Your nephew is GROWING!

Jan 10, 2005 23:17

Well today was the big day, Trace's 2nd doctor's appointment. And let's just say he started the appointment off right by pooing all over the scale & squirting the nurse (have I mentioned the nurse is my EX-bestfriends, sister, lol.. She is really nice though!)

Again the doctor came in and just couldn't believe how alert he was! (proud Mommy moment!) We discussed his pooing problems & she congratulated me on his weight gain!!!! He is now 9lbs 12oz, 22 1/4 inches long. So he has gained 3 pounds and grown 2 1/4 inches since the day he was born!! YIPPEE!!!!

We went to Target today afterwards & I ran into about 16 people I know, so it was kinda fun to show him off a little! He was the hit of the pharmacy (my friend Tricia, from HS works there) They were taking pictures and everything, lol...

Oh, and I was just browsing through the CD section & was a little upset to see *NSYNC's first CD in the $5.99 or less special pile!! WTF!?!?

And for all you Jusin fan's in the $1 section @ Target are all kinds of I <3 Justin stuff (along with Aston & Orlando)

My big news of the day is I have an interview on Thursday! (not that I WANT to go back to work, but I KNOW I HAVE too!) It's at the same hospital I'm already working at, but its a night position (11p-7a) Which would be perfect cus I wouldn't have to send Trace to a sitter, cus my parents will be here with him! I would get to use my CNA skills again & I will get insurance, so we can get off the nasty ol' public aid! So, everyone pray for me that I get it, it would be the best thing for both Trace & me!

I'm dreading January 21st, because that is my "post-partnum" visit, and I have NO idea what to except. I guess nothing can be as bad as actual child birth part, lol... I think I'm gonna jump on the birthcontrol bandwagon too! Not because I'm going to be having sex (even if I did have a "partner", I can't imangine ANYTHING going in there yet!) But, I hear after having a baby, period cramps are herendous, and since I NEVER got cramps before, I'm scared to death to get my peorid.

Well, now that I've prolly just post way too much information about myself, I should go attend to my child!! I hope you are all having a GREAT day! *MUAH*

Steph-good luck on your finals!

Mel-Keep your head up girlie, just remember everything happens for a reason. It will all come together!!


Can someone please tell me why it is snowing, AGAIN!?!
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