#85 tutorial

Jul 05, 2015 15:06

Asked by black_bird80


First of all I want to apologize in advance for all possible mistakes in these tutorials. I haven’t had much practice speaking English lately and it really feels like I forgot everything.


This icon was made for a color palette challenge where I needed to make pink, kind of magenta icon. The original screencap was quite dark and has a blue undertone, but I decided to give it a try anyway.
I started with 200x200px canvas as always, placed the screencap on it and resized it the way I like. Then I created new Exposure layer with following settings:
Exposure: +1.22
Offset: 0.00
Gamma Correction: 0.94
Then I inversed Layer Mask and painted with the soft white brush only all over Amy’s face because that’s the only area I really needed to be brighter.


The next part is the fun part: painting!
First I painted the left side of her hair with dark brown and set this layer to Color (100% Opacity) you don’t have to be very precise at this step. If the color will overlap the background a little it’s totally fine. On the next new layer I painted all over her hair with dark orange and a little bit with light blue over her shoulder and set it to Soft Light (100% Opacity). Then I created a new layer, set it to Color (100% Opacity), took a soft brush and painted with magenta pink all over background


On the next new layer I painted her lips red and set it to Soft Light (~45% Opacity). Then on the next new layer I painted all over Amy’s face with very light peachy color almost white (#f8e6dd) and set it to Multiply (100% Opacity). And then another new layer on the Soft Light (~57% opacity), on this layer I painted with white around right part of the face to kind of create light/shade effect. It’s never enough light and painting so I created another layer, set it to Normal and with very soft brush painted with light pink over the upper-left corner of the icon and with darker pink over the lower-left corner. Then another new layer ( I swear that’s the last layer where you need to paint) on Hard Light where I painted all the right part of the icon with magenta color.


Next is texture time and a little bit of final touches. I created a new Curves Layer with settings:
After that I created new b&w Gradient map layer, set it to Soft Light (30% Opacity) and masked all the area except for her face.
On the next step I took amazing texture by burnedbreads made lighter parts of it more pink by adding new magenta Color layer (on Multiply 100% Opacity) and set texture to Screen then erased parts of it over her face


To add some contrast and to make the colors pop I added new Brightness/Contrast layer (Brightness: 10; Contrast: 23) and new Exposure layer (and erased it over her face):
Exposure: 0.00
Offset: 0.00
Gamma Correction: 0.95
This is where I finally satisfy with the result so I resized the icon to 100x100 and sharpened it using High Pass.


And that’s it!:)


The original image was a bit too blurry to me so first I duplicated the layer and added Topaz to it erasing around the eyes area (I don’t remember the exact Topaz settings for this icon, but all the time I use Topaz I try to keep it looking as natural as possible).


To make icon brighter I added new Curves layer with settings:
Laurel’s face looks too red to me so I created Selective Color layer with following settings:


Then guess what? Another painting time. I created a new layer and set it to Soft Light (100% Opacity). Then I took soft brush with low opacity and painted over some parts of her face and hair to make them lighter and to kind of add some dimension. I created a new layer and set it to the Soft Light (100% Opacity). And now is my favorite part ever. Using a Freeform Pen Tool I added some orange kind of highlights to her hair. On the next new layer I painted the background with orange-red color; and using soft brush with low opacity I painted a little bit around her hair.


The I added new Gradient layer (#c09b7d on the left side and # 542929 on the right) set it to Hard Light (~45% opacity) and erased it around her face. Then I merged everything together, blured it using Gaussian Blur and set this layer on Soft Light (30% opacity)


The image looks pretty dark and dull to me so next step I added Brightness/Contrast (Brightness:12; Contrast:20) layer and b&w Gradient map layer (on Soft Light ~20% opacity). Then I decided that red color should looks more red and added Hue/Saturation layer (Reds: Hue:+1; Saturation+8). Then I resized everything to 100x100 and it looked extremely dark so I added new Curves layer:
Then I added these two textures ( this one by burnedbreads and this by mm3butterfly). Then I sharpened the icon using High Pass and that’s it:)


Thank you so much for request!:)

psds & tutorials

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