Jun 05, 2010 23:11
[The video starts up with a closeup of Marona's face. Too close up, really - all that can be made out is one large eye. It quickly zooms out as she holds it away from her, and the image begins to tilt as she tries to figure out which way to hold it. Eventually she settles on what is thankfully right-side up. Behind her, a dark, ghostly blur floats in excited circles.]
Is this how you use it? Hello? Can anybody hear me?
Um... I'm Marona. It's nice to meet you! And this is my... er, what was your name again?
Gastly, gas!
That's right. This is my Gastly. Uh... what else?
Oh, yeah! I'm leaving New Bark soon with Miyuki and a person named Konata. I wanted to tell my friend, but I can't find him anywhere. So, umm... Ash, if you're out there, please find me! I can't- I mean, I don't have Confine anymore, but... I'll try to do something about it, okay?
Umm... I think that's everything. Thank you.
[She bows her head towards the camera quickly, and then looks up again to turn it off. The video jiggles for a while, before shutting off with a click.]
location: new bark town,
konata izumi,
miyuki takara,
athrun zala