001 // pre-show

Nov 19, 2011 22:30

[SOMETHING HAS BEEN MISSING FROM EVERYONE'S LIVES. What is it? Still confused over what it might be? Fear not, dear citizens of Johto! Fear not. Black*Star is here to enlighten and educate. Who is Black*Star? Well, allow the video to click on - and behold! There is a young man! And he's not armed but you better imagine that he is armed. He's striking a pose - hands on hips, chest jutted out VOICE ABOUT TO BE RAISED. The video clearly shows that this young man is somewhere outside. Most likely on a route.]

Big men aren't known for making small appearances, so he has to make a fashionably late entrance to please his audience.

[aka he's been here for a while. He's been a very good ninja, gathering data, sticking to the shadows... incognito and none-too-quiet... Okay, he was just preoccupied with other things like Rocket training. And Tsubaki. He didn't even realize that he had a video camera! Which just means he can record anything he wants at any time ever. ANYWAY.]

A star has entered your lives! Never fear for you'll never be without my light again! I am the great assassin Black*Star, undefeated in all battles and the best that ever was! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!! . . .End scene. Good show. And the crowd goes wild.

["KYAAAAH WE LOVE YOU BLACK*STAR" "THE BEST ASSASSIN EVER~" Oh, audience, please. Keep your shirts on...]

I have to go now. [Being big is a taxing thing - he's just hungry okay.] But don't worry, I have a gift for you all! It's just a big memento; something to remind you of the real deal until my next great entrance. Try not to get too excited. [/BLACK*STAR OUT]



en route: the golden stage, all the autographs, all the audience
