(no subject)

Jan 01, 2007 18:20

In the past, laziness was seen as a detriment to one's personality, even a sin (sloth).

Now, in modern days and under good conditions, laziness can be used as a way to deny loyalty and duty due a contingency based on an immense alternative database of human resources. While laziness is still looked down upon by those who want work done, it is used to selectively eschew work that does not have the potential to make one happy. This development was able to happen due to a highly advanced state of culture that creates a lot of boredom (inability to dominate) and free time. Because of this, the best way to abolish laziness is to recreate the conditions of the historical past when this culture did not exist. This is done by invoking fear in the lazy individual.

basalganglia-neocortex bridge

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