks back up at him from her glass. "Anyway, relax. How've things been going with you? It's been awhile."

L'yan seems happy as a clam with good food in his stomach, and judging by his plate, more to come. Kadriya gets a huge smile and a, "Congratulations, Lady!" Then he goes back to the spot where he keeps standing and continues eating, slowly as he savors each bite now.

Sh'drian smirks slightly at Jaeni. "Yeah, well," he answers, shrugging lightly as he calms. "I'm... well," he tells her. "Quite well, considering. And you?" He tilts his head slightly and corners a passing server for a refill of his wine glass.

Vin snags a bit here, a bit there, not taking a plate but just filling her hands and then standing there to wolf it down, not much different from L'yan. In fact, she glances up to see the weyrlingmaster and gives him a crumby smile. She chews quick to swallow before offering, "This is some good stuff, huh?" She washes the mouthful down with a stout gulp of ale.

Kelara purses her lips as she cocks her head slightly, her hair drifting across D'mer's fingers at her shoulder. "Oh really, then maybe you should help me with my clothes then. And I love to hear you sing." Her fingers that had teased the knot drift down to tap the buttons of his shirt, "I suppose some more interesting things have been learned since you became a green rider." Her voice a soft sultry whisper for the latter.

The music builds, one section of instruments at a time joining in, the volume increasing with each measure as the percussionists get more and more elaborate in the background.

Jaeni grins crookedly as finishes what's in the glass. "Considering what? Unless you're not interested in discussing it of course." She leans back in her chair and gives a shrug. "Well, it's been an interesting couple of months. But, I'm doing good."

Lowell chuckles gently at Kadriya's compliance, nodding once in gratitude as he hits the nail on the mark. "I'm glad to hear it. I do not think you will be disappointed." And he makes a little gesture as though permitting Kadriya to continue. As though she really needs it. As the sight of Vin and L'yan scarfing down food standing so near one another, the MasterBaker snickers into the back of his hand softly, shaking his head and he turns back to the guests before him. "If only I could draw," he mumbles to himself upon that scene.

L'yan beams at Vin, much as he did to Kadriya moments before. "Oh, yes. I don't know if I've ever eaten so well in my life!" he exclaims enthusiastically. "The Master Baker over there...he's a genius! A genius! I wish we got food half this good at Ierne...," he trails off, sounding sad as he remembers the sorry state of the meals back home.

Sh'drian hesitates a moment, then says simply, "Considering." A shrug. "Oh?" he then asks her. "How so?"

Winter folds her arms as she listens to Grayden speak to her. Her expression is very neutral, nodding once or twice as appropriate. As a certain title comes up in conversation, her neutral expression shifts into something almost dangerous. Not for Grayden, but whoever he's speaking of at the moment. Once more, her hand covers her face, and she appears heartily embarrassed for some reason. When she finally takes her hand back off her face, her visage is once more calm. Her words back to Grayden are calm, equally low in tone.

A big beefy man lifts his partner up so high above his head, that she squeals with delight, never mind that a few of the junior cooks are whispering and pointing at her legs revealed in the swirling of skirt fabric.

Jaeni nods her head. "Ah." There's a quick tug on her riding jacket and she pulls it closed around her. Very fancy indeed. "Oh well, I told K'tag this whole long thing a few sevenday ago about how I wasn't going to do something. Then of course, I went and did it. A little." She smiles wryly. "I think I'm going to avoid him."

"Do you think we just need better cooks?" Vin asks L'yan, though she says it loud enough for the MasterBaker to overhear. Hint Hint. She crams more food into her mouth and her eyes wander about the crowd. "Hey, L'yan? What's going on over there with your weyrmate and that girl?" she wonders, watching the body language even if she can't hear the conversation. And then her gaze slips to Jaeni and Sh'drian. It had to happen sooner or later.

Releasing a very unmanly giggle, D'mer straightens some as his buttons are tapped, toying mildly with his bottom lip. Still very much half in the bag, the greenrider slowly nods his head as he takes care to tuck that of Kelara's hair that's drifted over her shoulder back behind her ear. The gesture slow and methodical; lingering. "Oh I've picked up a few things here and there..." he murmurs low, brows bouncing upwards once upon his forehead before he takes a deeper sip of his wine.

When Winter's done speaking to Lord Grayden, her face looks more mournful than anything else, or like she's got the blues of some kind.

Eadranth> Czanth senses that Eadranth's mind is warm and hazy when he reaches out. << My rider does not want to say this in public, for fear it will soon be the gossip of Weyr, Holl, and Hall alike. It is supposed to be a secret, so your rider perhaps should not mention it, either. It will be obvious soon enough, anyway. >> And only after those warnings does he actually share the secret: a rather comical image of Tirya, her stomach bulging in a way that can only be a result of one thing, pregnancy.

L'yan speaks loudly too, though his is more from enthusiasm. "I don't know! But I know that we should send them down here for lessons or something! I'm sure the Master Baker over there could even make the crud we usually have to eat taste good!" he waxes enthusiastic. Then Vin's question pierces his brain. "My weyrmate and what girl?" he asks blankly.

Kadriya sets the tray of still slightly steaming pies down on the table, slipping into her seat with a glance at the weyrwoman's vacated chair, and a smile to the Master Healer. "Well, it appears as if we have been thoroughly abandoned. "

Grayden nods understandingly, and an expression much like pity overtakes his face for a moment. A seeming pause takes over before the Lord Holder speaks, his expression having resolved into something more thoughtful.

During a vigorous set, couples drop like vtols, one after the other as the brisk pace gets to them. One girl can't stop laughing as she is virtually carried, by her breathless partner off the floor ... and on into the darkness.

Shava continues to wander about for a while, watching the dancing, but spots Winter after a while and heads over to the Weyrwoman, but pauses at seeing that she is still apparently talking with the new Lord Holder, so leaves them be to resume to watching the dancing going on.

Ilyan nods to Kadriya, "So it would seem, but, truly, I think right now I have the best seat in the room." He grins at the Lady Holder, "A truly wonderful ceremony and feast. I'll clear my posting with the Healer Master as soon as possible, thankfully I don't have much in the way of stuff, so I'd say within a sevenday."

Lowell glances for a moment at Vin for her comments, his delighted face only lifting even further at L'yan's joyous admiration. He blushes very faintly in the face of such praise, sheepishly raising his hand up to rub softly at the back of his neck, forcing himself to pay more attention to the guests ahead. His eyes, predictably, stop on Lord Grayden as though to see how the gentleman of the night is faring, though he frowns at the apparent sympathy, as well as the look upon the weyrwoman's face. "... Hm," he frowns after a moment, bringing his hand down. He can't piece anything together, however, as a couple of high esteem drop by to compliment him. Pointing out their surprise at his youth, which he takes with fair dignity.

Winter openly snorts at what Grayden says next, noting for a moment Shava's approach. A faint smile lightens her expression, and she is quick to respond with a soft word of warning..

Kadriya's cheeks dimple again, though the smile fades as she looks over to Grayden and Winter, a little frown taking over before she selects a bubble to nibble on delicately. "I hear the citrus is very good." She murmurs, gesturing at the little plae with her free hand, though it is done a bit absentmindedly, her gaze remaining on HOlder and wyerwoman.

Kelara's sky blue eyes look over the rim of her own glass at D'mer as she takes a sip too. Licking across her lips after her sip. "Well, I am sure you learned a few more than some bronze riders, having a green." Her eyes flickering towards Sh'drian during the comment. "You do tend to have more opportunity, no? Maybe worth discussing some time."

Vin nods to L'yan, "Yeah, over there," she says pointing out D'mer and Kelara. Then she gives an easy shrug. "It's just some girl. She probably doesn't even realize that he's not one too." She flashes an easy smile at the Baker and continues on munching happily, slurping from her cup and watching the general goings on.

With a sudden fast triple beat, the music stops, the players holding their instruments at the ready for a moment before setting them down to applause and cheers. The first guitarist nods in acknowledgement as the group takes a brief break for a drink of water and a change of sheet music.

Sh'drian frowns at Jaeni, eyes cutting sideways at her. "Oh? What'd you do?" he queries of her, tilting his head slightly. Pause. "I'm not entirely sure I care to run into him at the moment, either."

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Czanth responds, seeming alert and clearly quite interested. << Mine says that she won't mention it to others. She wishes to let yours know that while she is surprised, she's glad for yours and that she wants regular updates on this. >> Only Jaeni would want 'updates'. << She's also curious to how 'far along' your riders's mate is. >>

Grayden raises a brow, his expression having turned cool. His own reply seems in that vein, though for whatever reason, his chilly demeanor is not necessarily directed at the Weyrwoman, but at the subject matter.

Ilyan nods to Kadriya and takes a small piece of fruit, He mutters to Kadriya, "... for being so... but... cannot... putting... that... a... my..."

"Huh?" L'yan says intelligently, craning to look in the direction that Vin points. Finally, he spots D'mer with Kelara, and at the sight of them together as they are, a horrified look crosses his face. His grip on his fork even loosens enough so that he drops it, though he reflexively manages to grab his plate before it follows.

Eadranth> Czanth senses that Eadranth offers, << My rider expects as much from her, and he will be sure to comply. I am very excited. Taminyth and I have been telling them to have one for a very long time now. And we already share the other little one. It is my Sh'drian's stair-child. >> His word is a little mixed up, but he's too excited, talking even more quickly, now. << Three months? Three and a half now? Something like that. >>

Golden flecked aqua eyes dart to Sh'drian, and D'mer snorts softly, his hand dropping away from Kelara and back to his side. Yet, he still lingers familiarly close to the girl, returning his gaze to hers with a soft pretty smile. "I've got a lot of things more than that one." he comments idly, and then laughs gently, another sip of his wine taken, and starting to sway just the littlest bit. Not yet slurring. "Perhaps not as much opportunity as I would like, but yes, probably worth further discussion sometime."

Winter gives Grayden a sort of helpless shrug, but doesn't really say much of anything about that, nodding to the Lord's next words. "As you desire, m'lord," she answers finally. "I do believe your Lady might be in need of your presence," she suggests politely.

Kadriya arches a brow delicately, bringing her gaze back from the conversation to sigh softly, occupying herself with another nibble at her pie. She mutters to Ilyan, "... so..."

Jaeni has gotten her wine refilled at some point. In the middle of taking a sip she pauses, eyebrows lifting. That's the extent of it though and she places the glass down again. "The usual. Swore off men then got involved with one. It's a 'light' relationship though. You think that would warrant an 'I told you so' speech?" She asks him curiously.

Ilyan nibbles on his piece of citrus, He mutters to Kadriya, "I... there,... indeed... bad,... worse."

Children dart here and there, laughing and playing some sort of chase game while their parents and nannies look on, either from the seats beside the square or the floor proper. Some of them dodge in between dancers earning an equal share of laughs or frowns.

"Probably," Sh'drian replies vaguely, eyeing Jaeni with more interest now. "Knowing K'tag, certainly. He's very much one for lecturing you, after all." His eyes dart away from the bluerider for a moment before he turns back to her. "Light relationship? What man is this? Have you already moved on from that other one? The candidate?" he clarifies.

Kadriya frowns gently at the Healer's words, catching a drip of berry juice on her palm with a delicate flick of her wrist, the pie set down so that she can deal with the stain properly before she nods gently. She mutters to Ilyan, "... no real... does..."

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Czanth now sounds nearly as excited as Eadranth. Apparently he like babies. << Stair-child? Are you sure you do not mean, step-child? You also must make sure to let me know how the child looks when it is born. I am quite curious. >> There's a pause as he must be listening to someone else. << Oh! Jae says that yours should leave a note for Aidryths. This would give him time to respond appropriately. >>

Ilyan looks at the Lady and shakes his head, "Indeed, no. But, enough of that, what supplies should I bring from the Hall for your Infirmary?"

Having dealt with the gushing couple, Lowell's attentions slip back to Grayden and Winter, and the MasterBaker sighs softly, as though uncertain of what, exactly, to think. Perhaps rightfully, he switches his attentions back to the very safe L'yan and Vin, only to find that L'yan seems no better off that he is. And he winces very slightly, perhaps hoping that the weyrlingmaster's horrified look doesn't stem from the food.

Eadranth> Czanth senses that Eadranth blows right over the correction. << Stepchild, yes. That's what I said, >> he replies. Eagerly, he continues, << I will show you an image of it when it is born. I think I might have to tell the whole Weyr. All of Pern, in fact. It will be a beautiful one, of course. How could it not be perfect, with my Sh'drian and Taminyth's as parents? A note, though? That doesn't sound like a very good idea. My Sh'drian thinks perhaps this is something that should be done in person. And with Taminyth's, perhaps. >>

Merianya helps herself to another small plate of food, making sure not to appear greedy, even as she lusts after the cakes at the end of the table. She's been here a while, mind you and she's looked over the table carefully, therefore, she chooses wisely, pouring a mug of ale for herself before heading toward Jaeni as her former tablemates had abandoned the poor brownrider.

Kelara's full lips form a very precious pout as she looks up at D'mer. "Oh? Do they keep you so busy over there. Surely you must get a little time off." She then giggles at D'mer's comment of the bronze rider, lowering her voice more. "I have seen what he can do, probably wouldn't be that hard for you." Hiding her giggling behind the glass.

Jaeni plays a finger along the rim of the glass. "I don't think I've had many lectures, actually. They are a part of him though." She responds with a little smirk. "The other one, Vashir? Yes, he turned out to be quite fantastic." There's a roll of her eyes. "Just up and left. Candidacy was done with, he didn't impress and just left. We're considering it a light relationship, I think. As opposed to heavy? K'jan."

Vin's brows lift as the L'yan's fork falls and she seems rather entertained by his plate-catching. But, well, in true Trouble form, she just instigates the stuff, she's not going to clean it up. "You don't think there could be something going on, do you? I mean, it's not like that green of his is ready to rise or anything, right?" Hum de dum. She turns back to the table, snagging a pastry.

Kadriya lets her glance slide along the rest of the room before returning to bubblies and Master. "Ahhh, I'd have to speak to my headwoman. I'm afraid the last week or two has been consumed with tonight's event." SHe frowns gently. "Or perhaps, will you stay the night, you can have a look at it yourself."

Sh'drian eyes Jaeni, brows arching. "That idiot?" he states flatly his low opinion of the other Weyrleader. He snorts. "You have terrible taste in men, Jaeni. And I say that with complete honesty, having been one of them." He smirks at that.

L'yan pales as he watches D'mer and Kelara, then reddens at Vin's suggestion. "No, I don't think so," he manages, though he doesn't sound very sure of himself. He looks at the plate, then at the pair again, and swallows. "I...I don't think I'm very hungry anymore," he mumbles. He goes and plops down in a nearby empty chair, looking rather shell-shocked. The fork is left on the floor where it dropped, and as for the plate that still has some food on it? For whatever reason, he takes it with him when he sits.

The first guitarist looks expectantly at one Harper, who nods and lifts a wooden pipe to his lips. The sweet sound of the flute spins over the gathering, quieting the undercurrent of laughter and murmuring briefly.

Ilyan nods to Kadriya, "I can do that, certainly. that's a perfect idea, it will also give me a chance to talk to your resident healers."

"Of course. Thank you for your attention, Weyrwoman," Grayden replies formally, though a smile plays on his lips. "Please, enjoy your time here. I'm told that the pastries are the true delight of the evening," he notes, already offering his arm to lead the Weyrwoman back to her seat.

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Czanth however interested, takes longer to reply to Eadranth's speedy thoughts. << Yes, all of Pern! Really, when the child is born you should have everyone know. It would be most appropriate. Babies are wonderful. >> Another of Czanth's moments to think. << In person? Well. Maybe that would be better. Aidryth's rider is a most sturdy fellow if I must say so myself. >>

Merianya smiles as she passes the various tables, smirking at the various stages of drunkeness and over-indulgence within the little clusters of people. When she finally finds herself at her fellow Southern Wingleader's little cluster, she smiles charmingly. "Mind if I join you?"

Winter takes Grayden's arm and allows herself to be escorted back to her original seat, finding Vin long gone, and then she darts a questioning look to Shava as if to say 'you wanted to see me?'

Jaeni wrinkles her nose at Sh'drian. "Idiot? I'd hardly consider him an idiot." When he smirks she rolls her eyes with amusement. "Oh, but Sh'drian, you weren't all that bad? Not in some areas anyway." There's a smirk of her own and then she notices Merianya approaching. "Evening, Meri! Enjoying the food? I certainly don't mind." And with that the bluerider pushes a chair towards her friend with her boot.

Eadranth> Czanth senses that Eadranth responds enthusiastically. << Then I will! >> His mind is smug and excited at the mere thought. << Yes, my Sh'drian and Taminyth's will tell him soon. I think they are worried about his reaction. He did not take the news that they were together very well, after all. He made Taminyth's cry. >> Pause. << Of course, she seems to do that a lot, but. >>

D'mer smirks at Kelara, "More or less. What free time I get is spent either sleeping or eating these days. Especially with a clutch to be laid on our sands sometime in the near future." he points out with a tip of his head. Again he glances to Sh'drian, his smirk deepening, but his eyes soon returning to the pretty young girl. "He's got no stamina. Passes right out." he comments idly, nibbling thoughtfully on the rim of his glass, downing the last of it soon there after. "Greenriders have stamina...among...other things." he murmurs back.

Once Winter is safely led back to her seat, Grayden gives her a slight bow as well as a brief smile for her time. Then, he moves back into the whirl of people, once again finding himself talking to one of the lords politely.

Timidly, a girl with neatly plaited brown hair and a green gather dress, compliments the nervous fellow. She murmurs a nearly unheard question and the boy's face lights up as he stand and takes her hand gently and the pair move out onto the floor.

Shava happened to glance over at Winter seeing her no longer discussing with the new Lord. She heads over, smiling softly at the look, the first time the Wingleader has smiled in any form for the past couple of days. "Good evening Weyrwoman. I trust things are alright with you and the new Lord already?"

Kadriya inclines her head gently, resuming her careful devouring of the bubbly. "Good." She murmurs, "I am sure they will be very pleased to meet you, and discuss our needs." She sees that Winter has been returned to her seat, and lets her gaze follow Grayden in his polite wanderings.

Dragon> Czanth bespoke Eadranth with << Aidryth's made someone cry? Oh well. He did that once to mine as well, however I do not remember over what... >> There's a pause as Czanth unsuccessfully tries to dredge this memory up. << It has been some time since they first began together? Perhaps now since it has been awhile he will respond to the news better. My Jaeni will talk to him into reason if he behaves badly. As will Havath's. >> >>

Sh'drian smirks slightly at Jaeni. "Well, yes. I do have my merits," he tells her immodestly, preening at her compliments.

Merianya settles in the chair offered and grins. "Never in my life have I ever seen food like this! When I was still at Southern Hold, we servers didn't get to partake of all the fancy feasts, not that there were many of them, mind you." She's already picking at a tender ovine rib, licking her fingers between nibbles. As she eats, she looks about and catches sight of D'mer .. with a girl. "I thought he .. well, liked boys?"

Vin smirks proudly as L'yan stops eating and she glances over to Winter to give her a little thumbs up if the Weyrwoman looks her way. Ah. A job well done. And now, her belly full, her cup refilled and her company well distracted, it's time to mingle again and off she goes, inching towards the familiar Southern Wingleaders. She has so few opportunities to see them, after all.

Winter gestures for Shava to have the seat once occupied by Jerimian and Vin and is now empty. "Well enough, for having just met him," she states calmly. "We have a certain understanding now. And you? How fares your wing?" She normally doesn't ask about such things, given it's Shad's job to sort that out, but she's making small talk at the moment.

A trio of Monaco blueriders trail by, each holding a large mug of ale. They are singing along with the current tune--and badly--trying in vain to stir up interest in a matching trio of Honshu greenriders.

"Apparently so did his weyrmate." Jaeni observes casually to Merianya as she points at L'yan. Didn't anyone tell her pointing was rude? There's a snicker for Sh'drian's response. "Yes, you certainly do. Have you met Merianya before? She's the Wingleader of Firedance." The bluerider asks, pointing now at her friend. As she's doing that, she notices Vin's approach and smiles at the girl.

Shava did sit down beside the Weyrwoman, making herself comfortable in the chair. "Apparently then you haven't heard of what happened a couple days ago." She thought the Weyrwoman knew of the rumors around the Weyr most of the time, but apparently the fight between the Wingleader andt he Weyrlingmaster hadn't reached Winter's ears.

Grayden moves once more through the crowd until he finds a place by his wife's side. He gives her a reassuring smile, and inquires, "So, is the bubbly all I've heard it be?" His question is barely finished before he leans in to whisper another comment.

Eadranth> I bespoke Czanth with << Yes, they have been together for many months now. They enjoy it very much, too. They are happy. >> He pauses to revel in such feelings before continuing. << Yes, perhaps Havath's rider should be present as well, >> he muses. << Or yours. My Sh'drian doesn't seem to have much luck with Aidryth's, and Taminyth's will probably start crying again or something. She seems to do that a lot lately. My Sh'drian blames the baby. I feel sorry for it: not yet born and already maligned. >> >>

Grayden murmurs, He mutters to Kadriya, "... we... would... prefer to stay somewhat..."

Kelara's cheeks take on a soft rosey color from a blush. A sip of wine quickly taken to cool the flash of warmth that passes through her, "Oh my. Rider D'mer, you have m very curious now. May I ask, will you be returning to your Weyr tonight or maybe enjoying Seminole's hospitality? I imagine it is not to safe to fly when one has been drinking?"

Merianya smiles uncommittedly in Sh'drian's direction and in polite but guarded tones, the brownrider nods in the Weyrleader's direction. "We've met. Southern's duties to Ierne, sir." She shifts uncomfortably in her chair but the ribs bring solace to the girl and she continues to nibble. "Must be sort of a surprise.." She gazes between the two weyrmates. "I guess it takes a while to really get to know someone and what or who they like or don't like?"

Lowell frowns just a bit as L'yan settles himself down, shifting a gaze back to the tables. A call echoes from the back requesting his attention, and with one last look at the group of rather full looking guests, he nods softly, spinning around and slipping out into the kitchen.

Winter knew of the fight, for she listens to all the gossip. "I had heard," she says after a moment of sucking down the remaining ale in front of her, then pouting until someone takes pity on her and gets her a refill. "However, as it's all fighting wing business, it's not my place to do anything about it. What did you /want/ me to do about it? It's not like either Shad or L'yan listen to a thing I say anyway."

Kadriya looks up, rising at Grayden's approach, "They are, in fact, better then usual, even." She answers, reaching for the plate to offer them up. His whisper though, draws a little temerity to that gesture, a nibble on the corner of her lip. "Have you shaken everyon'es hand do you think?"

Sh'drian glances at Jaeni, then Merianya, nodding slightly to her in greeting. Then, as Jaeni points out L'yan and D'mer's scene, he arches a brow and sneers. "Uh-oh. Kelara better watch out. L'yan's /vicious/ where D'mer's concerned." He smirks at that description of L'yan.

"Hey, Jaeni," Vin says, flashing a smile at the bluerider. "Meri... Merinya?" she guesses, having only met the other Wingleader in passing. "Merianya!" There, she got it. "Hey, Sh'drian. I made a good haul tonight," she says with impish pride, forgetting the moment that they aren't get along and that she's been trying to call him Shad all the time. Then she follows Meri's glance to D'mer and L'yan. "Maybe D'mer is just drunk? I don't know why L'yan doesn't just go over there, if he's worried..." She gives an innocent shrug, nevermind her involvement.

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Czanth seems to be a tad confused now. << Taminyth's is not pleased that there will be a baby? Is yours? That is sad. >> The blue's mood sounds somber now. << Well. Mine has said she will be there if yours is in need for her. If they will not be excited over the birth of the child, we'll do it for them. Surely if our people see how excited we all are for them, they'll have to be? >>

Eadranth> I bespoke Czanth with << She is very happy, I think. My Sh'drian... He does not know what he thinks yet. He does not want it, but does not want to get rid of it, either. And he is happy Taminyth's is happy. It is very complicated. But we, at least, will be very excited. >>

Shava sighed a bit. "I didn't expect you to do anything about it. It's just... right now I feel that you are the only one who I'm not fighting against there. I know that L'yan is of higher rank than me, by one darn position since there are no other golds, but still... I at least would have been fine if he contacted me via dragons. His excuse was that he didn't know I was gone from the Weyr. What sort of excuse is that when we have dragons to communicate with?"

"I believe so," Grayden admits. "And if there is someone I've missed, I believe I will be forgiven," he adds with a low chuckle.

Two teenaged boys brag in loud voices to an older rider about their prowess on the dance floor. "Show you a thing or two we could, if you let us." "Sure," she drawls slowly, "as soon as you both tie up your shoes properly!"

Jaeni glances between L'yan and D'mer again, observing the scene as it unfolds. "I guess it does. You'd think that he'd have noticed by now though?" There's a raising of her eyebrows. "Is he the one who got into a fight with your Weyrsecond?" Attention pulled by Vin once more she looks up at the girl. "Having a good evening? A good haul of what? Fish? Men?"

Yes, D'mer looks mightily pleased with himself as Kelara colors, looking unusually male as he puffs out his chest just a bit. From the just as unusual coloring across the bridge of his nose and both cheeks, drunk would be a very good guess as to the greenrider's state presently. At the girl's question though, he blinks once, brows furrowing as he attempts to think. From the wince, it's clear that thinking is really hard right now. "Oh, I...dunno." he says, again taking to nibbling his lower lip. After a minute he blinks again and sighs, "What was I saying?"

"Oh, congratulations, then," Sh'drian tells Vin vaguely. "Really cleaned up these holders, hmm? And that's not how L'yan works. He'll wait until there's a convenient mud pit to tackle her into to do something." He smirks, eyeing the weyrlingmaster. To Jaeni, he nods. "Yep, that's him. And with me not too long ago. He's kind of stupid like that."

Merianya nods, barely recognizing Vin in turn "Well met, I think I met you at the weyrling graduation a clutch or two back? You've grown up a bit there in the mean time." Her eyes flicker over to D'mer and Kelara. "They look like they are getting along just fine with no help needed?"

Kadriya nods, rising then completely with an apologetic glance to Ilyan. "Do enjoy the rest of the bubblies, Master. I"ll make sure the infirmary is available to you in the morning." She turns that slight smile on Grayden then, holding out her hand for his. "I think you have managed all the important meetings." A frown creases her brow, and is smoothed again as she looks over those remaining in the room. "And yes, I think we'll be forgiven."

Winter smiles faintly as she listens to Shava. "Perhaps we should speak more of this at home, rather than bruit it about at a wedding. Business can wait, hmm? Have some pudding or something. Do they have pudding? Where'd that MasterBaker run off to?" She cranes her neck 'round to try and find someone who's got some pudding she can have and share with Shava. "After all, you didn't tell him you were leaving, so why should he assume you were gone and to have Vorsanth say anything, hmm?" She doesn't seem to think it's such a huge deal. "Maybe you should be upset at Sh'drian for not bothering to inform L'yan you'd be gone. Everyone else is upset at him for one thing or other, after all, so you may as well join the party. 'sides, we need good assistant weyrlingmasters... unless no one else in your wing is good enough to be second? Surely not... but there I go, babbling about wing matters. Telinda always told me that wing matters were a Weyrleader's matter. Go beat up Sh'drian or something. I find it quite efficacious."

The guitarist sketches out a slower tempo, and a single percussionist picks it up with a slow, yet elaborate rhythm on a pair of drums. After a moment, another instrument enters, weaving a countermelody to the pipe, the guitars picking up a rhythmical strumming shortly thereafter as the slow, sensuous rhythms twine their way over the dance.

L'yan finally screws his face up in disgust. He stands, then remembers the plate and sets it aside. He starts across the floor, first in D'mer's direction, then he stops and changes his mind and heads towards the exit. And stops yet again. Someone is having trouble deciding what to do.

Grayden offers the Lady Kadriya his arm, even as he gives Ilyan a smile. "Healer Master," he notes by way of a goodbye, along with a head nod. With that, he begins the careful dance of easing their way through the room towards the stairs without too much fanfare.

Kelara giggles turn to a louder laugh as she rests a hand on D'mer's chest. "Oh, I think you have had too much to fly if you have forgotten. You might end up at the wrong weyr or something. You know we have a lovely beach here. A good swim might clear one's head."

"Nah, -those- two aren't weyrmates. Its one girly one, um... that one," Vin has to point directly at D'mer since they're both blond, both short and both girly looking. "The one with the curls. And then him over there," she points to L'yan. "Those are the weyrmates. I don't know who that girl is," she says with an easy shrug. Shad's praise, vague or not, seems to light up the girl's face again. "They didn't see it coming," she beams proudly. "You should have seen me. Better than fish -or- men, Jaeni. Marks." And the bluerider gets a cheeky little wink.

"I'm already mad at Sh'drian for just being himself," Shava answers. "And why shouldn't you get involved? Yes you usually deal with interior matters, but this is an interior matter. One of your Wingleaders is thinking of giving up her knot because of the behavior of the Weyrlingmaster and Weyrleader. I cannot work under these conditions, they are appalling. And I'm not necessarily that hungry either." She then leans against the back of her chair, folding her arms over her chest.

L'yan's eyes grow distant, then focus again on the errant pair right as Kelara reaches out with that hand to touch D'mer. Clenching his jaw angrily, he turns and stalks out of the Hold, not caring who he might bump into on the way out.

Dragon> Czanth bespoke Eadranth with << When the child is born, he might feel better. I believe this is how Aidryth's felt before his was born. He was quite worried and told his worry to mine, but it is all well now. He told mine that his child was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Perhaps yours will feel much the same? >>

After a period of ensemble playing, all the instrumentalists drop out except for the pipe and the percussionist. The music's rhythm continues its slow beating as the pipe weaves an entrancingly delicate melody over and around the beat in a dance of music, echoing the movements of the dancers on the floor.

Merianya watches the Lord and Lady as they head up toward the stairs and sighs involuntarily. She shakes off her slight melancholy and takes another bite of her dinner. When she overhears Kelara, though, she looks in their direction. "Drunks usually sink, don't they?" She nods to Vin, I know, I've met D'mer before, he visited Southern as a Weyrling. He's nice to talk to."

Kadriya slips her arm gratefully in Grayden's, following his lead, weaving through the crowds with final acceptances of congratulations and toasts to health and prosperity, and a few whispers from the lesser holderwomen that bring a flush to the Lady's cheeks as they reach the stairs.

Jaeni raises her eyebrows. "Cleaned up those holders? Of what? Oh... Marks." The little light bulb goes off over the bluerider's head. "I was never much for gambling. Probably for a reason too." When L'yan makes his stomping exit she gives a shrug of her shoulders. "That seems to be the end of that. I wonder if he'll trip the girl on her way out of the hall." Perhaps a bit late she adds to Vin, "Men are better than marks."

Sh'drian glances at Vin and nods. "Of course not. I did teach you, after all," he says, more than a bit arrogantly. "And there he goes." He observes L'yan's abrupt departure with a smirk. "I could almost feel bad for him, but not if he's not going to try to do something about it. If someone was doing /my/... weyrmate like that, I wouldn't just walk away." He shrugs.

Ilyan stands and nods to Kadriya as she makes her exit. "I suppose I should find guest quarters...ah, I'll just sleep in the infirmary." He says to his self mainly.

Eadranth> I bespoke Czanth with << Perhaps. I do hope so, anyway. >>

Winter misses L'yan's abrupt departure, her attention focused on Shava once more, and her attempt to defer the serious discussion to a more appropriate venue and time has clearly failed. "Are you a wingleader or one of those mice the tunnelsnakes keep chasing around the Weyr?" she asks, her tone frosting over a bit. "Do you think /I/ like working with Sh'drian? Noooooo. But do I? YES. He's the Weyrleader. He won the job fair and square, as much as the job /can/ be won fair or square when I don't have a sharding choice in the matter. If you don't like working with him, turn in your knot. He'll just give it to someone else and snigger over the fact you quit. As I told you... it is /not/ my affair. Sh'drian does his job well enough that I can't kick him out. L'yan's doing a far /better/ job than I expected of him, regardless of what else is going on and the fact he and Shad can't be bothered to act like adults most of the time." She keeps her voice low due to the venue and the event, but her steely gaze is firmly fixed, deep disapproval on her face, on Shava. "You want me to do something that is not my prerogative. You have your choices in front of you. Pick one and get out of my face. And find someone to get me some pudding."

Opening his mouth to speak, D'mer's eyes suddenly go hazy, as if his consciousness were somewhere else for a moment. Coming back to himself with a fluttering of dark lashes, the greenrider reaches up and slides Kelara's hand from his chest. "I-I gutta go..." he mutters distractedly, looking almost as green as his lifemate. That said he deposits his empty wine glass upon an empty chair, "Excuse me..." That said, D'mer attempts to make his way for the exit, not walking so straight.

Vin wrinkles her nose, supremely disappointed that L'yan would run off without a fight. "Now ya see, that's just... sad." She nods in agreement to Shad, "Especially if it's not that sort of arrangement." She turns to Jaeni then, "Men better than marks? How do you figure?"

Kelara frowns at D'mer but the she has real concern on her face. "Wait, are you sure. I mean should you really be flying?" As she walks along with him. She then glances at other riders near by. "Is it safe for him? I mean shouldn't someone help him?"

Merianya gestures to the Iernites, shrugging helplessly at Kelara. "Southern Riders are not allowed to ride home in that condition, no. Not unless their lifemates have clear visualization from another dragon." She demures, however, smiling politely. "I am sure they are on top of things."

Shava sat there and listened to Winter basically chewing her out, keeping a neutral tone. "I just wish someone would make them grow up and see that the center of the planet isn't on them, but should be on the function of the Weyr. You know I cannot abandon my wing. To leave the Weyr without an experienced Wingleader would spell it's doom, and no matter what Sh'drian says, he still needs work on his Threadfall tactics. I've seen better. And I will see about your pudding Weyrwoman." She then gets up and gives a slight nod, looking around for someone to get pudding from.

"I gotta go home." D'mer tells Kelara as she follows him, "Xyrinth..." That last part is muttered, even as the greenrider finds the door out and starts to slip through it. "...stop shouting. I'm coming. I'm coming..." he moans, with several winces of real pain. Bet his head hurts now, wait till later.

Jaeni grins a little at Vin's question. "They just are. Maybe you'll understand when you're older." She yawns and gets up from her chair. "It was nice dining with all of you, but Starflame's got dawn drills. So." She wiggles her fingers at Sh'drian. "Stop by sometime, we'll talk." To Merianya she gives a wave. "Catch you around tomorrow or something."

"D'mer can more than take care of himself," Sh'drian states flatly to those discussing the greenrider. And with that, he considers the topic closed and turns back to Jaeni. He manages a fleeting smile for the bluerider before his smirk overrides it. "I will," he tells her, nodding.

Winter snorts openly at Shava's words, finally deciding to get her pudding herself. "Never mind, I'll do it myself. If you got your head out of your arse for five seconds, you'd see they /do/ their jobs. You may not like their style, but they've done very well for their level of experience." Oh no, she's complimenting both her whipping boys in public! She looks at the other rider with a steady gaze. "How about you stop whinging about their antics and see past that. If you're telling me that you can't afford a second and another rider going to teach the next generation of weyrlings... that your riders aren't good enough for /my/ dragon's clutches as teachers to those weyrlings... SH'DRIAN." Her voice isn't very loud, but it can cut through the room. "Front and center."

Merianya blinks and finishes off her meal as Jaeni makes her leave. She gives Sh'drian a disbelieving look at his cavalier attitude toward D'mer's drunken state, her eyes wide with clear shock. The southern girl rises quickly to her feet and mutters her farewell, following her friend out.

Kelara watches D'mer go as she grabs her glass tightly. She looks around at the other Ierne riders and then looks to Merianya. "It is good to hear Southern is concerned for their riders." Before heading to the table to find a bubbly.

Vin frowns sharply as both Wingleaders take their leave and thankfully the awkward moment that might have followed with her standing there next to the Weyrleader is avoided with Winter's call. And it catches her interest, too. She slinks back towards the food table, refilling her ale with her eyes on her Weyrleaders all the while.

Sh'drian's brows shoot up as Winter calls his name, and he frowns. This usually isn't a good sign. But, with a purposefully nonchalant swagger, he stands, murmurs an 'excuse me' to his table companions, and saunters up to where Winter stands. "Yes?" he asks her, rather warily despite his easy posture.

Shava stands up and still listens. "They do their job, just wish they acted as their position dictates. I am primarily upset that my Wingsecond volunteered and didn't tell me about this himself." At the call for the Weyrleader, the bluerider cringes a bit at the tone, not entirely sure what he's being called over for though.

Jaeni nods at the man and smiles, "Good." She's following Merianya out the door, or she was. In silence she'll wait by the exit to see what Winter is calling the Sh'drian over, since she's nosy. When it's over, she'll be out, gone and back to Southern.

Winter looks to Sh'drian. "Shava here would like some cheese to go with her wine, I believe. Now, as Weyrwoman, it's not my place to tell you how to deal with your riders, but Shava is upset because everyone's not telling her squat, nor is she telling anyone squat, and she apparently hates working with you sooooo much that she wants to quit. Only when I tell her this is neither the time nor the place," she adds, gesturing to the nice hall around them, and then a bowl of pudding appears on said hand. "Oh, thanks," she says casually to the person who deposited the bowl there. Taking a moment to have a mouthful and savoring it audibly. "mmm, this is good. Can we steal the MasterBaker?" After that moment, she resumes her train of thought. "She then backs up very quickly after threatening to quit when I make it plain it's none of my business. It's yours, Shad. You deal with it. You're the one she hates." And then she saunters off with her pudding.

Kelara looks around again, not believing the Ierne people. Taking in the company that is left she figures not worth staying and takes her bubbly with her as she heads for the door.

"I think L'yan already tried, actually," Sh'drian offers to Winter, his tone innocent, even while the expression on his face grows wicked. There's a glint to his eyes that doesn't bode well for Shava, and his smirk seems to indicate Winter's just gone up a notch in his mind. "Really now," he turns to Shava. "I really feel for you here. No one knows better than me how sharding /terrible/ it is to be doing a job you hate with people you can't stand. So, since I'm such a nice, guy, I'll do you a favor. I'll just take that." And with a marked lack of ceremony, he reaches over to unfasten Shava's wingleader knot and pocket it. "Now," he says smugly. "Isn't that so much better. You should be thanking me." He quirks one brow quite pointedly at the bluerider.

Shava blinks as she listens to this and then looks at the Weyrleader. She's silent for a moment in which she turns away. That was until he started speaking. "Hey!" She shouts when he takes away her knot. "I said I was considering it as it doesn't seem that I can work well under the conditions that you and L'yan set. I didn't say I couldn't work period. Give it back, I did not offer it up!" Sure, she has no say over her position now, but she can try to fight it. "And who would you put in my place? There is no one else in the Weyr more experienced at Threadfall that I am."

From the banquet table, Vin's eyes go wide as she watches the scene, a wicked little smirk on her lips, her gaze caught on the bronzerider. Well, until she find some of that pudding...

Winter finds herself over by Vin, with this really huge honkin' bowl of pudding. "Want some?" she asks, waving the bowl under the other's nose. When Shava squawks, a slight smile appears on her face, but she doesn't turn around. It's Weyrleader business now. "It's really good."

Vin grins at the Weyrwoman, an easy grin. "Sure! It definitely looks good." Of course her glance is slipping back towards the Weyrleader so who knows what she's talking about. She -is- pretty eager about the pudding, though. "I wish the Weyr had food like this."

Sh'drian arches his brows at Shava, still smirking arrogantly. "Yes, but I'm saying you can't work. Period," he tells her, still smirking. That smirk hardens a bit, though, as she continues. "No one? Everyone here has been fighting for over three turns now, and many of us fought in the last pass. You've hardly got a monopoly on experience--or skill. And it doesn't really matter who I replace you with, now does it? It's none of your business, wingrider. I can appoint sharding well anyone I want." He stops, starts to turn to walk away, and turns right back around to continue dressing down the former wingleader. "By the way, did no one tell you this was a /wedding/? Have some manners, woman." And this time, with knot still firmly in his pocket, he swaggers back to his seat of earlier, near Vin and now Winter.

Shava just watches and glares at Sh'drian during all of this. Without a word, she turns heads out of the Great Hall. She didn't mean to it to turn out like this, and didn't mean to do it here either, much less lose her rank. Not a word is said to anyone while she left, not even a salute or anything. She's just going home and curse the day that Sh'drian even Impressed a bronze dragon much less became Weyrleader.

Winter was really listening to Sh'drian, even though she was plying Vin with pudding to keep the girl out of trouble. "Well, given my conversation with Uppsala, it's quite likely we will," she says with a wink. "Pudding?" she asks placidly, holding the bowl out for Shad to have a sample. Normally, the proximity of the Weyrleader is enough to set her on edge, but for the moment, she's not mad at him. For the moment. "You can't appoint me, however." She then primly sticks her tongue out at the Weyrleader.

"Or me," Vin pipes in. Apparently she was listening too. And now she's spooning the pudding into her mouth with delight. "This is delicious. You should have some," she tells the bronzerider with an easy grin.

Sh'drian smirks at Winter, all smug and self-satisfied. "Don't mind if I do." He digs into the pudding as well, nodding his approval. "Not bad. We really should have let L'yan have that baker," he remarks with a broad smirk for both Vin and Winter. He hardly even notices Shava's exit, now that he's finished with her.

"We'd have to roll him out of the barracks if we did that," Winter remarks idly as she scarfs her own portion of the big bowl of pudding. "So," she adds, keeping her voice low, mindful of the guests still about. "Uppsala likes us. Byn doesn't. Grayden doesn't like /you/, Shad, so I'll deal with him for you. Other than that, a fine wedding indeed."

Vin beams at Sh'drian's broad smirk, inspite of herself. "If we could eat half this well even once in a while..." the girls comments in between her spoonfuls, obviousy excited by the prospect. "A fine wedding," she repeats the Weyrwoman. It must be the pudding.

Sh'drian snickers at the mental image of L'yan Winter gives him. Then, frowning, he sobers at mention of Grayden. "He doesn't even know me," he points out, as he takes another bite of pudding. "But I suppose my reputation precedes me." He shrugs and gives Winter a long look, as though suspecting something, then re-adopts his smirk for Vin. "We should see about arranging more marriages, then. What about you? You're available."

Winter smirks a bit at Sh'drian. "He's got daughters, that's why he doesn't like you," she remarks placidly, using her spoon to point this factoid out. "However, he'll be my problem, not yours. You can have your pick of Uppsala or Great Bay in terms of negotiating. Just try not to get them marching on the Weyr, hmm?" Is she teasing that boy?

Vin snorts back, "You wish," she answers Sh'drian easily. "No one's marrying me off." And she finalizes it with another helping of dessert. For now she's happy just eating and listening on the Weyrleaders.

Sh'drian shrugs. "Shards. Too much to hope for, I suppose," he tells Vin. Then, to Winter, he smirks. "I'm mostly harmless," he tells her as he continues to help himself to her pudding. "Anyway, sounds like he needs to be watching his daughters more than me, if he's that worried. But--" he sighs, as though it's some great effort "--I'll keep away. And... negotiate with one of the others." He says 'negotiate' like it's a dirty word. "Or try to, anyway. I think I can keep them from marching on us--after all, I've got a big bronze dragon and a lot of firestone handy." He's joking. Really.

Winter pouts as her spoon hits the bottom of the bowl. "Jays, we're eating like L'yan now... where'd he go anyway?" Looking around blankly, she apparently can't remember when she last saw him. "Ah, well... we'd better get going before anything else happens."

"He left when he saw D'mer with some girl," Vineliese informs, licking the last bits off of her spoon.

"And D'mer walked out shortly thereafter," interjects Sh'drian helpfully, gesturing to the door with his spoon. "All in all, a very good night. I think I'll go gloat in my weyr now." He smirks proudly.

"Don't gloat too loudly, you'll scare the children," Winter says mildly. "Vin, care for a ride back with me?"

Vin grins, tossing her spoon into the bin of used dishes. "Sure."

Sh'drian smirks. "I'll do my best," he promises Winter as he stands. "Good night, Vin. Winter." With that, he swaggers on out to the waiting Eadranth.

Winter fetches the mantle she wore to protect her and her nice dress from the cold of between, and beckons to the girl to follow her out to where Alaemyth can be found, not yet egg-heavy, and takes her charge back to the Weyr.

l'yan, ilyan, kelara, eadranth, shava, czanth, jaeni, vin, grayden, winter, kadriya, sh'drian, d'mer, lowell, merianya

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