Dec 07, 2005 16:31
This is going to be my random life request for the day.
Whenever I die,I want to have Norse funeral.I want my corpse dressed in armor and put on a longship with all my worldly possessions,and I want to be sent out to see and have it made into a pyre by an expert archer.I then want the people who were closest to me in life,family and otherwise,to sit around a table with one sport set and left empty for me.Then I want them to just have a great time.At the funeral I want a beautiful woman to sing a rendition of "Who Wants to Live Forever" by Queen,and I want my best friends to see my ship off into the sea.
Why did I think of that?I don't know,but that's how I want my body to leave this world,forget paying huge funeral fees,just get me a suit of armor and build a boat.
So the semester is almost over,and it makes me happy,strange and wonderful things have been happening lately,and also strange and horrible things....but that's ok.