Dec 01, 2006 11:58
Most of you are assholes. Do you think I wanted to be stopped in then left lane with all my lights off??? My fucking battery was dead and all you fuckups could think to do was call me stupid for having my hazard lights off? Earth to L.A. morons: It's impossible to have ANY lights on when the car's battery is dead!!!. Yeah, obviously none of you thought of that since no one thought to offer me a jump start while you were pulling your overpriced Mercedes' and BMWs and Jaguars around my poor little Corolla.
God forbid you help a fellow human being.
And a sincere thank you to the one woman who did stop to help me. I truly appreciate that you had the decency to stop and give me a jumpstart. I had called AAA and they were going to take at least an hour to get there.
Also, shame on you Brentwood/BelAir police, who never showed up in the 30-45 minutes I was sitting there even though I know that AAA called you almost immediately. And even more so to the fire department ambulance who stopped, told me to put my hazards on, made sure I was on the phone with AAA and left. Isn't it your duty to help? You had neither your sirens nor your lights on, so you weren't on the way to an emergency.
This attitude that "my life is more important than yours" that is intertwined with so much of Los Angeles culture is starting to really piss me off. NONE of you is better or worth more than I am. In fact, you're probably worse human beings.