Apr 07, 2008 13:25
I just finally had a chance to catch up with my webcomics. See, you laugh, but that's how you can tell that I'm REALLY busy. Yay spring break! I'm not looking forward to leaving for Macalester Thursday (at 5am! UgH!) just because I'd rather spend the time just being.
My parents rescinded their former command that Xandi and I not spend the night together because of her sexual orientation. We had a lovely time last night.
This is rather petty, but I'm getting ten inches of my hair off for Locks of Love tomorrow and I'm really apprehensive. Robyn's going with me for moral support, bless her. My hair's a pain...but it's pretty and I'm afraid it will no longer be pretty. I am vain -- what else is new? *rolls eyes*
I had a dating violence show at some EMU conference this morning. It went well. Afterwards I treated Sean and Joey to Bearclaw deliciousness. Speaking of Bearclaw, I have to go in later for a mandatory meeting where everyone will meet with the new owner (Beth) and discuss changes. I have heard of many of them, but will reserve my comment and judgment until after the meeting. I love that working at Bearclaw has made it so that I spend time with Sarah and see Clara once a week. I miss Alex.
The weather is gorgeous.