Dec 21, 2004 22:54
It seem like I am wasting every day! I havent been doin anything to get ready to leave. I want to go see Ryan and Jenn so bad. I have been talking to Jenn sister a lot lately and I really like her. She is so nice and sweet. I would like to go down to where she is and meet her. There are so many thing I want to do. However I seem to just sit on my butt and not do anything. I have been spending a lot of time with my children which has been great! I love them so much! I will miss them a ton when I leave but I have to go. On another note my ex wife cousin(Which I consiter my cousin to because we talk all the time and I love him like were still related) anyways his girl friend had an abortion to day with his baby. I feel so bad for him. Its a bunch of BULLSHIT that a man has no choise in the matter. His parents were willing to take care of the baby. But it didnt matter the laws on that are messed up. Not only should it be illegal but a guy should have some say in the matter. Well I am off to make sure the kids are sleeping.