I know, I fail at livejournal, I really really do. Pretty much only use it for my parenting/homebirthing/breastfeeding communities anymore.
But this one, this one I want to shout to the mountaintops everywhere.
A week ago Friday we made the decision to nightwean Cael. My milk is nearly gone due to the new pregnancy, and he was waking up hourly looking for more mama milk (that wasn't there, poor Goblin). First night, sucked. Second night, sucked. But each night sucked a little bit less.
Last night for the first night in his 21, nearly 22 months of life.... he slept 10 hours in his own bed. Didn't wake up, didn't need to nurse, no tantrums (which we had at 2 am every other night this week), nothing. Nursed to sleep at 7:30, then woke up and nursed at 5:30 this morning.
My baby isn't a baby! (and I am perfectly okay with that, I am of the opinion that helping our children grow into happy healthy individuals is part of being a parent, and allowing them to grow up and not clinging to their baby-ness is part of that process).
And for the fun of it, semi-recent pics of the Goblin.