Sorry if you've already seen this on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter (or all 3) but this is the most exciting thing that's happened to me since we got back from the states:
Fate of the World was mentioned on a "green games" segment on Fox and Friends: For the record, they contacted us for a quote about the segment.
We knew damn well how it was going to go down, although the "ruining childhood for five-year-olds" angle was unexpected, as was the SUPERIOR punchability of the professional Radio Presenter/Parent. Still, to be officially declared as a cog in the mechanic of the "liberal agenda" is an HONOUR and a PRIVELEGE.
And, you know, if people, say, like Rachel Maddow and think maybe she'll think that's a cool thing and you like, tweeted/emailed her as such, then...
omigod my brain cannot even process how amazing that world would be. If...omg.
I'm sorry I cannot be punchier with this entry. I am so nearly asleep.
...that said, who the hell goes after Sim Society? Really? Is that? REALLY?