fashionable eye for the blind guy and gal

Nov 07, 2008 09:22

If you've never checked this online mag out, do so. Either you will gain lots of wonderful ideas for fashion and understand the trends for the season or you'll be like me and just find it an interesting read but think you'd probably never ware most of that stuff but at least you know what's out there.

One of my favourite quotes from the spring 2008 issue is the following, taken from an article about men's fashion

Pink T-shirts, you're next. Apparently real men aren't afraid to wear pink. And real women aren't afraid to grow a mustache, but it doesn't exactly flick
our switch.

I was also interested in the article written by Daws, the editor and founder of the magazine. He was talking about how he experiences fashion as a blind guy through sound and mentioned high heals and the images they bring to mind from when he had sight as well as jewlery which makes sounds. he said something about, if you hear high heals you know it's going to be a woman so you might look up, same with jewlery, you might hear the noise and look over. I hadn't thought about it too much before but I do notice sounds like that a lot and you always know it's a female, I probably don't have the same interest level though as I'm myself a female.

anyway, in similar light, I realized that I probably have one of the most attention grabbing accessories. Not only do Bonny's nails always click, a result of her freaking out so badly about having them cut that the vet said not to bother with it and if it gets to a stage wher it's unhealthy for her he'll tranquellize her to do it, but we also have what is possibly the worlds noisiest harness. I'm not sure if it's something about the way we walk or what but everyone else seems so quiet as they stealthily move with their dogs, not us. You can hear the jingling, jangling and rattling from at least a hundred metres. Useful if another blindy is trying to find you I guess but quite attention grabbing I should imagine as people tend to look over at any noise out of the ordinary. In a place that has background noise the naile clicking may go unnoticed but when coupled with the harness and collar noise, probably not. She also has a very noisy play collar as anyone who has roomed next to or with me on camp or has seen her in it would be well aware. Maybe I should just stick bells to her harness to complete the effect? Perhaps for Christmas.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas how I can use to my advantage this great attention grabbing resource of mine, AKA the gorgious Bonny lass, I'd be most interested. Apart from the, oh, look there's a lady with a dog. I'm thinking more along the lines of. Wow! there's one good-looking chick, oh and she has a dog, that's what was making the noise which captured my attention. hahahahahaha.

Perhaps I'll have to take some advice from this excellent book put out by this excellent group of people known as YBCV. Check it out. It's awesome! You can get it from their website. Yes, you must do. Hair, beauty and fashion for the blind. it's wonderful and it's new, they only finished it recently. and it's all shiny and you should just go read it this minute. No, you shall not do that assignment, you should go download and read that book okay? okay. good.

happy reading
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