Just to catch some folks up who don't yet know...
brazen66 is going a dad! His daughter, Elora, is due in October and is he ever the happy father! He's been getting some great father's advice from his friends Jeremiah and
w_nter, too. Though the upside down baby thing....well, he knows his leg was getting pulled. (right?)
He's getting for the next release of Magic the Gathering. 10th Edition is coming, so he's busy at the WarRoom this weekend with that. Saturday and Sunday he'll be at the store giving away prizes, doing pack wars, etc. Sealed deck tourny is on Sunday.
His fantasy baseball leagues are the best. He's in 1st place on several of them. Hell, he *knows* his baseball.
Well, that's about it, except he'll be another year older on the 26th. Yep, the old man turns 28. *wicked grin* We just can't let that milestone birthday get by us, now can we? LOL