(no subject)

Apr 16, 2007 04:59

Wild animals have more adrenaline. Genetic predisposition for adrenal output is along the same neural structure as melanin and other hormones. In breeding for tameness, selecting the most tame individuals also selects these genetically correlative traits.

These traits appeared within 10 generations of tameness selection. With the increased lifespan and lack of the selection process, figure this to be around 50 years since animal society is securely founded. This coincides with the animal society rennaissance, which happens in the 2030s.

Since wolves (and possibly other species) in and out of society tend to select based on adrenal output instead of a lack of adrenal output, their tameness could develop much more slowly, stretching into the next century (2120).

shizennokennoseishitsu, basalganglia-neocortex bridge

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