Jan 30, 2008 10:32

Hey all.
So you might have noticed that I have gone back through all of the entries thus far and added tags to them. My intention is to make it easier for everyone to get to the posts that they want to see here. So if you're here to look at pictures, you can go straight to the pictures. If you want to get to the discussion posts, you can do that. Same with icons, fanart, etc. etc.
With this in mind, I want to make a new layout has the tags in the sidebar. And ideally this new layout would have a spiffy new Make Me A Supermodel header at the top of it. Since we have so many artists amongst us, it seems, I thought some of you might be interested in participating in a header contest.

1. You can use any picture you want as long as it's from Bravo's Make Me A Supermodel.

2. Submit all entries as a comment to this post.

3. All comments will be screened so that people will not see who created each header.

4. You can enter in as many headers as you want to make.

5. This contest will be open for as long as it takes to get enough entries.

6. When I get enough entries, I will make a poll, and everyone will vote for which one they like best. This poll will be left open until I get enough responses to declare a winner.

7. There is no prize for winning. Just the fact that we'll use your header and you'll have the emotional security of knowing that we think you're a good artist.

Phew. Okay. Please enter as many times as you want, and tell any of your artistic friends to get their butts over here and enter as well.

New episode tomorrow. Yay!!!

fanart, contests

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