Jan 29, 2008 10:25
I think because of my new vow to eat better and to watch what I eat, my subconscious has been playing dirty in the form of my dreams. I had a dream I was in a bakery and it was the homiest well decorated bakery I’ve ever seen and everything in it looked so delicious you could gain 10lbs. just by looking at it. There was a round faced older woman behind the counter that offered me a deal: by one cake and get another free. I rationalized giving into this fat kid offer by planning to take one home and bring one to work. But then she started talking about a third and a fourth free cake because I was a special customer and no matter what I said she still insisted that I take the cakes. It was strange…almost sinister towards the end actually…so I guess that why I woke up this morning and wanted a muffin. *shrug*
Monday nights are my “in class” nights and it was interesting getting used to the whole 3 hour class thing again, but the class in itself should be easy enough so I guess I shouldn’t complain. There was a woman in my class last night that was a complete computer noob and she was really apprehensive about the class, because she had been out of school so long and this was her first semester taking any college classes. When I’d gotten to the class she was the only other person there so I did the socially acceptable eye contact- smile- nod-“hello” which she didn’t really respond to, so I was like *…meh whatever* and found a seat as far way from her as I could get. While I was trying to find my i-pod so I could watch Gekiren until class started, I overheard her talking to the teacher and even her body language was like “let me out of here!” so since we had time to get our books before class I offered to show her where the book store was and picked up parking decal paper work for her (since I had to get some anyway) and she says “You’re really kind” which is weird because I don’t think that’s especially true… so I just went “…” and we started walking back to class. *laugh* I hope she decides to stay with the class because it sounds like she wants to come back to school to empower herself since she’s a stay at home mom and I think that’s really admirable. She still looked kind of “I don’t think this is a good idea” after class though and asked for a few suggestions, so I hope I was able to help a little bit and that she can at least find another class she’s interested in…I guess I’ll just have to wait and look for her next week.
So last night in an effort to be an informed adult I watched the Sate of the Union (or to be more exact I watched about as much as I could stomach…about 20 minutes). There’s something about Bush that’s so smug and self-righteous that it irritates me. That’s pretty much all the commentary I can make on that since he made a number of promises I’d be surprised to see him keep or for them come to fruition while he’s in office (or when the new President is in office for that matter).