Are you a AAA fan? Wanna send them a big fan birthday surprise? Naoya first!!!

Nov 07, 2011 12:59

(Originally posted by airah4)

I promise this is not me planning to update this journal much since I am still using Dreamwidth officially, but I thought it could be nice if I shared this with you.

Original Link Here

If you like AAA or like to share birthday messages with Japanese celebrities in general, this is a very fun quick way to do that! \(^0^)/ Nao-kun from AAA is such a fun, nice guy, so if you have a little bit of time in your day, please also send in something nice for this handsome singer fellow, hehe~

I miss you all, hope all is well! So here is the message~

(〜^∇^)〜 N A O Y A ' S B I R T H D A Y S U R P R I S E 〜(^∇^〜)

Credit to dear
kuroshinku for this lovely GIF~

R U L E S + I M P O R T A N T  I N F O
You can find all the rules and any other important information about the special at the below link!

(ノ ̄ー ̄)ノ C L I C K H E R E ヘ( ̄ー ̄ヘ)

The deadline has been extended to November 8th, 2011 no matter what time zone you are in! (^ ^)

If you are submitting something that you would like translated into Japanese,
then please try to have your gift in sooner so that we can do that for you!
Otherwise we can't make the guarantee we'll have time to translate it! =(

Of course if for any reason you need a small extension of time, please let us know!
But we want to make sure it reaches Naoya by November 10!

So far, we have received presents for Naoya from the following people.
I have included your gift types next to your names, just to confirm!

┗(^0^)┓epik_noodles (Video)
ヽ(´ー`)ノ kuroshinku (Pic + Audio)
(ノ^o^)ノ mickleditch (Pic Slideshow)
♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪ airah4 + bravelioness (Video)
(ノ≧∀≦)ノ karaaamarie (Pic)
ヾ(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ lovesakura_1406 (Pic)
┏(`ー´)┛ fargeeful (Pic)
。(⌒∇⌒。) Stella (Pic)
〜(^∇^〜) Kan (Video)
ヾ(☆▽☆) loveehheartts (Pic)
(ノ^∇^) Phyliss (Video)


If you do not see your name on this list, it means that we have either not received your submission,
or there was a problem with your submission. If there was a problem,
you will definitely have received an email back already explaining why!
Make sure to include the f o l l o w i n g information in your email/message to us:

Country (and city, if you would like)

A N D I F A L L G O E S W E L L . . .

Again, if this special for Naoya goes well, we will do a similar birthday special
for the following AAA members (all of whom have upcoming birthdays):
  • Shinjiro
  • Shuuta / Hidaka
  • Chiaki

Q U E S T I O N S O R S U B M I S S I O N S?

If you have any questions of any kind or want to submit a gift,
please feel free to leave a note to this entry or send a message to
one of the admins! You are also welcome to send us an email at our
site email address:
Everyone, let's give sweet Naoya all the love we have as AAA fans! ❤

choreography, chiaki ito, sueyoshi shuta, yukari goto, 伊藤千晃, asia, どじょう, kamen rider den-o, picture a day, 末吉秀太, にーし, asian, sentimental journey, shuta sueyoshi, shinjiro atae, attack all around fansite, avex, dojo, ラムネ, mitsuhiro hidaka, 西島隆弘, トリプルエー, takahiro nishijima, atae shinjiro, naoya urata, inuyasha, takahiro, shinrei tantei yakumo, japan, 宇野実彩子, nishijima, shugotenshi, ramune, にっし, tour 2010, love exposure, 與真司郎, タンブリング, shinjiro, soup opera, nissy, triple a, urata naoya, tumbling, aaa fansite, attack all around, 後藤友香里, ai no mukidashi, atae, ito chiaki, ゴーストフレンズ, 日高光啓, shugo tenshi, uno misako, music, aaa, nishijima takahiro, ランデブー, japanese pop, mirai seiki shakespeare, 浦田直也, ghost friends, nishi, misako uno, hidaka mitsuhiro, delicious gakuin, heart to heart, jpop

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