Ore-sama Olympics - Round Two Submission

Oct 17, 2006 17:34

Title: Mizuki and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
Author: Kaidoh
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~1300
Characters: Mizuki, Kaidoh, Seigaku Regulars, St. Rudolph Regulars, implied Mizuki/Yuuta
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Theme: The Worst Day Ever
Notes: Inspired by nfufufufu's posts here and here and this comic by white_paper. Thanks to neokaidoh for the quick beta. Please read and review, thumbs ups are greatly appreciated.

Mizuki plopped down on his bed after a long day, scowling and making plans for revenge. Of course, there was nothing for him to take revenge on except his own dumb luck - or rather misfortune. From the moment he had woken up, Mizuki knew the day was going to be no good. He could feel it in his hair. But like most times when Mizuki had a premonition, he ignored it in favour of his data. His data informed him that days that start off bad can only get better. His data was wrong.

With frazzled hair, Mizuki rolled out of bed that morning, yawning and stretching sleepily. He sat there, his feet hovering over where his slippers should be for several moments. Just as he was about to slide a foot into one, he felt a nip at his toes and several loud quacks. Atsushi... he scowled. Leaning forward he looked down to find what was quite literally an army of ducklings taking over his bedroom. Mizuki rubbed his eyes to be sure that he wasn't imagining things, though his data said that this was just the kind of thing Atsushi and Shinya would pull on him for telling them they're not allowed to keep the ducklings from Atobe's petting zoo.

Out of the corner of his eye, Mizuki glanced over at the clock and noticed the time. It was 9:30 am. Classes had already been in session for an hour and a half. He didn't have much time to get ready before his next class and as he looked around the room he noticed all but one of his uniforms strewn across the room, covered in ducklings, breadcrumbs and duck droppings. Crinkling his nose, Mizuki carefully made his way to his closet, barely avoiding being pecked by the ducks that waddled around his room.

Mizuki quickly dressed and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and hopefully do something about his hair. On his way he noticed several moving boxes outside of Fuji Yuuta's room. Was the young Fuji getting a new room mate, Mizuki wondered? He was too busy staring at the boxes, twirling his hair and pondering the situation to notice that he'd run into someone. Someone who happened to be Yuuta-shaped.

"Mizuki-san, I um..." Yuuta began. "I'm really sorry, Mizuki-san that you had to find out like this, but I am returning home. I've decided that Seigaku is a better place for me."

Yuuta looked anywhere but at Mizuki, who was now quietly fuming. Mizuki pushed past Yuuta as surely this was some sort of elaborate prank and he'd find a surprise party welcoming him after classes at practice that afternoon. His data still insisted that today would only get better. He had, however, not expected the surprise to be so soon in the day. As Mizuki walked into the bathroom, his eyes were assaulted by his own reflection. His hair was not frizzy, it was fried. Somehow, it had been bleached in his sleep. And not just merely bleached, but bleached to the point that his hair was destroyed. Straw was softer than that mess that sat atop his head. He ran a comb through it and large clumps fell out.

The next three hours were spent screaming in the bathroom and by time someone finally managed to tear Mizuki away from the mirror, the vast majority of his hair lay in clumps on the ground. He was escorted by Akazawa to the nearest barber where quick work was made of giving him a very short buzz cut. Mizuki cried as he was led back to the St. Rudolph campus for lunch. He pushed his food around his plate, unable to stomach the idea of eating as he mourned the loss of his hair - after all, his hair knew all and it was where he gleaned most of his data from.

Atsushi, worried about Mizuki, casually asked, "Mizuki-san? Are you anorexic?"

Mizuki felt it unnecessary to dignify such a stupid question with a response. He stood to excuse himself from the table and bumped into some random student, causing his uneaten lunch to spill all over his clothes. He was so annoyed that he burst a blood vessel in his face, giving him a splotchy complexion. Mizuki returned to his room and changed out f his uniform. He still hadn't been to any classes and without having a clean uniform to wear, there was no point in trying to. He changed into his favourite purple flower shirt and caught a bus to Seigaku. He would get Yuuta back if it was the last thing he did.

There were no seats on the bus most of the way there and when one was finally available, Mizuki sat down on a chewed up piece of bubble gum. He couldn't be bothered to care about the sticky pink mess on his pants once the bus arrived at Seigaku. He made his way through the hallways, searching for Yuuta, or any of the Seigaku regulars.

It was nearing the end of the school day when he finally found Yuuta in the chemistry lab, working with Kaidoh on an assignment. He snuck into the classroom and stealthily made his way over to Yuuta. Stealth was not something to be practised in a chemistry lab, as Mizuki quickly found out. Yuuta had spilled his flask all over Mizuki and Kaidoh, who had been lighting a Bunsen burner, turned, the lit match in his hand catching Mizuki's shirt on fire. Mizuki flailed around the room screaming about how he was on fire for several moments before Kaidoh and Yuuta managed to catch him with the fire blanket, putting out the flames.

With his clothes charred and chunks of the fabric missing, Mizuki truly had nothing to wear. Fortunately, Kaidoh happened to have a spare pair of clothes with him in his man purse tennis bag. Mizuki grudgingly changed into the clothes which he had so vehemently scorned in the past.

When Yuuta saw him in the new clothes his eyes lit up. "You look great, Mizuki-san," Yuuta said, blushing. Mizuki smirked, his data was in fact correct. The day could only get better. "You should dress like that more often."

Kaidoh rolled his eyes and tugged at Yuuta's arm. "We need to finish this assignment. Fsshuuu." Kaidoh and Yuuta finished the assignment, though Kaidoh did most of the work as Yuuta made doe eyes at the emaciated looking bald Mizuki who was wearing HIS clothes. "You can keep those, Mizuki. I don't want them back after you've worn them."

After class was done for the day, Mizuki followed Kaidoh and Yuuta to practice where no one paid any attention to him. At the end of practice Fuji Syuusuke and Fuji Yuuta approached him. "I'm not sure who you are," Syuusuke said, "But my brother insists you join us for dinner. And by the looks of it, you could use a good meal. Are you a street urchin?"

Mizuki was torn between anger and pleasure. He was being offered dinner with Fujis, but only one of them knew who he was. Yuuta leaned over and whispered something in Syuusuke's ear and the two of them walked off with Mizuki in tow. Dinner with the Fujis (including Yumiko) was great until Mizuki passed out from eating an extra large wasabi sushi. When he came too, he was back in his dorm room which was still full of ducks. In fact, had it not still been full of ducklings, he might have thought he was only waking from a nightmare. In fact, it could still have just all been a nightmare. Mizuki stood and looked in the mirror, and sure enough his hair was still bleached and shaved.

ore-sama olympics round #2

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