Jun 06, 2010 18:41
[For once, a video of Magikarp is not of it eating the camera. This time, the camera pans around a gloomy Sunday afternoon, the light rain getting wiped from the lens every few seconds by an off-screen source. It stops to watch the fish swim quickly through the water, the rain making it want to swim faster than usual.]
Karp. Karp. Karp. Karp...
[Though the expression remains the same, it's obvious the Pokemon is happy to be out of the Pokeball and not on the ground.]
Hurry up Magikarp. We need to get on the road. Two more days we'll be in Violet City. Once we raise the money there, we can buy a nice ranch with a lake for you play in all day while I start my Pokemon Breeder job. Maybe even catch you a nice girl-Magikarp. Though I don't think the eggs will fetch much money.