While taking a break from a frustrating fic, I decided to make more Meez. My Remus and Tonks (
found here) were getting lonely. I made Ron/Hermione in honor of Julia (
littlepixiechic) whose only request for book 7 is a mention that Ron and Hermione eventually get married and have lots and lots of babies. I made Bill/Fleur for
mrstater who requested them when I first posted my Remus/Tonks.
As to why Ron is eating a hot dog in the school library, don't ask me. It just seemed like a good thing for him to be doing.
Bill and Fleur are at the Burrow for Christmas. I imagine they have somehow managed to get the house to themselves for a brief period, hence the reason Fleur is laying on the couch in a rather unladylike position.
Next I plan to do Harry/Ginny since they are my favorite couple after Remus/Tonks.