*cough* *cough* *wheeze* *sniffle*

Apr 18, 2013 11:16

My favorite spring expression, which I quote quite often: I don't mind trees having sex, I just wish they'd stop doing it in my nose.

The pollen count in my area has mostly been in the red very high, very dangerous zone for weeks. I have terrible hay fever so my sinuses have been congested, well, all my life realistically, but congested enough to give me near constant headaches for the past couple weeks at least. This is typical for me in the spring. Less typically, my very mild asthma has been off the charts this year. I usually use an inhaler maybe once or twice a week in the spring and then basically never the rest of the year. I've been using it multiple times a day this spring and haven't been able to run or even really go for hikes outside like I usually do because I can't breathe while just sitting around inside. It is supposed to rain tomorrow and that's going to bring the temperature down a bit. Due to the rain itself and the temperature drop, the pollen forecast for both Saturday and Sunday is for only the orange high and dangerous zone rather than the red. I did a happy dance when I saw that. If that is true and I can at all breathe, regardless of how stuffed my sinuses are if even just the asthma problems go down a bit, I'm spending the entire weekend outside! There will be running, hiking, reading in a hammock in the backyard, and any other outdoor activity that comes to mind. How sad is it that I'm this excited about the possibility of a pollen drop from "OMG! DEATH TO SINUSES AND LUNGS!" to "This is going to suck but could be livable."?

nature, personal: health

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