warped 08 ... more to come

Jul 26, 2008 22:55

So i did get up at the crack of dawn to go to warped today. Ended up getting there way early. I didn't take that many pictures because it was crowded and if my camera fell in all the pushing it probably would have been trampled on and broken like my glasses were during Gym class heroes. I did get video but that takes forever to upload.
So here it all is under their respective lj cuts

I could'nt find Famly's myspace but i wouldnt recommend them anyways. They were there playing on the outside of the venue .They were so bad. And they then said they would start playing a ballad, but since when do ballads have screamo vocals ? Ugh. And before we saw them we saw this dude for the band All Left Out who was letting people listen to their CD and could buy it. For one , it was pretty good music. Another thing was that if you bought their CD you'd get free refills of water. The water inside was 4:50 a bottle , so buying the 10 dollar CD paid for itself in like two visits. I didnt buy a CD but everyone else did and they let me get the ticket that entitled you to refills anyways. They're from New Zealand and have cool accents. My friends gonna send me the album.
Oh and before we got in we already had to deal with bottles. For some reason people were throwing their bottles to everyone else in the crowd. Which made my really glad i decided to bring my umbrella , lol at everyone huddling i trying to stay away from it all until they let us in at 11. Some moron threw a glass bottle of yohoo our way and if we weren't so packed it might have hit one of us. Way.To.Go.

the peta tent

famly [micheal was just dying of laughter @ their set]

They were one the main bands i came to see. They were super early and no one told me there were two Hurley stages so i ended up watching the Briggs for a short while. Mayday was awesome and i was really surprised there wasnt a bigger crowd. They need to go on tour again.

The Briggs

Mayday Parade

oh and later on i bought a shirt of theirs

No pictures only video that i have yet to upload. Bassically just so much moshing and crowd surfing. I could'nt care less about Story of the Year and as soon as they started playing , out of nowhere [and completely different from the attitude at Mayday Parade's show] they open up a pit and it just goes crazy. We all leave before the first song is over.
Now The Acadmy Is. If you've ever heard them , they are in my opinion a band that plays pretty chill music. So tell me why i had what had to be my worst experience there. I recorded the first song they sang and after that it all went south. The moshing , the crowd surfing , and all the general pushing. This one girl was trying to get out i guess but her bag was wrapped around me. This girl spazzes out of nowhere like "bitch ur blocking my bag!!!" stupid cunt how i was i supposed to know that. w/e . I really didnt enjoy it after the first song but stayed till the one right before last.
Never again TAI.

We waited until this other band finished and squeezed right in trying to get to the front. It worked for the most part. Before they came out [they took like half an hour] we were just yelling really stupid things. And then when the crowd started yelling the bands name they finally came out. There were so many people and it was pretty fun.

dejesus [who i helped when he went into crowd surf ]

Then Travis is all "lets mosh" and im thinking "oh shit not you too" and he starts screaming some song and im like wtf noooooooo
i was wedged up closer to the front though.  People were falling and getting pushed and kicked everywhere and screaming and all types of stuff. . I would've fell on multiple occasions had i not grabbed onto really big dudes and bookbags. And you know when you see video of people grabbing at singers during their songs and I always thought it was a little wierd , but i did it anyways and kinda [lol kinda] grabbed his hand. It was just as bad as The Academy Is... and i got hit a lot more than that plus there was the demise of my sunglasses , but i guess i liked the show better.
Not too much crowd surfing and no moshing. Best thing ever. Plus the performances were great.

and they're going on tour again , i will definently see them again.

oh and i saw the singer Gabe Saporta while we were going to sit down a few hours before. He was with a bunch of other girls so he stuck out. I said hi he said hi back and after that i didn't shut up about it =]

So thats it. I had a ton of fun. Saw some good bands and a few shitty ones , and left at like 6 something because i sure as HALE didnt want to see Katy Perry and we were all tired.

It was great.

warped, summer, concert

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