
Sep 27, 2020 17:11

[13] the umbrella academy, [10] the gentlemen, [2] rpdr

The first 10 icons are for challenge 1 at somein30. I decided to do Hard Mode on all of them and sometimes it was .... well, hard :D But it was so much fun and a great reminder that there are a lot of different and amazing techniques out there.

the umbrella academy

the umbrella academy

1. MAIN - Contrast/lighting #6: Shiny
HARD - Cropping #1: No eyes
EXTRA HARD - Composition #1: Negative space

2. MAIN - Textures #6: Borders
HARD - Coloring #8: Pastels
EXTRA HARD - Contrast/lighting #1: Dark

3. MAIN - Contrast/lighting #8: Soft, dreamy lighting
HARD - Composition #10: Silhouette
EXTRA HARD - Textures #8: Grunge

4. MAIN - Contrast/lighting #10: Ray(s) of light
HARD - Textures #2: Geometric
EXTRA HARD - Coloring #6: Fully black and white

5. MAIN - Cropping #3: Close crop
HARD - Coloring #1: Muted
EXTRA HARD - Contrast/lighting #9: Blob(s) of light

6. MAIN - Coloring #9: Complementary colors
HARD - Textures #8: Grunge
EXTRA HARD - Contrast/lighting #9: Blob(s) of light

7. MAIN - Cropping #2: Full body
HARD - Contrast/lighting #5: Matte
EXTRA HARD - Composition #6: Minimalism

8. MAIN - Contrast/lighting #10: Ray(s) of light
HARD - Cropping #7: Side crop
EXTRA HARD - Textures #6: Borders

9. MAIN - Cropping #10: Focus on top
HARD - Textures #4: Stock
EXTRA HARD - Contrast/lighting #9: Blob(s) of light

10. MAIN - Cropping #9: Low/bottom crop
HARD - Coloring #5: Color explosion (*)
EXTRA HARD - Composition #2: Fake background

the umbrella academy x3 || rpdr x2

the gentlemen

the gentlemen


movie: the gentlemen, tv show: the umbrella academy, !maker:naive_astronaut, tv: rpdr, !2020

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