Jun 26, 2006 00:44
Sorry about all these eratic posts...I know that most of you expect some long story any time I make an entry,seeing as how I'm the sort of person that just babbles about the crazy crap that continually happens to me(im starting to think I attract it like a magnet),but this is gonna be more of the same,heh. Guess I just can't help but be kinda broken, I don't update much so I get random tidbits out en masse whenever I do.
The more I cook, the more I love it. Made some orange peel beef with bell peppers the other day and found it absolutely delicious, I'm getting better the more I try random crap out apparently. Not only that, but I found out that I like a lot more food than I thought I did....I just never had it done RIGHT before, hah. My parents are still all for me going to culinary school if I still love it as much as I do now by next year, and that just might be what I end up doing, time shall tell.
Working at Cane's still, but that's probably going to change in a month or so, when I hopefully *crosses fingers* move to the kitchen at DeAngelo's on Coursey. If I do it'll be an upgrade to 8 bucks an hour and i'll be able to work 25 a week and still get a good bit of money during the school year without much fuss.
I'm going to be picking up a martial art soon, either Iaido or heiwashin jujitsu. I have places for each, but I'm not sure which I'm gonna go with yet. Either way it'll be nice to indulge in something I've wanted to do FOREVER.
During all the randomness of recent time, i've come to think about my life,all of it. And oddly enough, thought about something that caught me by surprise. I don't hate kaitlyn any more. It's kinda nice to get to that point finally, seeing as how really hating someone is a lot of work. I guess I've just finally put it all behind me and moved on some time ago. I guess if I have to pinpoint it it'd fall somewhere between last july and last christmas. We all know how hard putting dates to things is.
Getting pretty excited because I'm starting a new workout schedule the week after this one. Modeling it after Matt Hughes's(he's the welterweight champ of the UFC in case you're uninformed). I guess instead of just getting stronger I'm going for a more refined fighter-type physique. Gotta indulge in my viking self,right? Unfortunately this means a lot of running, which I loathe, but I have some sweet pumas which are perfectly suited to the job, so I don't mind so much.
As completely and irrevocably horrible as this past semester has been, I think it's been a real turning point in my life as far as getting to really know myself goes. I'm finally getting to where I truly believe it's all going to be all right.