[Log] All. By. Your. Self.

Dec 05, 2004 23:09

Who: Jaeni, Sh'drian, Weedle
When: Day 6, Month 6, Turn 1, 11th Pass
Where: Lakeshore, Ierne Weyr
What: Sh'drian and Jaeni argue over K'tag.

Eadranth> Czanth senses that Eadranth reaches out tentatively, his thoughts gradually gaining strength. << Czanth? My rider is thinking of yours. He would like to speak with her. Perhaps she should come visit, >> he suggests.

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Czanth answers back curiously. << Eadranth? Mine thinks of yours often. I will tell her to come. Then we will be there. >>

Eadranth> Czanth senses that Eadranth sends an image of his rider standing by the lake. << Mine will wait for yours here. >>

Dragon> Eadranth senses that Czanth thoughts sound of confirmation. << Image understood. >>

---| Lake |--------------------------------------------------| Ierne Weyr |---
     The pristine waters of the lake spread out in a jagged circle of sapphire fixed into a bed of rich basalt sand. Shallow sand bars are dispersed among pockets of depth, lending to a patchy appearance as the water's blue shades lighten and darken sporadically. The richness of the obsidian sand throws a deep shadow over the waters, causing them to be darker in nature and reach an almost impenetrable navy near the center. Along the northern fringes, the beach is set upon by tall grass and flowering trees of viridian green. Water plants grow sporadically here and there providing a safe haven for various forms of aquatic life and a good fishing hole. Farther south, the foliage slowly dwindles away to reveal statuesque arrangements of polished lava rock and an endless beach of glittering cobalt. The lake is alive with an endless procession of hurried waves lapping hungrily at the shoreline. The white-crested waves are generally strong in their constant ebb and flow and the water is cool, yet refreshing. A gentle current at the eastern edge of the watery expanse leads off into a channel. The waters follow this path away from the lake, disappearing mysteriously into the distance.
     The crisp winter afternoon continues along as a gentle breeze whispers softly beneath clear skies.


People: Sh'drian

Obvious exits:
Northern Bowl Southern Bowl

     A leather riding jacket with the Starflame Wing badge sewn into it is accompanied by a Wingleaders knot and worn over a dark green top. The shirt is composed of a light material, though sturdy and suitable for the Southern climate. With a sloped neckline, her chest has a fair amount of attention called to it. Simple cream colored buttons secure it all together. Her shapely legs are covered with fitting wher-hide pants that are a dark brown color. However the pants seem to be more worn than the top. At the knees, patches that are darker brown are sewn on. Along the seems a few repair jobs are clearly noticeable. The bottoms of the pants are tucked into high topped black boots that are tightly laced all the way up and showing signs of wear at the toes.
     Jaeni reaches in height to about 5'6. She has a curvy figure, made more noticable by the type of clothes she seems inclined to wear. Her hair is dirty blonde, highlighted by the sun by many summers of Southern weather; the style is an angled cut with the medium length wisps of hair sometimes falling into her face. Slightly angled eyes, of a deep brown sit underneath the arches of 'brows that are a darker blonde then the hue of her hair. The nose is pert, and the lips, small and shapely with a nice pink tinge to them. Overall her face has retained a rounded look, mostly on her cheeks.

     Sh'drian is an eerie-looking young man of 24 turns. Tall and slender, with an athletic, lightly muscled build, he has very pale skin, despite the southern sun. Perhaps he spends most of his time indoors, or perhaps he just doesn't tan well. This second option seems likely once one considers his white-blonde hair, roughly cut just above his narrow shoulders and rather straggly as though it's been a few days since it was last given a thorough washing. Indeed it probably hasn't been cleaned recently for the slightly wavy strands seem a bit dirty. Sh'drian's eyes are another feature unique to him; they are a pallid, icy blue colour. His other features are strong and sharp: a pointed nose (slightly crooked, probably due to having been broken at some point in time), a chiseled chin lightly covered in white-blonde stubble, and pronounced cheekbones. His face has a harsh, cruel appearance.
     Sh'drian's clothing, in contrast to his cold, strange looks, is rather bland. He wears a plain off-white shirt, buttoned down the front. His pants are darker brown, and dusty with grime from the outdoors; his brown leather boots are encrusted with dirt and mud. On his head, Sh'drian wears a brown hat with a wide brim at a rakish angle. Sh'drian's knot is a complicated mixture of Ierne Weyr's blue, grey, and black and his lifemate's bronze, its cords and tassels declaring him as Weyrleader. He wears his wing's patch on his sleeve.

Sh'drian is indeed standing by the shore of the lake, looking up at the late afternoon sky and scanning it habitually for a glimpse of Jaeni and Czanth's arrival.

Jaeni walks over from the Northern Bowl, apparently having left her dragon over there as well. She catches sight of the tall man rather quickly, her lips pulling into a happy grin, heads that way. The bluerider picks the pace up a bit as she nears, "Hey, you wanted to talk?"

Sh'drian's expression, in contrast to Jaeni's, is nothing short of stormy as he strides choppily over to meet Jaeni. "Yes. Yes, I did, actually," he tells her. Doing his best to sound casual, he notes, "An old friend of yours stopped by for a chat last night. K'tag. He wanted to talk about... things."

Jaeni's expression turns from happiness to a look of confusion. Surprised by the man's apparent irritation, she asks. "And old friend? K'tag?" A wrinkle or two appears across her forehead, "What did he want to talk about? ...What's wrong?"

"Oh, a little bit of everything," Sh'drian replies airily. "You, me, him -- he even found a way to throw Tirya back at me. He told me how inferior I was, how I had no control over myself, how I lie all the time; and then he basically told me he's trying to steal you away from me." Pause. A quirked brow. "Unless he already has?" Sh'drian's voice is silky smooth, making the question sound more innocuous than it is.

Jaeni's eyes widen quite considerably. "What?" The woman seems even more confused now than before and those lines above her eyebrows just get deeper. "Tirya?" That makes her look slightly guilty, but her next question comes quick enough. "What? What do you mean by that? I'm not messing around with K'tag if that's what you're trying to say here." A moments pause. "K'tag would /never/ do something like that. I don't believe it. You must have misunderstood."

Weedle walks over from the northern bowl.
Weedle has arrived.

     Weed suits his name quite nicely. The man is tall and lean and by no means gives off the impression of weakness. More often than not, his appearance would suggest he hasn't taken the time to shave or brush his dark hair after getting out of bed, though it also suggests that he probably wouldn't look half so suave if he had. His eyes are an unstunning color of blue, intelligently sly though lacking in most emotional expression. His clothes are plain and well-worn, a roguish style which the man seems to be well-versed in.
     Weedle looks as though he's dressed for comfort. The man wears a cream-coloured, breezy linen shirt, open to the middle of his chest, which shows off his slender form, the short sleeves revealing that he is well-muscled despite being slim. The shirt is left untucked, hanging over his waist by an inch or two. Weedle's pants are made of a simple brown canvas, nothing really noteworthy about them. On his feet are some rather nice wherhide boots. Looped into his beltloop is the knot of a resident of Ierne Weyr.

"Yes, Tirya," Sh'drian repeats impatiently. "And he implied you were, anyway. Apparently, you two are back... close again." He makes it sound dirty, sneering slightly. "K'tag likes to think he's too good to do that, but he's not. He's no better than I am when it comes down it."

It is good to be Weed. As usual, the thin man is walking along, bundle under his arm, no apparent place to be. The fellow spots the "illustrious" Sh'drian and his gets a look of mild distaste, but Jaeni causes that expression to disappear slightly.

Jaeni opens her mouth and closes. She doesn't speak and then finally says, "I am not. And if he 'implied' it you most certainly must have misunderstood him." The sneer causes her to snort and press her lips together. "K'tag is my /friend/. We talked the other night and decided we needed to be friends again. I was tired of him not talking to me." Crossing her arms over chest, "He's not doing anything like that."

Sh'drian snorts disbelievingly. "I'm sure." He half-turns away to watch the water, and in the process spots Weedle. His eyes narrow slightly, expression becoming cloudier still, unconsciously mirroring the other man's. He glances back to Jaeni quickly. "If you say so. That still doesn't change the fact that he /wants/ to, that he's trying to." He pauses, then admits easily, "I hit him."

Weedle smirks a little as he overhears that last bit, shaking his head slightly, as though not at all surprised at something happened that he disapproves of. He nods a greeting to Jaeni, giving her a charming, wry smile, and then continues past, Sh'drian being quite overtly ignored.

Jaeni gives Sh'drian a 'look' when he isn't watching. When he looks away and she's done with her nasty expressions, she turns towards the lake too and also spots the man. When he talks to her again, she quickly turns back. "He doesn't want to 'steal' me away. K'tag isn- You /what/? You /hit/ him?" Her shoulders slump and her head tilts, expression fixed in a 'no way' position. Weedle going past her makes the bluerider blink and she stares blankly at him. "Um. Hello."

"Yes, I did," Sh'drian repeats calmly, studying Weedle rather than Jaeni. Even while speaking to her, he doesn't look her way. "He had been making me mad all night, first going on about you, then my faults, then Tirya -- after I've already hit him in the past for bringing her up. He deserved it. I'd do it again. If he comes back here, I will."

Weedle pauses when he's addressed and inclines his head to the woman. "Hello, bluerider," he drawls with a charming smile, "Welcome back to Ierne Weyr." Weedle looks over at Sh'drian very briefly, simply giving him a completely dismissive smirk before he looks back to Jaeni. "Could I interest you in a drink sometime? Perhaps when you are interested in more pleasant and couth company?"

Jaeni stares at the bronzerider. "You can't just hit him because he brought Tirya up. I'm not even sure what you're so mad about, you two argue everytime about each others faults. K'tag never does it to make you mad either." The blonde frowns more when he doesn't look at her. Turning her head slightly, "My name is Jaeni and I may need a drink when this is over. But I intend on drinking it alone."

Sh'drian frowns. "Yes, I can," he insists. "I can sharding well hit him whenever I want to." He shakes his head and folds his arms petulantly over his chest, glaring meanwhile at Weedle. "She's not interested," he answers for Jaeni, nevermind she's got her own reply ready. Though her assertion of drinking alone does make him frown and look over at her sharply.

Weedle simply inclines his head and continues to smile that crooked smile to Jaeni. "Well met, Jaeni. I'm Weedle, though my friends call me Weed," he drawls, "If you do decide to change your mind and would like some company, I can almost always be found... and I'll even bring the wine." Sh'drian's comment is simply ignored, Weedle's smile not slipping, his blue eyes not moving to acknowledge the Weyrleader for even an instant. With a slight, dismissive wave, Weedle comments idly, "The flies are most annoying this time of year, I am realising." There's a moment that Weedle waits longer to see if Jaeni will change her mind. If she speaks to him, he'll stay. If not, the man will make his way over to a place on the beach.

Jaeni shakes her head, "Don't you answer for me. It's bad enough that you're hitting my friends because you're all jealous and angry. Besides, I already said no. If you didn't notice." Averting her gaze to the ground she glances up when she feels his eyes on her. "What? You probably won't want to drink with me. You'll be mad." She slowly looks over to Weedle. "We've met before and what in shards are you talking about? What flies? There..." Jae trails off and looks down again.

Sh'drian frowns at Jaeni. "Fine," he tells her sulkily. "I'll leave you to your friend, then." And with that, he turns and starts stalking off in the opposite direction of Weedle. If Jaeni tries to stop him, he might be persuaded to pause, but for the moment, he's intent on putting as much distance between them as he can.

Weedle smirks to Jaeni and comments drily, "Ah, perhaps it isn't so much a fly as an annoying buzzing that I'm hearing. I should see the healers about that, yes?" When Sh'drian starts putting some distance between them, he says, loudly enough for him to hear, "Ah, it's fading. Must just be me." He gives Jaeni another one of those charming grins and says, "My offer /is/ still open, Jaeni. I have a blanket here and a nice bottle of wine..."

Jaeni throws up her hands. "What was the point of having me come here, Sh'drian? So you could accuse me of sleeping around and then stalk off?" The blonde woman makes a disgusted sound as she listens to Weedle. "Please. I have enough trouble as it is." Staring at the man's retreating back, she shouts. "You're mad about things K'tag /is't/ doing, but you leave me here with /him/?"

Weedle just chuckles and drawls to Jaeni, "I'm no trouble. Just going to enjoy the beach and some wine." With that, the man heads off, spreading out his blanket and, in fact, opening up his bottle of wine.

Sh'drian turns, taking a few steps backward so he can retort, "You're a big girl. You can get away and enjoy that drink. All. By. Your. Self." With that mature parting shot, he turns back around and makes his exit for good this time.

Jaeni looks at the older man as if he's some sort of bizarre bug. She quickly turns away from him to shout some more. "Yeah, I love you too, Sh'drian!" Looking not so angry this time and more like on the verge of some sniffling and tears, she starts to back up and make her exit as well.

weedle, sh'drian, eadranth, czanth, jaeni

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