Vid: Lisztomania

Feb 06, 2011 10:49

It's reveal time???? But I havent' finished commenting! But...but...

OKAY: My beautiful pretty-filled Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus vid was made by
aris_tgd . I just watched it again. POV shift, hooray!

I only made one vid, it is my second vid ever (uh that I've...finished, that is). It was made for
fizzyblogic . It is this:

Title: Lisztomania
Fandom: Queer as Folk UK
Song: Lisztomania, by Phoenix
Spoilers: Both seasons.
Warnings: Not work safe. Flashing lights from original footage (club scenes).
The Blurb: Stuart and Vince: From a mess, to the masses...

The Thanks: Thanks to my recipient to spurring me to finally watch this show, and to have to give it the thought and attention it deserved in a fandom that is frequently eclipsed by its US remake-version.

Thanks v much to my beta and general Life Pal,
absolutedestiny .

Thanks v much also to the long time QAF fans who viewed drafts and whose unadulterated reactions to those drafts helped me know I was heading in the right direction: vagabondage ,
fan_eunice , and


lisztomania from joyovids on Vimeo.
password: vincestuart

Download: My Website (xvid format)

Lisztomania by Phoenix:

So sentimental, not sentimental no
Romantic not disgusting yet
Darling, I'm down and lonely when with the fortunate only
I've been looking for something else
Do let, do let, do let, juggle it, do let, do let, do

Let's go slowly discouraged
Distant from other interests
On your favorite weekend ending
This love's for gentlemen only that's with the fortunate only
No, I gotta be someone else
These days it comes, it comes, it comes, it comes, it comes and goes

Think less but see it grow like a riot, like a riot, oh
I'm not easily offended
It's not hard to let it go from a mess to the masses

Think less but see it grow like a riot, like a riot, oh
I'm not easily offended
It's not hard to let it go from a mess to the masses

Follow, misguide, stand still
Disgust, discourage on this precious weekend ending
This love's for gentlemen only, wealthiest gentlemen only
And now that you're lonely
Do let, do let, do let, juggle it, do let, do let, do

Let's go slowly discouraged, we'll burn the pictures instead
When it's all over we can barely discuss
For one minute only, not with the fortunate only
Thought it could have been something else
These days it comes, it comes, it comes, it comes, it comes and goes

Think less but see it grow like a riot, like a riot, oh
I'm not easily offended
It's not hard to let it go from a mess to the masses

Think less but see it grow like a riot, like a riot, oh
I'm not easily offended
It's not hard to let it go from a mess to the masses

From the mess to the masses

Think less but see it grow like a riot, like a riot, oh
Discuss, discuss, discuss
Discuss, discuss, discouraged

The following are TRUE FACTS about this vid, for those who are interested and for posterity (I should keep notes of Lessons I learn from Vids, for my own edification):

1. What Might Have Been

Guys I'm not even kidding there was like 4 days were this going to be to "What is Love" by Haddaway and I was *completely convinced* that this idea was *amazing*. It was going to be an ensemble character study on the nature of love in its various forms in the show. I was under *duress*. Then, while I was at work (I listen to most music I hear through the week at work these days), this song was just on my "workpop" mix and the "eureka!" moment spared me from having to realize my incredibly, shall we say, "ambitious" ensemble idea.

2. "It Comes It Comes It Comes..."

Yeah guess what clips I put down first. That sequence was in my head for two weeks. I'd skulked around my recipient's DW page a bit,and felt pretty confident that this would be appreciated. I was doing that thing where you hesitate before putting down your first clips, all wanting to go in sequential order and being uncertain and procrastinate-y and then I thought "no, don't do this...just have your BOYSEX now and maybe it'll clear you head".

3. This scene was written *in haste* (notes mostly for me, for the future)

That's a Kids in the Hall, reference, there. You're welcome. ANYWAY, I rewatched this today immediately after posting, and either the streaming rate was laggy or there are parts where I'm *embarrassed* (omfg there's a popped frame I never even *saw* it's right *there* aargh). I did so much angst-based procrastination, and then WORK LIFE-EAT happened (easily anticipated), and *then* CHRISTMASFLU (not at all anticipated) and suddenly I had nothing left but two weeks, and The Fear. And it ended up like a school project, a bit. Comparing this to Ada, I feel like did accomplish what I set out to do, but the editing itself is a *lot* rougher in this one. I recall sitting in Premieres watching Ada for the first time since I'd submitted it, shocked by the palpable *relief* that actually I did not hate what I was seeing and that yeah, I did probably do that to the best of my ability for my level of experience. That never happens to me. It was a good moment for my self-effacing brain.

With this one, basically, it's obvious what bits were my favorites and therefore spent the most time on. The first "it comes" sequence, and the "finale" (last 30 seconds or so). I realized this, and then had it confirmed by my beta. Why didn't I "fix" the rest of it? I ran out of time :(
I knew what I wanted from those bits, so I obsessed with them. WHen I didn't know what to do with another section, or when I got frustrated with another section, I'd just go and tweak and refine one of those bits (especially the finale). In a sense it doesn't matter, because that didn't seem to tamp the joy that my recipient (and 30+ festividders) seemed to get from it, so I can't call it a failure by any stretch of the imagination. But I learned some things that I hope to take with me.

Note to self: When you have a deadline, do that less.

4. Gratuitous Kitten

Stuart aka Aiden Gillen may be more easily recongized by American audiences from his role in The Wire. I've not gotten to his season yet, but it's gonna blow my mind. Also: LOOK AT HIS IMDB PROFILE PICTURE. All Irish and blue eyed and with a KITTEN ON HIS SHOULDER. WHAT I DON'T EVEN. This entry is also posted at

vid:lisztomania, festivids 2010, my vids, tv:qafuk

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