Mar 27, 2008 11:36
Our production may not be, though. This is scary. I am the least prepared for this show than I have been...ever. I mean, I'm sure I didn't do as well in shows when I was really young and in the chorus and didn't understand about the difference between "good" and "overacting"...then again, now it wouldn't matter because I'm a CARTOON DOG. This show has pushed me outside my comfort zone for sure. I'm singing by myself...quite a bit...really high. I mean, let's not even talk about how the Vivaldi at the spring concert last year turned out. ><;;;;;;;;;;;
I'm sick and my voice is shot. My back kills and I have a big mic bruise on it. I have a bazillion papers and labs (okay, 6 papers and two labs) that I should be writing right now...everything's just overwhelming. And I can't say, "After this week, it's all over and I can relax" because, no, I can't. I still have school to catch up with. I go back to work. I'm now also working cleaning Ms. Peet's house. I have class at Washtenaw. Corner Health shows coming up. AP Chem labs in the evening...whine, whine, whine, complain, complain. AND my grandma's in town and we all know how much I like her. -_-;;;;
Thanks to everyone for putting up with me lately. I know it hasn't been exactly easy or pleasant. I love you all.
On the upside, I love honestly not caring. I've been having so many costume/mic issues that yesterday I was mostly naked in front of everyone for large portions of time and...I didn't care. I was in my sports bra and underwear, not worrying about how fat I am and whatnot...Jasen sang (to the tune of The Kite), "Oh, what a beautiful sight, but I can't touch it.." at me. Along that note, in the past I've cared about looking unattractive in my costume or whatever, especially during the school preview because...well, it's everyone. Yeah, definitely don't care. I went outside for the fire drill in my costume, aviator cap, and goggles. And I got to ask everyone if they had condoms. No one had unlubricated ones, though (which makes sense, why would anyone use unlubed condoms?).
From here on out, I can only have fun and go crazy. Wish me luck!
charlie brown,