Chessur|The Chesire Cat
madvaporskillzChessur has proven to be a valuable companion to Mally, because the two seem to be the only ones left from Underland without home. She often vents to him about her problems with Senkatil, even though he has been known to point out the other side to her mun's behavior. Mally finds Chessur quite pleasant to be around, even though he's not Tarrant - He is a dear friend and in some ways, at some times, easier and more interesting to talk to than Thackery. She also likes that Chess inspires Senkatil - and Mally herself, really - not to give up.
Important threads:
She's at a place of many colors... I don't think just any cat is quite like you, Chessur. And she's kept with you, hasn't she?