I have included below the gist of a snailmail letter I received earlier this week:
January 30, 2004
Dear Friend,
I’m writing to let you know that John Piper’s newest book, The Passion of Jesus Christ, has just been released. Allow me to explain: (1) Why this book is important, and (2) How, for a suggested donation, you can receive cases to give away to others!
Mel Gibson’s film, “The Passion of the Christ” (opening February 25th) is creating a unique cultural opportunity for the gospel. Seldom is Jesus death discussed in pop culture. So Crossway Books asked John to write a short book that would explain the “whys” behind the crucifixion. John described the book this way,
When I saw an advance showing of the film, my sense was that people will walk out with the stunned sense of “why”? Why so much suffering? Wasn’t that over the top? What meaning could that have? My prayer is that the book will give a biblical answer to this question.
I have tried to write for unbelievers, but without any loss of forthright Biblical truth or language. After a short introduction (Part One) there are 50 two-page chapters. Each of the chapters takes a Biblical text and tries to explain one of God’s purposes for the death of Christ.
The thesis of the book is that in all the controversy around who killed Jesus, the most important answer is not, “we all did,” but that God did. This shifts the discussion from cause to purpose. That is what the 50 reasons refer to: purposes for the death of Jesus. What did God achieve in sending his Son to die?
This book is in no way dependent on the movie - it isn’t even mentioned in the book itself - so it will have enduring value long after the movie has faded from the cultural scene. However, it will dovetail beautifully with the film, helping people make sense of the visual and emotional experience they have in the theater. Only 128 pages long, this book is not intimidating. Each two-page chapter takes only a couple minutes to read, and John’s writing is very engaging and accessible. I invite you to visit this website,
www.passion-book.com, which we created for the book. You can read 5 sample chapters at
This PDF Link plus learn more information about the book. You can also get there by visiting
Because the motion picture is opening a strategic window of opportunity for the gospel, we are making cases (each has 108 copies) of this book available for a suggested donation to Desiring God Ministries of $130.00 (per case) on the condition that you, your church, or your organization give them away to others free of charge and not resell them. If you can afford more it will help! If you cannot afford the $130.00, tell us what you can afford and we will work with you. Our goal is to equip you to help people, especially non-Christians, “survey the wondrous cross.” We are currently planning to only extend this offer through March 5, 2004 or while our supply lasts, whichever comes first. We are only taking these donations by phone, so call us at 1-888-346-4700 to take advantage of this offer.
Thank you for joining with us to spread a passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your financial gift will help us in our goal of distributing more than 500,000 copies of The Passion of Jesus Christ this spring. Please pray with us that the Lord will use this book to help thousands of unbelievers see the Light of the world and believe in him for the forgiveness of their sins.
Seeking with you to know only Christ and him crucified,
Jon Bloom
Executive Director
Desiring God Ministries
2601 East Franklin Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55406-1103