yesterday was perfect

Apr 06, 2009 10:23

A Season in the Congo ended yesterday after 15 performances . This was hands down one of the most memorable experiences in my life. After the final show there was reception. I would feel sad about the show ending but its not like I won't see everyone again. I still see a lot of the cast from Playwrights Festival , some of them were in this play. But i'll definitely miss this experience.

We took group pictures for  a while

Harriet , Allen , Chris

this is Jube's shirt he got made , the fronts got a picture of Patrice Lumumba and the back says "What else can I say? That whether dead or alive, free or in prison by orders of the colonialists, it is not my person that is important. What is important is the Congo, our poor people whose independence has been turned into a cage... I know and feel in my heart of hearts that sooner or later my people will rid themselves of all their enemies, foreign and domestic, that they will rise up as one to say no to the shame and degradation of colonialism and regain their dignity in the pure light of day."  Which was a quote that was also written on one of the walls of the theatre.

After the reception Jube invited us to visit his mentor who was throwing us a small party so around half of us went. It was in Williamsburg so we took the L down there and then a bus from Bedford.

His mentor's name is Phil and he and his wife and friends were so welcoming . I actually had to undo my belt because by the end of the day i was just stuffed

the view from the patio at their place [their apartment is really nice]

caught Diana off guard and thats Chris in the back

I forget this little girls name [ starts with a J though] - but she is super adorable and crazy intelligent
"who's the speaker of the House?"
her-"Nancy Pelosi"  and she's only 2

thats Allisandra in the blue




we went up there when it got dark  and the view was incredible [you can see the Manhattan Bridge , Empire State building , and the Brooklyn Bridge]

a season in the congo, photos

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