[Log] All the Pretty Colors

Jun 07, 2006 22:22

Who: Ailani, A'tan, Ayana, Breena, Delu, Devany, Iestyn, K'ran, Kristalin, Lekzanne, R'dur, Sabi, Shayera, Z'nal
When: Day 16, Month 12, Turn 7
Where: Galleries, Telgar Weyr
What: Soraeth clutches her eggs at Telgar.

     Stretching along the eastern wall of the hatching cavern, these tiers of seats have enough room for several hundred spectators for Clutchings and Hatchings. To one side, long shallow steps descend to the entrance. There is also a railing separating the lowest tier of seats from the Hatching Sands themselves. Other parts of the galleries are closed off from the sands by a wall to the north and south. From here you can reenter the bowl, or follow the pathway down to the Sands.
     The evening is obscured by dark clouds. Flurries of a very wet snow fall to the ground. The strong winds howl through the bowl and the winter air is cold. The ground is icy beneath your feet.


Obvious Exits:
Bowl Sands

Lekzanne settles herself into a seat on the sands, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She's sniffly, and pale looking, but her eyes are bright and watching the Sands.

Ayana forgot to wear warm clothes again, so here she is, shivering already as she walks in besides Delu. "Let's find a warm spot, if there is one," she grumbles to her as she rubs her hands together.

K'ran's mopping the day's sweat from his forehead as he sidles into the hatching cavern. He promptly winces as a blast of heat from the sands catches him, and lifts his arms as if to catch feeble breeze beneath them.

From the hatching sands, Soraeth lands with a surprising amount of grace and dignity for one about to clutch eggs. She's aware of being carefully watched, and the sharp hiss she sends the observing throngs is a message to all at her displeasure about the situation. She steps around the sands to find a likely looking location to lay her first, waiting for the others to arrive.

Delu nods, following Ayana closely. "Somewhere out of the way? If we can not be noticed, it would be... Well, I don't want this ruined for anyone."

"She hasn't done anything yet, calm down," Lekzanne mumbles, shaking her head. "Shards, you'd think /he/'d fathered the clutch for all the worry Kesh is doing." This is said mostly to herself, and though she feigns annoyance at her brown's apparent concern, her eyes are watching every move Soraeth' makes.

While Alidaeth settles into a spot on the ledges above, R'dur ambles into the hatching cavern behind several of his wingmates. He, however, pauses before the steps with glazed eyes, then continues quickly up the stairs after a shake of his head dispells whatever distracted him. When he settles into a seat, he glances briefly at the gold landing on the sands, then skims the gathering crowd for a particular face, still apparently absent.

Ever the hanger-on, Sabi enters with a blonde girl in Nabolese dress, both moving gracefully to join a small contingent of yabbering fellows, other visitors from their knots, though the inane interchanges between teenage boys are quieted every few moments as one will reference a happening on the sands and all will look. Sabi ends up on the end of this grouping, looking slightly out of place as the blonde integrates into the group flawlessly.

From the hatching sands, Uralth rumbles encouragingly to the gold queen from where he and his rider are standing off to one side, probably not a good idea to be in the way at this juncture...dragon or human. Z'nal, for his part gives the brown an affectionate slap, looking quite amused about the whole experience, amused and proud of course.

*Ha-choo!* Breena mutters apologies as she--and the cloud of dust over her head--finally make their way in. "Hard to believe that place gets so dusty when there's no one in there, and it's not as if we haven't cleaned it or anything anyway..." She trails off, eyes scanning the faces in the crowd, and finally just decides on a generic greeting before taking a seat. "Evening."

From the hatching sands, Quickly, Soraeth finds just the spot, her golden hide ripples with seeming effort, and an egg begins to emerge, her nearness to the sands making it a gentle, easy drop to its new resting place.

From the hatching sands, Clashing Aurora Egg
     Darkness and light, but more the one than the other; rays of color lighten the blackened shell of this egg and paint it in white, bold reds, purples, yellows, oranges and blues as they fan out from the vanishing point at the apex. Smoky lavender crawls up from the base as lichens might on a rock, gradually lightening as they diminish in size until they clash with the descending streaks. Along one side, a fan of deep crimson encroaches, burning away the purple hues that in turn threaten to over take it.

Ayana looks at the gold blankly, but nods to Delu, "I know what you mean. Let's sit here." She finds a spot alittle ways from those present and sits. She has yet to observe the others in the stands, since the gold has her current attention. She moves over a seat for Delu, her attention suddenly taken by her lifemate.

Delu settles in next to Ayana, with a wary glance around, and then she turns to quietly watch the sands, her attention locked on what is happening there, and the egg's arrival.

Kristalin lets herself get bustled to the back, or so it seems. Just as she reaches a point where it's about to become difficult to see the sands, she stops, nods politely to those about her and sits down.

Having arrived in the cavern with Z'nal, Devany is now set adrift as she moves to find a seat after watching the brownrider join his dragon on the sands. The honey blonde brushes back her braid, sending it over her shoulder to lay down her back. Either the greetings catching her attention then, or familiar voices, but either ways she pauses to greet with a polite, "Good evening," given to those nearest her.

K'ran's drifted further into the hatching cavern, notwithstanding the heat -- and his eyes are on the sands when that shadow-mantled egg gets clutched. "Mmm," he murmurs, to no one in particular, though perhaps he's nearest Ayana at the moment. "Pretty, that one."

A'tan steps through the cavern and pulls his jacket tightere around his body to try to stave off the cold and snow. He looks around the galleries and tries to figure out a place to sit.

Lekzanne sneezes, but not from the dust. She sniffles loudly and wrinkles her nose, rubbing at the sides of it with her fingers. Sinus problems? "Ah, is a pretty one," she agrees.

Ayana's eyes go back into focus in time to hear someone speak near her. Glancing at Delu first, she then looks over at K'ran and gives a smile, "Oh yes, it is pretty, isn't it?" she offers with a nod. That's when she notices Devany. She pauses, looking in the honey blonde's direction for a long moment, then shifts to squeeze Delu's arm.

R'dur, fidgety, can't sit still for long before he's up and pacing, speaking to the wingmates of earlier and a few other acquaintances gathered in the stands, 'ma'am'ing and 'sir'ing his way through the stands until he gets to Lekzanne. "Ma'am--Lekzanne--how are you?" he wonders of the other brownrider. "Are you still not feeling any better. I'm sorry."

From the hatching sands, Nervous, but trying not to look it, Ailani searches first for a place to sit, but she's only seated for a moment or two before she stands and starts pacing. "Yes, love," she murmurs absently, her smile somewhat pinched, "very pretty." A pause, a glance back to the galleries, then, "See?"

It must surely be the heat off the sands, and the closeness of the crowd, that causes the sudden pallor in Delu. It certainly couldn't be a voice she heart, or the glimpse of honey-blonde hair. She does her best to look unnoticible next to Ayana, mouth tightly clenched as she forces her gaze to stay on the gold on the sands.

Lekzanne shakes her head towwards R'dur. "Well, yes and no. I was doing fine, and apparently had a relaps, or caught something else - say the Healers." She's stuffed up, but her eyes are bright. She smiles upon the other brownrider before looking quickly back to the Sands. "First Telgar Hatching! Kesh is excited, so I suppose I am too."

Hurried by a crowd rather than his own ambling steps, Iestyn hesitates at the crest of the stairs to look around the crowd. Jostled by a group of over-eager weyr teenagers, the furrowed set of his brow and the squint of his eyes looks briefly pained before he moves in the next wave of people who've heard of eggs being clutched. A brief spot of calm is found, however, as is a few familiar faces, and it's in R'dur's relinquished seat that the lanky young man finally rests himself.

From the hatching sands, Soraeth tenderly begins to sweep sand along the egg's base, assuring it a fair amount of warmth and stability before moving on to find the perfect locale for the next rippling movement across her girth. Another favorable spot is quickly ascertained and the second egg descends upon its new 'home.'

From the hatching sands, Perfect Shades of Pink Egg
     It's as if a cloud of the softest shade of cotton candy pink has wrapped this egg up in its sugary, good warmth. The whole is whimsically splattered with luminous bursts of the palest carnelian and buttercreme hues, each of which serves as the center to pinwheels of sweetly embellished, fluidly radiating, swells. Every wave-like swirl has been delicately detailed with a sublime confection of salmons and fuschias before being topped by a surprising titian toned tip.

From the hatching sands, Uralth keeps his attention on the sands, the emerging eggs, and the gold queen. Soraeth might sense waves of silent encouragement sent her way, but except for the occasional rumble, the brown remains silent, and only spares glances at his rider, who after exchanging a 'look' with the brown at this latest egg clutched, looks up into the stands for a certain honey blonde, and once spotting her, shoots her a lopsided grin.

"I'm sorry to hear that," repeats R'dur sympathetically, grimacing at Lekzanne's news. "Telgar's climate doesn't seem to suit you well, though I'm sure you'll adjust to it soon. It's really not a bad place." He settles into a seat alongside her to chat, though Iestyn's move to his earlier seat earns the man a small friendly smile and half-wave before the rider glances back to the woman next to him. "Really, though? Alidaeth is as well, though he's trying to act bored about it," confides R'dur.

As one might expect from the Hold and craft-knotted teens in the third or so row of the galleries, their attention is largely stolen by the eggs being laid and there's now (thankfully) quiet from the bunch. Occasionally, Sabriel's eyes will rove the faces of the watchers and as they shift across R'dur a curious look of partial recognition crosses her face before the girl bites her lip - gaze now moving a touch faster as if seeking to search find a particular face, though judging from the apprehension, it wouldn't be a welcome find.

A'tan sighs softly and glances back in the direction of the tunnel and shakes his head before trying to find a seat. He waves over at Delu and Ayana before spotting Devany, making his way over to the honey blonde. "Mind if I join you? It seems that we are both without a date for this affair." The young man smiles at his friend, hands shoved into his pockets, hair falling over his eyes.

Devany's would seem unaware of any attention she may have drawn from Ayana, at least just then. And also would seem to miss the paleness in Delu's face. The Igen pair overlooked for now by Boll's Steward as her pale gaze lings on the clutch that's starting to take form on the sands before them. The second egg drawing from her a lopsided grin to match Zain's as she too seeks his gaze and then finds herself chuckling softly as she takes a seat that offers her a clear view and settles in.

Ayana notices the quickness in which Delu looks back towards the sands and nods briefly. Still shivering, she looks about more and brightens when she sees A'tan. "Hey A'tan!" she calls out, suddenly trying to wave at the greenrider. After another glance toward the honey blonde's way, she gives a general smile to everyone about and then turns to Delu, "You alright? You don't look so good...."

Breena, in response to something said nearby, underscores that statement with one of her own. "Oh yes, *please* let it be a small clutch. No reason it shouldn't be, brown-sired and in the Interval anyway, but small...small is definitely good." The Weyrlingmaster has managed to rid herself of most of the dust that covered her hair and hands by now, and is simply watching, thoughtful.

From the hatching sands, Soraeth paces restlessly around the sands, side-stepping a previous delivery, and pauses at a hollow made by Uralth's passing. When she moves away, another egg is revealed, which she lingers over for a long moment before dutifully moving along.

From the hatching sands, Infinite Whirlwind Egg
     Whirling and dizzy, the pattern of lines and colors across the shell of this egg is enough to give anyone a headache. Oranges and reds play along perceived parallal lines, reaching into infinity, as if pouring through the heart and soul of the ovoid. Checkerboard greens and browns dominate the top and bottom, following the same invisible path to destiny. A feeling of perpetual movement pulls the viewer into the egg, as if they too can continue the neverending journey of color and motion.

Delu nods a bit. "Fine." She says, shortly. She keeps her eyes on the sands. "The pink one is nice." She says, softly. She ignores Ayana's calling out to A'tan, focused solely on the clutching they came to see.

Distracted by movement and easing into gawking almost reluctantly, Iestyn only catches the latter end of R'dur's wave and returns it with smile that's markedly relaxed for the familiar face. It's with this attitude that the lanky blonde returns to consider the sands and Soraeth's second addition to the sands. To the blonde woman near by, his head tips and low words of reflective amusement are spared, "I'd heard these things were affairs, and-," with a pause so he can cast his glance around towards the pockets of betters and the people constantly milling in and out, "I s'ppose they were right. You're betting for something small?" Guileless dark eyes rest on Breena a beat, before turning to catch sight of that third egg.

R'dur, running out of small talk, makes his excuses to Lekzanne and stands again, moving away. A glimpse of eyes on him draws his attention; though it takes the brownrider several seconds to find Sabi's face in the crowd. He hesitates, pastes on a smile, and then does his duty as a wingsecond: he makes his way toward the harper student, to offer her a simple, "Telgar's duties, ma'am," and her companions a quick nod.

Caught in the process of still smoothing her skirts, Devany glances up as she's addressed and gives a welcoming smile, "Not at all, A'tan. I'd welcome the company in fact as it seems Uralth's call is understandably stronger tonight." She gives the man a wink and then gestures to the seat beside her, just as Ayana's call to him catches her attention. The honey blond missing the actual arrival of the next egg as she now regards the pair a lingering moment or three before turning back to face front and let out a slow breath she then realizes she was holding.

K'ran's still maneuvering between seated people in the galleries, attempting to find a free bit of space to sit -- or, at least, to slouch. Eventually he finds himself next to Iestyn, while squinting at the riotously-colored egg just clutched. "Yie," he says. "Half-mark says that hatches a green. A really, really, really spastic one."

"I don't wager on them," Breena says to Iestyn, grinning. "Bad form to wager on eggs that'll hatch into dragons that you spend the first turn and a half of their lives with. I--" She breaks off at K'ran's comment and glances between him and the egg in question, then shakes her head. "Right, let's just not think about that for right now."

Realizing they were now spotted when she called out to A'tan, Ayana looks at the honey blonde just for a moment before turning to regard Delu. At her words, she just sighs sadly and nods, looking back at the sands. Anyone close to her would notice that she maybe looking, but it's obvious that she's far from paying attention.

Sabi's eyes have just returned to R'dur - expression now relieved, apparently not finding whomever she was dreading amidst those present - in time to catch his greeting. She looks to her companions a moment and then rises and makes her way towards the rider, "Harper and Minecraft's duties, sir. I don't mean to be terribly rude," She flashes a smile to those immediately present, "But I was hoping you might be able to answer a question for me. A rather silly question, I'll admit." And another glance is given towards the sands.

Dubiously, R'dur stops, watching Sabi. "Ah," he notes intelligently. "Well, I can--I can /try/," he tells her. "What is it you need? I can't... I mean, I might not know, but I'll try. I'm sure it's not really silly. That silly." And he offers a hesitant smile to the woman, cheeks tinging pink.

From the hatching sands, Crouched in the hot hatching sands, Telgar's youngest queen waits, studying the expanse around her. When she moves, it's decisive - ducking out of Uralth's way, she pauses briefly, and at first, only a faint shimmer of pale golden hide indicates that yet another egg has made an appearance.

From the hatching sands, Mosaic Flower Egg
     Patterns within patterns; a vibrant orange and sky blue flower with delicate petals on a bed of green leaves, at least that's how this egg appears from a distance. Partly buried by the sand, one side of the image cuts off along the base, with the leaf shapes gaining in size as they pull away from the focal point. Each a slightly different mix of colors and hues, they look as if they are stacked as they fan out over the shell's surface. When close inspection allows, the flower proves to be made up of smaller specks of color as if made in mosaic before smoothed over the shell.

From the hatching sands, Glancing over her shoulder, Ailani shakes her head, her attention returning to her lifemate. Soothingly, she murmurs, "They'll all be fine - and it's months yet before they hatch, let's just see the rest, okay?" While the young queen is grace under pressure - if annoyed at the audience - the rider is a bundle of nerves and stress.

A'tan leans out of the way when a few youngsters come running down the stairs past him hearing, "excuse me sir, ummm sorry...." as they try to get a seat as close to the eggs as possbile. His dark eyes watch them a moment seeming lost in thought with a gentle smile before settling himself down close to the honey blonde. He looks over to Delu and Ayana speaking out to them over some others, "Hey there Ayana. Telgars duties. How do you like the snow and cold?" A grin is given but he seems to finally notice a little bit of tension with the woman sitting next to him, "You alright?"

Delu glances at Ayana reprovingly, briefly. "/Not/ being noticed was a goal? Remember?" She offers A'tan a weakly polite smiles, and quickly looks away again with a sigh. "Shard it all." She mutters.

It's only after Breena speaks that Iestyn's gaze returns to the greenrider, dropping to glance at her shoulder a bit, and while the intricacy of the slender woman's knot sinks in, he manages to comment wryly, "I don't wager in general-, ma'am," the last title is added somewhat uncertainly with a half-shy grin to his angular face. "Dragons-, she, Soraeth, I mean, must be pretty open-minded. I don't know if I've ever met a woman who would want a crowd gawking as she gave birth. I mean-," flushed, the young man shakes his head, turning to find K'ran at his side with a new conversation to divert conversation another way. His relieved "Really?" is presumably for the bronzerider's bet.

Sabi is all smiles and fluttering lashes now. She plainly wants something, and in this case, it seems to be information from R'dur. The dark-haired girl makes a smooth gesture out towards the eggs. "This is the first hatching my friends and I have had the pleasure of attending,. We've only had the chance to hear what others' have reported. Are eggs always like this? So lovely and colorful? Is it true that they're soft now even though they look quite-- well, solid?"

Ayana blinks at Delu's words, then blushes, "I didn't know he was going over to her.." she mumbles at her with a shrug. She looks over at A'tan with a bright smile, "Snow and cold? Ah, you can keep it. I think I came underdressed." She shivers slightly in indication and shrugs to him before she turns back to the sands at hand, suddenly focused.

From the hatching sands, Z'nal had missed any further interactions up in the galleries as his own attention and that of his dragon's went back on the gold queen. Though was not needed, both had moved slightly out of Soraeth's way when she had passed, the rider stepping farther to one side and now his focus is on the gold's rider, perhaps, like his brown, offering silent support, though looking ready to, to do something if the need should arise.

K'ran tips a mischievous smile sideways, towards Iestyn. "Sure," he says. "What else do I get to spend money on?" He slews his gaze back out over the sands, then, and sinks into an easy crouch. "I don't think we've met, you and I."

Breena's gaze slides back Soraeth's way. Wry, to Iestyn, she says, "All the more reason to never have kids." She's quiet then, at least for the time being.

R'dur's blush intensifies under Sabi's words, and he takes half a step backward from the girl as he glances toward the eggs for safety. "Oh, ah. That," he mumbles shyly, completely off-balance now. "They're... they're usually like this," he decides after a moment, turning back to Sabi to continue his explanation. "I've only seen a couple of the clutchings myself, including my Alidaeth's, but... It's usually like this. They are really soft right now, but they'll harden up between now and the hatching."

Devany's gaze lingers now on the eggs murmuring something under her breath that's too soft to truly hear but sounding of perhaps praise or approval. A'tan's question though pulls her attention back to him and she nods, "I'm fine.. I" She starts to turn her head to look and then stops herself as she focuses on the greenrider beside her, "It's a long story, and now is neither the time or place for it." A warmer smile is given then while she tips her head to indicate towards the sands, "How many do you think there might be?"

From the hatching sands, The following egg cannot wait to emerge apparently, and Soraeth hisses with impatience herself as she simply steps gingerly to the side, a dragonpace or two, before hovering over already mounded sand to deliver it. Once again though, she still takes the time to assure that its properly settled before moving on.

From the hatching sands, Pixellated Egg
     Occasional streaks of color in yellow, teal, and black form random, half-circle patterns across the shell of this egg, but they are not its main feature. Instead, it would seem as if this egg was comprised of little more than millions of tiny dots in a variety of colors. Perceptive viewers might observe a pattern reaching toward the egg's apex, where a rust-colored circle rests, edged in pale pink.

Iestyn is studiously not watching Breena when her wry comment drops, though his head ducks down a bit and the flush creeps higher along his ears. "Mmmm," emits from his throat, as if in thought, but when the renewed commentary on a new egg ensues, the blonde head rights itself to peer down at the sands, squinting to catch sight of the newest, multi-hued egg. Once his egg-gawking quotient for this one's been satisfied, he turns his face, lips slightly ajar, to find K'ran with a belated, "Iestyn of Lemos." A beat passes, his eyes again straying to the knot and involuntarily, the sprawl of his lanky form straightens. "Sir. Lemos' duties to you and your," head tip to the sands, "Queens. A nice bottle of wine, new furniture, clothing- though I've heard in the Weyrs everyone shares everything?"

"And is it true that the candidates for these eggs-" Interrupted by the appearance of the next egg, Sabi's words trail off as she looks it over appreciatively a long moment before continuing, brown gaze flicking back to R'dur, "- don't get to have any fun of any kind? No parties? No picnics or holidays? Just work? And is it true that they can't leave the Weyr?" And then her attention is back on the eggs momentarily, "Why does she lay them in those little mounds?"

K'ran waves a dismissive hand for the 'sir': "Call me K'ran," he invites. "What brings you up from Lemos? Well, it's *sort* of true. We depend on tithes, and there's only so much of that to go around, so we're kind of packrats. On the other hand, we don't share *everything*. I mean, probably half of what you hear about how we all share our beds is false."

From the hatching sands, A quick glide and perhaps the need to space this egg away from its brethren, marks Soraeth's pick of this place near the curve in the cavern wall. It's still warm enough and cozy enough to be suitable, despite the shadow that crosses the mound she makes before releasing it from herself.

From the hatching sands, Contrasting Feathers Egg
     Though much of the detail is lost at a distance, a lot of trouble went into precisely painting each flexible feather, large or small. Each is identical to the original or its reflection but for size, with thin brush strokes of blues (both dark and light), red, pink, white, black, tan and even a few touches of green. The effort might have been wasted, for they float on spilled cinnamon hued paint dappled with droplets of a dark brown that's near to black; and from they way they start to swirl, they were about to go down twin drains, but instead the effect was caught an preserved on this egg's shell.

"Uh..." R'dur's fumblings continue as he studiously stares at the eggs and not Sabi. "I wouldn't say /no/ fun," he notes after a moment, wincing. "I mean, it's not really so bad--I enjoyed my candidacy, for the most part, and it /is/ worthwhile in the end. If you impress. Actually, no, I think it would be even if you didn't, though, well. That's not from personal experience. And we have... a dinner. For the candidates. That's always enjoyable. And you can do other stuff and--and--well, no, you can't leave, but then--I don't know." He breaks off his uncomfortable rambling quickly, shooting a helpless glance at the sands. "I don't know why she lays them like that. Perhaps you should ask the weyrwoman Ailani sometime," the rider finally says, with deliberate care.

Delu just sighs, shaking her head. "Now she knows we're here, and you know we won't be able to get away quietly now, Aya." She reaches for Ayana's hand. "Maybe I should go?"

A'tan nods slowly but not before glancing over at the pair from Igen and back to the woman sitting next to him. "Well then maybe later I can hear the story if you would like. Its obviously something if it keeps your mind away from what's going on." He leans a little closer to the expecting mother and chuckles as he looks back out at the sands, dark eyes brewing, "Well, I'm not sure that it will be too large. She's a young gold and also flown by a brown so I guess we'll see." His sentence seem to draw out some when he sees the next egg and whistles in appreciation, "That's a nice one there."

"I actually came up to speak with," Iestyn's form straightens even further as he cranes his head about to find someone in the midst of rambling explanations, "Him. R'dur, I think. He made commissions for a set of toy puzzle blocks for his daughter." Returning to slant K'ran with a studious look the recede of color from his cheeks resumes at the latter half of the Weyrleader's statement. "Ah," a very enlightened exhalation. "I didn't- I mean, I didn't really mean that. I-, you don't?" The last, almost comical, is only half-serious as the young man attempts a somewhat nervous joke. "I'd heard, actually, that despite what we're told, Weyrs aren't havens for exchanging partners on whim." Though why his gaze darts briefly to R'dur and then swings back is another story. "But far more communal than we are at Lemos."

Ayana glances at Delu, then over at the pair mentioned, "We'll be fine, Delu. You're fine. Do you really want to go? Everything's fine." She gives her an encouraging smile and looks at the eggs, "Besides, I wanna see more of the clutch. I dunno when we'll get to another one of these, you know? And I'm hungry...you think they serve food at these things?" She's babbling but she's still looking at the sands anyway.

"Well, I shouldn't expect that anyone as important as a Weyrwoman would take notice of a simple," Sabi's brown lashes are batted in a pronounced way accompanying each of her next words, "lowly student such as myslef." She cants her head slightly to one side as her eyes find their way back out onto sands, "If you wished to introduce me sometime, I'm sure I shouldn't be able to think of a single objection." Then she looks back towards the brownrider again, "Though I don't suppose we were properly introduced. I'm Sabriel of MineCraft Hall, though more recently, as you saw, at Harper. My friends call me Sabi - you may also, if you like." For all the sweetness to her tone, there's 'hidden agenda' just written all over her face.

From the hatching sands, Uralth silences the rumble of warning that had parted his muzzle for a heartbeat, the queen's sudden glide to another part of the cavern causing momentary concern from the Igen brown and no small amount of it from his rider. Z'nal had opened his mouth as well, but like his lifemate bite backs whatever he had been going to say before exchanging another knowing 'look' with his dragon and going back to being ready for anything, very interested, proud observers.

"I like to call it informal, rather than communal," laughs K'ran. "Things are typically a little more fluid here because the riders are tied to their dragons' cycles. But there are still folks who'd fit right in at a Hold, for sure." Now he sends a glance from Iestyn over to R'dur and back again. "Commissioned blocks, you say? You're a carpenter, or a toymaker?"

R'dur, still flushed, is quick to pick up on his name and those looks in his direction despite the busyness of the cavern, and he glances toward Iestyn and his former mentor worriedly. The brownrider fidgets his weight a moment and shoots several quick, less-than-surreptitious glances their way before refocusing his attention on Sabi in front of him. "Sabriel," he repeats the full name over the nickname. "I'm R'dur, brown Alidaeth's. It's very nice to meet you. Weyrwoman Ailani is really very nice, though--very friendly--she was a candidate with my weyrmate, and, well. I could introduce you, if you like, I suppose. Though, you being at the Harper Hall..." He shrugs, glancing downward again.

Breena, catching a snippet of R'dur's conversation, shakes her head in amusement. "How come we keep having to tell people that she's a perfectly nice person? It's not like the knot or the dragon chewed her up and spit her out or anything." Then, she laughs wryly, glancing between Iestyn and K'ran. "Not recommended, being tied to a dragon's cycle. Can make a person a bit...tetchy." And, given the green thread in her knot, she's probably speaking from experience. The rest of the conversation passes without comment, though she does look over toward R'dur and his conversational companion for a moment before looking back to the sands.

From the hatching sands, It seems almost idly done, the casual piling of sand, something to pass the time while she waits for the next egg. Yet when Soraeth finally moves, she's careful not to disturb the new-made mound, until the next egg is delivered upon it.

From the hatching sands, Purple Rose Egg
     Dark ebon swallows this egg, leaving rows of gaping teeth across the center in a rosy white that meld into dark golden bases and are ringed by purple gums. Twisted, bent, and eye-catching, this egg one moment resembles a multihued monster under a little's cot, and the next moment presents a whorled bizarre sunset. The patterns twisting and repeating in a myriad of directions are mesmerizing, and may call to the eye no matter which direction this large egg is facing.

If Devany looks back at the Igen couple, it's subtly done. Quiet subtly in fact, "Really A'tan. I'm not certain it really even needs to be brought up. But perhaps sometime later." She briefly reaches to place a hand on his arm, an attempt to give a reassuring gesture besides the smile that adds to it, "It is a nice one. They are so colorful, don't you think?" She's quiet for a few moments, then murmurs, "I don't think Uralth was too pleased by something there."

Again, following K'ran's line of sight, Iestyn flickers R'dur an uncertain look, as if meaning to make a case for his holdbred views. Still, he's easily distracted by the man's further questions, and with an attempt for a look for Breena, apology heavy in his wide-set eyes, he begins an absent response, that gains strength with early repetition, "Both. Both," head turning to eye the sands again. "I dabble here and there, certainly nothing of a crafter's quality, but-," the visage of purple-ringed gold catches his eyes forcing him into silence a beat. "They don't look like they could be holding those inside of them. Err-, where was I? Oh, yes. Both. Generally smaller items that can be easily transported back and forth, but every so often I do rounds of the cotholds near Lemos to help with larger necessities. People the crafts tend to overlook. Why," wide eyes round onto K'ran, "Did you desire something, sir?"

From the hatching sands, Distracted once more from her lifemate, annoyance flashing briefly across her face, Ailani shoots a look at Breena. "*She*," the young goldrider comments, "is right here and can hear you." That displeased expression persists as her eyes glaze over, that dark look settling on the next egg rather than on anyone nearby, but no further comment is made.

"Well, if you could priomise that the Weyrwoman would come with you, I could see about getting you an invitation to--" And just as Sabi is contriving to make connections, her name is called by the blonde - and quick as a canine responds to the hand that feeds it, there's a smile from the girl to the brownrider, "Do excuse me, sir, won't you? It was lovely to meet you." And she's gliding her way back over to the group she joined at the start of the clutching.

A'tan sits down towards the bottom of the rows of seats next to Devany, talking quietly and pointing out at the sands every so often when a new egg appears. He catches the little soaring from the gold and nods to the honey blonde, "I think it was because Soraeth tried to fly over there instead of lumber."

Shayera rolls her eyes as she enters the cavern, her lips in constant motion as she murmurs, a little grumpily about "cold, then heat", though those are the only words she's saying that can be made out, the rest mumbled under her breath. The shawl about her shoulders get readjusted as her gaze flits over the faces already in the galleries and after she finds the one she's looking for she carefully makes her way towards him, and the woman he's sitting very close to at the moment.

"Oh, jays, no," K'ran assures, with another laugh. "My kids are all mostly grown, now -- the youngest just told me that she's too old for dolls, even though she still sleeps with a stuffed runner. I just used to dabble myself, with woodcarving, Turns ago. Not so much anymore, sad to say; reading reports takes up most of my time, I'm afraid. But I'd certainly love to see some of your work." There, though, he stops, and gestures Iestyn's attention back toward Breena. "Sorry to have pulled you away, though," he says. "Nice meeting you; hope to see more of you, before you head home."

Delu is quietly watching, nothing more. "I don't want to leave." She admits. "This is fascinating."

From the hatching sands, Though restless, eager to be finished, Soraeth still retains a regal bearing and a casual grace to her movements. The spectators are largely ignored now in favor of the task at hand. Another pause, another ripple of champagne-hued hide, and there's another egg.

From the hatching sands, Blue Flowered Egg
     It's hard to miss this egg's main feature - like a clumsy child's drawing of a daisy, a big, navy flower covers more than two thirds of the large shell, only missing its yellow center. On a field of midnight and blue, the pattern is repeated on a much smaller scale, in an off-peach tone. Sometimes, when turned just the right way, a whimsical pinwheel of black and buttery yellow can be seen, tucked away like a secret treat.

"Good day," R'dur sees the girl off, plainly bewildered by Sabi. He watches her return to her friends in silence before shaking his head and turning, moving away. After some uncertain wavering, he heads toward K'ran and Iestyn. "Ah, good evening. Sir. Sir," he greets the Weyrleader and then the other man with a hesitant smile.

Ayana nods to Delu, "Good, cuz right now I am stuck to this seat from the cold. Foolish me for taking a swim before coming here...." she starts to grumble, leaning against the greenrider for warmth as she watches the sands pointedly.

Breena does manage to look at least a little bit apologetic as she flashes a smile at Ailani's back. "Sorry, just trying to help you out over here, really." She turns that same smile on R'dur, adding in a nod of greeting, electing to turn quiet and stay that way.

From the hatching sands, Z'nal had looked just as displeased as Ailani and Uralth even more so, both snapping their heads back to wherever the gold rider had looked, a dangerous sounding rumble from the brown expressing both their feelings. Since the moment passes though and Soraeth seems well, even moving on to lay another egg, the Igen pair relax and continue to watch with quiet supportiveness.

"Hm, I suppose. Though I sure she wouldn't have, if she didn't think she could." Devany gives A'tan a conspiring smile, "He is a bit the protective sort sometimes. But that I suppose is hardly surprising, considering..." She gives the greenrider beside her a wink and then turns her warm gaze back to the clutch, missing the approach of the man's weyrmate just then as she comments quietly on the clutch, "They look so different from the clutch Zain and I stood for."

Earnest when it comes to work, Iestyn leans forward to plant his elbows on his knees, cupping his chin even though he's turned to study K'ran. "I make things for adults too. Chests. Carved jewelry for some women, knife sheaths. It-, ah, I could see hidework getting the better of the desire to work with your hands." Briefly, the Lemosian's amiable demeanor diminishes and his brows pinch together. "But if you'd like something, it's what I enjoy doing." His upturned hands of offering display the the white scars of turns of accidental nicks and the callous of diligent work; but only for a moment, before one turns into a slight wave for R'dur's arrival. "If you'd like something as well, ma'am..." is a shy aside to Breena after that greeting.

Delu can't help giggling. "I never can convince you to dress properly..."

K'ran welcomes R'dur over with a wave, and a smile, and a good-natured warning: "You know better than to call me sir. Do I *look* like a sir? I mean, really. *A'lex* looks like a sir. And, jays, Breena -- definitely a ma'am. She's got the whole Weyrlingmaster thing down pat. But little old me? I'm harmless and fuzzy..." He trails off a bit as Iestyn describes his proficiencies, and nods approvingly. "You sound like quite a craftsman, Iestyn. Maybe I'll have to commission something from you after all."

Ayana snickers, trying to cuddle into her clothes, "Well, I always forget," she tries to explain. "It's Ky's fault. He's always pulling me to water, only this time he got bit! Did I tell you? Joshi's green went up to him and bit him on the nose! What a scolding he gave her!" She chuckles as she watches the sands. "He's still grumbling, even now."

"Ma'am," R'dur adds in to Breena with a smile to accompany the words. "How are you, all of you? Ah, Iestyn?" The name is hesitant, as though he doesn't quite trust his memory. The smile he turns to his former mentor is considerably warmer. "Yes, sir, you've said that before. I think you've been telling me that since Alidaeth hatched, or even before--I'm a slow learner," he jokes sheepishly.

A'tan doesn't sense Shayera' approach either, eyes on the sands and the clutching of the eggs and the conversation with his friend. "I'm sure he is quite protective. I know he is with you and the twins so it would seem natural anyway. Shay is very protective of Rhyan....I guess we both are actually." He's quiet for a few moments as he watches the gold wander over the sands, finding just the right spots for the eggs and nods, "Yeah, I can't remember all the eggs from mine, but they were different. These seem rather colorful."

From the hatching sands, Burrowing is not something Soraeth has done thus far, but she does so now for her next egg, maybe this one needs extra blanket of sand, something probably only a mother would know of, and its within this higher mound that the latest of her possible offspring is laid into.

From the hatching sands, Spilled Pinwheels Egg
     Every snowflake is different, but there is just something too uniform about the pinwheeled shapes that monopolize this egg to call them snowflakes -- something a little too grey as well. In fact, the predominate color would seem to be just that as there are so many of the various sized shapes scattered about and overlaying the warm peach tone that resides behind them. From the demotions of a pin point to a patch that would seem unfinished, medium grey, with streaks shading darker all the way to black, the largest covers a full third of the shell's surface.

Delu slips an arm around Ayana's waist, resting against her. "Why'd she do that? She proddy or something? That's unusually aggressive..."

Breena glares at K'ran and, looking for something to throw, finally finds a wadded-up piece of hide in her jacket pocket, which is then flung at the Weyrleader. "No wonder I can't seem to get people to call me by my name, *sir*, it's all your fault!" she announces in mock-outrage. "Turnabout's fair play, you know." She grins at Iestyn, then, all traces of faux anger gone. "I'll have to think about it, but I'm really not sure what I'd ask for."

The man from Lemos hides the smile that ensues at K'ran's chide of R'dur and the brownrider's response by quickly turning to watch Soraeth. A beat later finds his study fixed onto Ailani, and then back to the champagne-hued queen and her unshelled progeny. Only after the pair of riders have finished talking, does he confirm with a mild, "Iestyn," a name that has the potential to get lost in the hide-throw-age and banter flying about. Taking the lack of direct conversation towards him, though there's nods of acknowledgement for first K'ran's answer and then Breena's to his offer, he leans forward further to rest naively wide eyes on the new egg, before skipping back to some of the other little mounds of sand.

Shayera's polite smile of greeting for once does not lack the warmth it usually does when approaching people she doesn't know, but that's probably because her weyrmate is there and perhaps that smile is for him. "Hey A'tan, sorry for being late," the young woman says, blue green eyes falling on the woman next to him curiously. There's no explaination given for her tardiness, just the apology, but its a sincere sounding one at least.

"Joshi says all Wilanth would say is that he was hers now, as though she was marking her territory," Ayana responds idly, not shivering so much now. "She says she bites all the browns, none of the other dragons. Weird, right? Well, it certainly shocked Ky! Joshi says Wilanth isn't proddy, just...territorial." She grins and shakes her head, "Some greens are just strange, Ky thinks."
Delu rolls her eyes. "Yes. They can be, at that, I guess. Boskyth has her own little quirks." She shivers softly. "Do you think it's almost done?"

From the hatching sands, Soraeth debates, head moving from one spot in the sands to another, while her tail lashes impatiently behind her. Her lifemate offers a wordless murmur of encouragement, which is all the young queen needs to move, finally choosing a place to clutch another egg.

From the hatching sands, Spiraling Blue Lightning Egg
     Ripples, like those made in a pond, stretch across the azure shell of this especially round egg. Spinning within the stretch of ripples are deeper shades of blue, criss-crossing and crackling across the hide like tiny lightning-shaped fractures. Linked at a common point, a blue so dark it's nearly black, the lightning fractures rain from the topmost point of the egg down onto the cerulean and sapphire shell, disappearing beneath the sand.

From the hatching sands, The latest egg is Soraeth's last, it would seem, for once the base of sand is carefully built up around this one, she retreats and curls up, jeweled eyes whirling as she begins the long watch.

Devany's cheeks actually flush, a rare thing from the honey blonde indeed, "Yes well. Perhaps he is a bit." Perhaps the conversation is what prompts it, but she glances again back to the pair from Igen, before tearing her pale blue gaze back to the sands and remaining silent a beat or two, "It's only natural when it's your family, I'm sure." It's hearing A'tna's name, that again pulls her attention to the one doing the greeting. The younger woman being given an assessing look and a polite, but welcoming smile for all that she refrains from speaking just yet.

Breena's eyes narrow as Soraeth curls up to sleep, clearly taking a count of the eggs clutched on the sands. "Hmm, not bad, all things considered. Ten new weyrlings once they decide they're ready to hatch." She gets to her feet then, smiles at R'dur, Iestyn, and K'ran in turn. "I need to go write that down--nice to have met you, Iestyn. See the rest of you later--oh! Ailani," she adds, calling down to the sands, "they're lovely." With a wave, she zips her jacket and heads out into the bowl.

As Soraeth settles, K'ran stands, and calls down toward Ailani, "She looks knackered. How're you holding up?"

A'tan turns his head when he hears the familiar voice of his weyrmate and stands with a smile just for her, "Hey there. No worries. At least you made it." He wraps the woman up into a hug and kisses her cheek, "Come sit with us. Oh, this is Devany. Devany, this is my weyrmate Shayera. I'm not sure if the two of you have had the chance to meet yet." He looks out to the sands to look at the last egg and shrugs his shoulders, "Please sit with us?"

Ayana grins, "Boskyth's never bitten Ky on the nose," she states in amusement. Suddenly feeling as though they were being whatched, she looks towards the group of Devany, A'tan, and Shayera curiously. Shrugging, she looks back at Delu, "I think the gold's done," she notices, "I'm hungry. Wanna head to the living cavern and see what they got? It'll be much warmer than out here."

"Good day, ma'am," R'dur tells Breena as she exits. He turns to regard Soraeth a moment, watching the gold critically before glancing to Iestyn again. "She seems to be done now. Ah, would you... that is, I was wondering about, well. What we discussed the other night. That commission." It can't /really/ be that hard to get that out.

Delu looks, if anything, paler. "The living caverns? Aya... You know what will happen, if we do. They /have/ to be there. We won't be able to avoid them."

From the hatching sands, Once Soraeth has settled, Ailani takes her first deep breath of the evening. "I can't believe this is the only time we'll have to worry about this," she replies, moving to stand at the base of the stairs. "I'm a mess, but she's just tired - and happy with all the compliments."

From the hatching sands, Uralth and Z'nal seem to be a little awestruck as the last of the eggs emerge, neither of them moving, seeminly stuck where the stand for a moment, but its just for a moment, then the brown lumbers over to where the gold lays curled up, a soft croon parting his muzzle as his head sways from Soraeth to their eggs and back again. The brown stands near her, giving her the space she always seems to want and or need, but allows his presence to be felt, as long as the queen can tolerate it. Z'nal watches his lifemate for several long moments after the brown settles himself, then with a glance towards the stands walks over to Ailani's side and asks of her quietly, "well, that explains how *she's* doing...how are you?"

Iestyn watches Breena leave and K'ran call down, and swiftly targets Ailani with a curious glance. His reluctance to leave the warmth offered by the sands speaks in the discomforted twitch, and his surreptitious glances towards the bowl, but making a decision is saved by R'dur. "Oh, yes. The blocks have been cut and fit beautifully together if you'd like to see later, but I wasn't sure what you'd like painted on the surface for your, ah-, daughter." The Lemos man is markedly better at speaking than R'dur, but the faint hesitation is noticeable. Movement by the clutch mother's rider catches his attention and he calls down a compliment that's more muted than Breena's earlier call, "They're beautifully colored. I never imagined dragon eggs could contain such... vividness."

Ayana pouts a bit, "But it wasn't bad out here, was it? They might have bubblies or something...and Igen smells right now with all that numbweed! I just can't go back there with that smell....turn my delicate stomach," and she looks down, rubbing at her belly. "Besides, they're not there right now. But, if you want to leave, we can...but I'm not going back to Igen with that smell!" She wrinkles her nose at the thought and gets up.

K'ran can't help but laugh, and answers back, "Well, you deserved 'em. All of you. Once you get her settled, be sure to eat something, hmm?" And then he, too, is turning from the sands, and making his way toward the exit -- though he'll flash a quick smile toward R'dur and Iestyn as he goes.

Devany straightens, as if she too might have stood for the greeting, but she instead just gives a wider smile, "Ahh, so you're Shayera. It's good to put a face to the name. I've heard a lot about you," Her glance flicking out to where her weyrmate is on the sands before she adds, "Don't worry. Not all what you might think, considering. Please, do join us?" Another glance goes to the sands then as the realization sinks in, "Is she done then? Ten I think I counted?"

Delu sighs and glances over towards Devany; safely occupied being social. "ONE bubbly, then we go?" She says to Ayana, plaintively. "I know how you are about eating..."

R'dur offers K'ran a smile himself before glancing around again at Iestyn. "Oh. Um. I... don't know, either," he tells the man uncertainly. "What do you usually paint on them? I think... letters or numbers and bright colors, I guess?" He fidgets, biting his lower lip thoughtfully.

Ayana gawks, "ONE?" she repeats in shock, "That's not even enough to get a taste! You need atleast four to taste it properly. Oh poo, love..." and she offers the greenrider her hand as she moves from the seats.

Shayera blinks a bit at Devany's remarks, but her smile remains and she gracefully sits down on the other side of her weyrmate, her arm slipping through his, "I am Shayera and I could say the same of you." Once the other woman's attention is back on the sands, she takes that moment to do her own assessment and apparently finding nothing wanting or nothing to be displeased about at any rate, sighs contentedly and leans in to note to A'tan, "how many did she say there were?" Yes, she could of looked out over the sands and counted them, but she'd much rather look at the Telgari greenrider.

Delu stands, and makes for the exit with her weyrmate. "Four, then. But /quickly/." she glances arund again, nervously.

Ayana chuckles and motions, "Alright. Follow me..I think I know where it is," she says, shaking her head wryly.

A'tan blinks a few times and tears his eyes away from the sands, something mesmerizing about the whole process of the clutching, maybe the rider being taken back to a time seeming many turns ago now. "Ummm, she said that there are 10 of them." He glances to the woman and smiles before placing a kiss on her nose, "Look at them love they are wonderful." A moment longer, dark eyes fastened on Shay before catching the exit of quite a few people now that the gold has settled in for a nap.

Again caught up in thoughts of work with R'dur's words, K'ran only garners the briefest nod. "I could put numbers on opposite sides," his hands shape to try and convey the shape of a cube. "Letters on another pair of opposite sides and maybe something younger children will find easier to recognize. A large sun and maybe a flower, or something else if you have a preference?" His spiel said, he peeks down at the sands and perhaps having heard K'ran's words more than he betrayed, the young man offers hesitantly towards the sands-bound goldrider, "If you'd like. I have a flask in my pocket."

R'dur nods quickly, beaming at Iestyn. "That sounds wonderful--absolutely great. Ysalia will love it, I know," he tells the man brightly. "Thank you so much. But, um. How much do I owe you?" That pulls him up short, expression faltering; he glances sideways at Ailani with a half-smile for the weyrwoman before he turns back to the carpenter.

Devany's gaze takes in Uralth and Z'nal both before returning to the pair who's company she keeps. In the process spitting Ayana and Delu leave she lets out a slow breath, though there is a furrow in her brow and her expression is concerned for a time before she smiles again to Shayera, "I'm sorry we've not had the chance to meet sooner. I don't know about you, but I'd much prefer talking *to* a person, than about them. And so far I've not met nearly as many here as I had expected I would by this point." Another glance to the sands, her attention briefly drawn there before again she turns back.

From the hatching sands, Z'nal can be seen exchanging a few fond pleasantries with the rider of the gold queen, one of his lopsided grins making an appearance before he leans in and gives her a rather brotherly like hug. He looks over at Uralth, who is content indeed to be with the new clutch, and its with that thought, that he leaves Ailani's side to make his way up into the stands...

Iestyn's fingers hesitate at a pocket and then return to his lap. "Maybe a moon instead of a flower. Sun and moon, opposites so she'll understand night and day and if she pieces it wrong the numbers and letters won't be right either." Musing over this toy idea, his thumb rolls over the knuckle of his index finger. "A half mark would probably do us square for this one, at least."

"They're quite lovely," Shayera concedes to A'tan in a whisper, her own eyes barely glancing at the clutch before falling on Devany and what she had said. "I couldn't agree more, you cannot really get to know a person without that kind of contact and I do prefer to form my own opinions about people rather than listen to heresay," the young woman offers by way of polite conversation. "I'm sorry we haven't met sooner as well and may I say, for a woman who is in an advanced stage of pregnancy, not only do you carry yourself well, but you look quite wonderful."

R'dur nods. "That makes sense," he agrees easily. "Whatever you think is appropriate. Thank you--I know she'll love it." He's plainly relieved when the man names his price, however. "A half-mark. That's certainly reasonable. I didn't think to bring anything with me now--I didn't expect to find you--but I'll get it to you as soon as possible. When do you think you'll be finished?"

"The end of the sevenday, I'm sure," Iestyn returns, clasping his hands together and continuing to roll his fingers over his knuckles in a reflexive manner. "I- should be off, sir." His smile turns up along one corner lopsidedly as he slowly rises, "I hope your daughter enjoys them as much as I enjoy making them."

R'dur's smile mirrors Iestyn. "Yes, sir. I'm sure she is," he reassures the craftsman. "I should be on my way, too, though. Good night, Iestyn."

lekzanne, z'nal, r'dur, ailani, kristalin, k'ran, devany, sabi, soraeth, iestyn, delu, uralth, shayera, ayana, breena, a'tan

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