Hey! It's becoming a trend! Here is what my schedule for the next week looks like. Pleeeeeeaase leave comments hammering out details/requesting time. Thank you.
Monday: Drew and whatever other Chelsea people, plus possibly Clara. Alex Kulick gets back at 3pm and...I wanna work something out there.
Tuesday: Nothing in the morning, but voice lesson and family gathering in the afternoon and evening
Wednesday: Working all day, hanging out with XANDI AND CASSIE! FUCK YES!
Thursday: Morning/afternoon are free, and I'm spening the night at Catherine's ^^
Friday: ?
Saturday: ?
I hope to fit in Drew/Clara/Kelsey/George time somewhere to work on 'Dentity Crisis, I miss Alex Kulick and need to hang out with him sometime, I want to hang out with Adam, I'd like to hang out with Neil, and I should really call Ted. I should probably call Nikki too.
Clara Balmer is very possibly the funniest person I know. I love her laugh. I love her jokes. I love praying with her, talking with her, singing with her. I LOVE TO SING WITH HER! (that needed to be said twice) I love that she's my sister. I would write down the funny things she says...but you have to see her. The best conversations I have are betwixt myself, Clara, and God. God's amazingly hilarious as well.
So, I was talking with God, and I closed my eyes. I could see his hand reaching towards me. Then he touched my heart--I (in the physical world) jerked backwards and was like, "God! That tickled!" It was so weird, because he didn't SAY anything back, but instead I saw very clearly:
appear in my mind. It was like God sent me an IM. Haha...He's so crazy.
xxgutterglittrxx: are you going to try to get back together with drew?
fiestykoala: Drew?
fiestykoala: When were Drew and I together?
fiestykoala: ...funny the things I learn on AIM