CNN Sucks

Jan 09, 2005 21:06

CNN pisses me off. Anti-abortion Roemer joins race for top Dems job is their newest headline. ANTI-ABORTION? More like PRO-LIFE. What is so wrong with a Catholic man who views that life starts at conception who is also a Democrat? Unlike Kerry who called himself a Catholic and yet was all for killing His children, Roemer is a REAL Catholic. The Democratic party NEEDS people like him. Although I am a stauch Republican, I can not help but cheer on other pro-lifers making their voices heard in our country. God gives us life, who are we to take it away?

One of my friends (wonderbread_87 <---I finally figured it out!) made a really great post in bush2004 about how it upsets her that liberals are comparing homosexuals to the plight of the blacks went through during the 1960's.

I completely agree with her and if she wasn't already on my friends list I would have added her. It's just completely disturbing that they are now equating a group of individuals who participate in perverse activites with a person who has dark skin. A black person does not choose to be black. A homosexual chooses to have sex with a member of the same sex. God himself said: If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:13

Totally random but I've never had an "internet" crush on anyone before, but it seems it happens (a friend of mine said she had a crush on someone on her friends list). Weird, eh?
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