Dec 06, 2003 02:21
The Virgin Suicides: Nice-looking Sofia Coppola film with good performances by James Woods and Kathleen Turner, but the film's conceit, presumably the same as the book's, that we'll never know why what happened happened just doesn't work. Fails to achieve the right tone consistently, entertaining but slight as hell: B-
The Matrix Revolutions: From all I've heard and seen recently, fuck The Matrix. I am jumping ship on this one: C-
Movies from film class, as best I can remember:
Battleship Potemkin: A, for being entertaining to this day.
Pandora's Box: C+, for being way too bleak and long for its own good.
Trouble in Paradise: A, ultra-clever sound comedy.
Silence of the Lambs: A, c'mon now be serious.
The Searchers: B-, great looking Western but John Wayne sucks and it's just weird at times.
Breathless: A-, French New Wave is cool.
The Seventh Seal: A, deeply affecting meditation on really deep things.
The Royal Tenenbaums: B+, well done but missing something for me.