AAA Updates Aug 27: Rockstar INSIDE Images, Nissy Shin Photobook, Free For All, + More!

Aug 27, 2010 17:24

We're updating like crazy, so you're gonna have to try to keep up with us! XD These are only a few things we've shared so far! More are quickly on the way! ^_~ (Including a special Shinjiro surprise most fans will not be expecting! ^_~)

To see the full size things, you'll have to go to Attack All Around @ DW Please consider joining in order to get members-only content!

But the following things are previews of what we have so far! ENJOY!

Nissy Shin New Photobook Images : HERE (Preview of the images below!)

Rockstar Inside Images + Cover : HERE and HERE (Preview of the images below!)

We also have going on:

And don't miss our usual ☆free ☆for ☆AAAll

Also, don't miss:

We'll see ya there! ♥

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