Jun 22, 2007 18:10

last night brant, josh, chelsea, chad, whitney, tommy, some girl, amanda and myself drove to san antonio to see the missions baseball game and it was a blast. on the drive down there brant said something that cracked me up:

"that ladys got a piece of paper on her car that just says 'jesus' on it. some hispanic is gonna see that and call the news. 'i just saw the virgin in my waffles!'"


man the game was a blast. only 8 bucks for badass seats up close, dollar beers and dollar hot dogs. i had 3 hot dogs and probably like 11 beers total. it was fucking great. and it was hilarious hearing brant heckling the other team. "HEY! I DARE YOU TO STEAL, I DARE YA!" the guy steals and makes it and brant goes "YOU SUCK!" haha hes a master at it. chad and i go for a piss break at the bottom of the eigth and we come out and its pouring down rain and were like "fuck it, lets go watch the game!" as were running past everyone running against us i spot some guy whos got a tray of beer and im like "hey buddy, you need some help with that?" the guy ignores me and just sets 4 beers on the ground so i grab two of them and run off chugging beer in the pouring rain. when chad and i get back to our seats everyones gone but drunken brant whos looking for his baseball glove. we take off our sandals and all run off into the parking lot as its flooding with rain shouting and looking for the car. fucking amazing. on the drive back were all drunkenly screaming to music and headbanging. the smashing pumpkins new song 'tarantula' came on and it was fucking awesome. we get back to brants and he, chelsea, amanda and myself just get completely drunk off beer, order dominos and party hard.

thats a fucking night ladies and gents.
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