(no subject)

Oct 19, 2007 04:31


[Despair is meter which decreases if you do one action for too long, including standing still or walking. It decreases slowly. When it fills up, Link will move more slowly and start to lose hearts, his sword striks will also have less power. The only was to recover despair at this point is to stand still and tap the heart button rapidly to rationalize and release endorphins.]

Butterfat - Squeeze through tight passageways. Butterfat will also activate gluttinous burning, which allows Link to survive fire and intense heat at the cost of despair.

Sense Recorder - Record back sounds. Received in level 6, the organismus. Can have the effect of stunning the enemy when it is presented to itself.

Caduceus - A medicinal dagger. Stab yourself with it to take away three hearts. If you can survive for three rooms without getting hit, all of your ailments and injuries will be cured.

Glass Hands - Recover despair and hide from the world, but become a child again. (The glass hands cover the eyes). Makes certain unbearable areas navagable. Only by using the glass hands can you survive killing friends, family, and friendly townspeople in level four, the kind homes.

Possessed Doll - Found in level five. A doll that would fill Link's hearts slowly, and then rapidly decrease them suddenly, as well as give despair. The doll would be stuck to Link's veins in his hands using linking veins. Never use the doll unless you need to die in order to pass the death portals. Uncurse the doll and it will fill Link's hearts slowly when equipped.

Ball - A plain rubber ball. Its innocent nature will destroy strong demons on contact. Must be retrieved when thrown.

Rosary - Swings out in an arc with a beam of brilliant light. Reverts world to 8-bit for a short time.

Gorgon Losenge - Grants Link breath that will turn enemies into statues. Breathe on them again to turn them to ash.

Sphincter - Constrict in a dimensional monster's contracting orifice to become half the size of a mouse.

Quicksilver - Swallow this to lose consciousness and remove yourself from your corporeal body, with the ability to pass through unmodified walls. You lose the ability to bless damned doors and seals and to attack monsters. You can still be killed by monsters, especially powerful ones with the ability to bend mind and dignity. If you do not get back to your body by the time Link passes the Quicksilver, you will die. Additionally, the Quicksilver cannot be used again until it is passed.

Tin Sword - An old warrior's beaten and tired sword. The dust of his bones are all that is left of him.

Rigormortis - Attack with the stiff body of a dead child that has turned into a mummified idol. Gained from defeating the child-keese on the corpse getty out into blood lake, the level 1 boss.

Organ Sword - Gained in level three in the hospital. A sword composed out of living organs. Its power lies not in a cutting edge but in the life force of each individual organ. Hitting enemies with this sword gives them internal injuries corresponding to the organ used to hit them.

Mad Nelské's Sternum - Come back to level 7, the prison, after you defeat Mad Nelské and her body has decomposed. The shortest sword but by far the most powerful. "The sternum guards the heart."


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