Zodion Application...

Jun 20, 2011 14:24

Name & LJ: Rift & [info]shadowrift
Birthdate & Age: December 6, 1986 & 24
Characters played in Zodion: Lelouch vi Britannia, Shirou Emiya, Minato Arisato

Name: Cloud Strife
Canon: Final Fantasy VII / Advent Children
PB/Image: http://i.imgur.com/xCdIP.jpg
Info links: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Cloud_Strife
Canon Point: Post Advent Children
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthdate/Sign: August 19/Leo
Tattoo: On his chest, with the loop going around his left nipple.
Suitability: N/A

Thanks to being infused with mako and injected with cells from Jenova, Cloud has significantly enhanced strength and speed compared to normal people. Most noticeably it creates an effect where his glow slightly bluish. If possible, I’d the power he retains to simply be the higher level of speed, strength reflexes that being infused with mako would grant him, as well as various other side effects that the game goes into. Notably his enhanced strength allows him to wield his rather ridiculously large sword, as well as performing various limit breaks. If that’s too broad, I’d be happy to limit what skills he has access to and narrow down his powers further.


Cloud is a rather complex character, to put it lightly. One of the first important parts of understanding his personality is his childhood, where he was basically an outcast. When he was young, he was rather introverted and had something of a superiority complex. He viewed the other children in the town as stupid and placed himself above them. It's unclear whether this was a result of him being isolated by the others or instead the proximate cause. Regardless, he mostly kept to himself and began to think of himself as special and different from the others around him. This, however, was mostly to hide his own insecurities. When disaster struck and he was unable to save someone he cared about, he came face to face with his own weakness and was disheartened by the disparity between his perception of himself as someone smart and capable... and what he really was, an insecure child with no friends. This disprity between the high bar he had set for himself and what he was really capable of would haunt resurface again and again later in life, becoming something of a overriding theme in his development as a character.

Regardless, he thus became resolved to become stronger so that he could become more capable and reliable than he had been. To achieve this, he left his hometown and resolved to become a member of SOLDIER. When he once again failed in this pursuit, he came face to face again with the fact that he was not as special as he believed himself to be. Nonetheless, he resigned himself a bit and did what he could... although he would be too ashamed to face the people in his hometown upon returning there. This highlights another important aspect of Cloud's personality: he cares a great deal about how others perceive and see him. Afraid of being ridiculed for his failure, Cloud instead chooses to hide his own identity.

After the incident at Nibleheim and the resulting events involving Zack's death he adopts a fake persona. While he eventually overcomes it and regains his original self, nonetheless his time acting like another person no doubt bleeds into the person he becomes. While adopting this persona, Cloud acts like any extremely confident and uncaring mercenary, concerned only with money. Upon casting this facade aside, however, his true personality prioritizes his friends and loved ones above all else. He is willing to go to nearly any extent and risk himself in order to protect the people he cares about. He places other people above himself, and is willing to subordinate his own well-being and desires to theirs. Of course, most of the time this is only based on his perception of what is best for others... which they may or may not agree with. He's fairly opinionated however and once he convinces himself something is true, he sticks to his guns.

While Cloud is very kind to others, he is extremely hard on himself. He has difficulty dealing with failure, as is highlighted multiple times in his childhood and through his adolescence. This trait never really leaves him; instead in some ways it perhaps gets worse. He blames himself for almost all the terrible things that happen around him, whether they are truly his fault or not. Thus, in Advent Children, he torments himself over Aeris and Zack's deaths. Despite all the amazing things he has accomplished in his life, when he lacks a clear and motivating goal he languishes into self-doubt. This, coupled with his tendency to prioritize others over himself, causes him to usually hide his own fears and insecurities from others. Even though the people around him want to help him, he feels like he must take care of his own problems; he doesn't want to worry them. Of course, his methodology backfires since it tends to just make them worry about him even more...

Eventually, however, he comes to grips with things through the events of Advent Children and regains his confidence, as well as choosing to open up to his friends. One could say that the source of his constant angst is simply an overwhelming sense of kindness: he worries too much about worrying others. He always has a tendency to do this, although being around others and having people depending on him allows him to overcome these feelings. A good example of his kindness is how he chooses to adopt Denzel, a young orphan he meets on the streets. This also shows his very strong sense of responsibility; he adopts Denzel because he feels he bears some responsibility for Denzel's status as an orphan - he failed to stop Sector 7 from being destroyed... so once again, feeling bad about a past failure causes Cloud to act in a certain way.

Regardless of his self-deprecating personality, Cloud nonetheless is a bit overconfident and cocky as well. He believes he can shoulder incredible weights all on his own, and is ruthlessly stubborn in sticking to his own thoughts and opinions. He can be a bit snarky at times, and isn't above poking fun at others when given the opportunity. He has a somewhat dry, sardonic sense of humor. Most of the time though, his friends take advantage of his willingness to do just about anything to help other people... the most notorious example being his cross-dressing episode.

"Zodion" First-Person Network Entry:

[As the screen turn on, a young man with blond hair can be seen staring back. He says nothing for a little while, just staring at the screen a bit sheepishly as if he's still trying to decide exactly what to say. He first opens his mouth once, before closing it and scratching his head a bit awkwardly as he has second thoughts. Eventually though, he shakes his head and decides to just get this over with. Under his breath, he seems to mutter something inaudible... but to those good at reading lips, they might be able to make out the "Whatever".]

Hey. It seems like we've all gotten mixed up in something here big, doesn't it? But... no matter what happens, just remember that we're all doing this for a reason. Even if we’re not sure what it is… What a pain. As long as you don't lose sight of that, everything should be fine.

[He pauses, shifting his weight a bit as he crosses his arms into a more guarded position. Not used to voluntarily putting himself on the spot, this is a bit strange to him. But this isn't the first time he's tried to cheer people up or make an inspirational speech... although he kind of hopes it'll be the last.]

If you need help with anything... don't hesitate to ask me. I'm Cloud. I won't guarantee you that I'll be able to do it, but I'll try. [he smiles slightly before quickly adding.] I might have to charge you though.

"Zodionlogs" Third-Person Prose Entry:

Waking up under an unfamiliar sky wasn’t completely foreign to Cloud, but he’d hoped these days were past him. He’d decided he was finally done running away from those around him, so what was he doing... wherever he was? He sat up slowly, glancing around at his surroundings. A... temple? And not one he recognized. No, this wasn’t his doing at all. He frowned at that, reaching for his sword. At least he still had that. If someone had abducted him, they’d pay for it. But more importantly, if they’d done anything to hurt the others...

“Tifa? Marlene? Denzel?” he called out all three of their numbers one after the other, but no response came. They weren’t here. At least, not anywhere they could hear him. Had he been taken by himself then? That was a small relief. This would be easier to deal with on his own, whatever it was...

No, that was the kind of thinking he was trying to put behind himself, wasn’t it? But all the same, dealing with unfamiliar situations was simpler when he wasn’t burdened with looking out after others. That was simply the way it always had been. He couldn’t let anyone down like that. He let out another sigh, catching himself yet again. It wasn’t about letting people down. It was about being there for them... that was what mattered. He shook the conflict out of his mind, deciding to focus on what was going on around him.

Other than his sword, his things were gone. There was... something in the distance, though he couldn’t exactly make out what it was. He took a cautious step towards it, still glancing around in case there was someone in hiding nearby. Though if they meant him harm, they could have easily attacked him while he was asleep. He took some comfort in that as he...

...stopped in mid stride, startled as a pool of water rose up around him. He clutched his sword defensively, trying to get a grasp on what was happening, though as far as he could tell the water was simply there to show him his reflection.

Though he glanced down at his own clothing, just to make sure it was still there. The water seemed to think otherwise. He scowled a bit at that, wondering if it was someone’s idea of a joke. He poked at the water with a finger, though it wouldn’t budge even as he touched it. Strange. Though as he finally took a closer look... he noticed a mark he wasn’t familiar with. On his chest. Almost as he noticed it, he felt a strange sting right about where the mark was in the image. Was that supposed to mean something? He glanced down at his own shirt, pulling his collar to get a better look... and there was the same mark, branded onto him.

Great. Just great. With a heave of his arms, he swung his sword in a wide arc at the water all around him, sick of playing whatever game this was. Either because of his strike or simply because it’s deed had been done, the water fell to the ground once more. He shook his head, glaring down at... whatever that pool of water was supposed to be, before stepping away. He had no idea what this place was, but he was already getting tired of it. If this really was some big joke, he’d get back at whoever was responsible for it. Though as he brought a hand to the mark on his chest once more, he grimly recognized it was probably more than just that.

!ooc, !application, !zodion

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