The most beautiful show I've ever experienced.

Nov 02, 2010 19:51

As the crisp, fruitful flavor of wine enhanced my senses and emboldened my decision making, I decided I would purchase the ticket to see Jonsi perform live in Austin, Texas on October 26, 2010 not yet knowing what glorious return I would receive for my investment. Nor did I fully realize what a tragedy it would have been, how sad would my life be to miss out on not just a show or a concert, but a life experience.

My life was ready for a show like this. I needed a night of beauty after so many days of ugliness. I dressed in my finest clothes and calmly prepared myself for a positive experience. And despite my preparation and fine clothes, I was still blown away.

When I arrived at the Austin Music Hall, I didn’t bother dulling my senses with alcohol or socializing, but began nudging my way into the dense crowd to seek out a comfortable place in their midst to absorb what I knew was going to be something special.

Jonsi emerged alone from a dreamlike forested background lit by few single light bulbs to front and center of the stage. There were some excited hoots and hollers that respectfully died out as he began serenading us in his unmistakable Icelandic tinged voice. My respect for Jonsi as a musician was cemented watching him silence an entire crowd at the start with just his voice and an acoustic guitar or piano solo. You could hear a pin drop. The other band members emerged, all in festive dress befitting the idea of the performance, took up their instruments and slowly built up the emotional impact of the show. Xylophones, pianos, drums, cymbals, strings and of course Jonsi’s melodic voice, all coalesced to create a gorgeous, childlike dream-world. This was a conceptual performance meant to entrance, challenge and invigorate. I was impressed to say the very least.

The imagery was simply astounding. The themes that Jonsi’s music excites in the imagination were brought to life beautifully. A better meshing of imagination and expression could not possibly have been made. Everyone was breathless watching the outcome of a ruthless animated wolf chase after a deer to the edge of cliff to see it turn, grow antlers and impale the wolf. I was awestruck. Endless armies of marching ants, butterflies emerging from burning flames, a humming bird giving life to a flower, window panes filling with water, an owl watching over the forest… The finale of ‘Grow Till Tall’ was perhaps the most moving moment of the entire night, might I go further to say of a lifetime. Jonsi’s vocals slowly disappear into a cacophonous crescendo of thunderous drums and angelic, ethereal noise as a tornado swirls through the forest throwing all debris into the air; lighting strikes into the crowd as we all are taken up in the swarm. “Take it all away!” I thought I heard him repeatedly scream through the storm. My eyes welled with tears and my heart swelled.

What I took from this was a renewed sense of hope and strength, an appreciation for what beauty the world will always possess, despite the demons and tragedies that at times rear their ugly heads. Like that deer, I will grow antlers, hold my ground and defend what I hold sacred while still maintaining a sense of youth, wonder and optimism. Rule your dreams like a king and bring your dreams into the world…
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