I can help you find the truth behind the lies

Dec 05, 2005 20:45

Oh god. I finally got my schedule kind of worked out for next semester.

.... Is it bad if I really really hate it?

God. This sucks. Most of these classes I don't even know if I can PRETEND to be interested in, I still need two more credit hours to get to sophomore status next year, and I have no fucking clue what I'm going to do about English 112. I guess I'm going to have to hope people fail Eng 111. If I get into English, that will take care of the credit problem. If I don't... I'm fucked twice over. Fucked beyond fucked.

It's not like I'm doing well in the classes I'm taking now, anyway. I'm so fucked. God. I need... I don't know. I need to get away. Running away to NYC sounds like a better option every passing day. Or going to a school on quarters instead of semesters... I am so SICK of all the classes I'm taking, I was completely ready to move on 3 weeks ago. I just... I need... Something. Something real. Something that is not this. And yet I'm here at my fucking computer doing nothing. I know I shouldn't be, and yet. I really don't like myself very much right now.
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